Search Results for Query: blind

  1. G

    Blind cat chased by bored sighted cat

    Okay, tldr: would a second sighted cat help ease the tension between my lonely sighted cat and our loner blind cat? How would we go about that? Now the full story: A couple years ago I was living with a roommate and we had three cats between us. Two males belonged to her, and one female was...
  2. Kwik

    Compound Words A-Z

    Am I blind or stupid? What are the 2words? L Lifeboat
  3. MoochNNoodles


    Raspberry, Strawberry, Blueberry But I feel like I should give all a blind taste test to be sure.
  4. IndyJones

    What could this wincing/quivering be?

    A blind cat will use their whiskers like a blind person uses a white cane. Just don't move your furnature too much and keep things consistant. He will adapt.
  5. neely

    Question of the Day - Monday, April 29, 2024

    On a blind date which I swore I would never do but a mutual friend gave my phone # to my now husband and the rest is history. :heartshape:
  6. Sarthur2

    Mom cat with URI and preemie newborn

    Blind cats can live normal lives.
  7. JamesCalifornia

    Cataract Surgery

    ~ Instead of going blind, you now have a bionic eye ... "👁 "
  8. Furballsmom

    Blindness after spaying my cat

    I agree, either way maybe this will help a little; Blind Cats: Embracing Life Beyond Sight - TheCatSite
  9. Margot Lane

    What did you dream about last night?

    I’m beginning to wonder if I don’t remember my dreams, b/c I’m just too busy during the day & exhaust myself, or b/c when I take my glasses off, I’m essentially blind, thus making my dreams too blurry.
  10. denice

    Cataract Surgery

    ...guess we don't notice this because there is a slow degradation and we notice when it is fixed. I was a little afraid to take the bandage off because with the nerve block it was like I was blind, just a flash of light here and there. It was in the back of my mind that I would be blind in...
  11. Krienze

    ...Grey or brown?

    This might seem silly, but I have a question. I've always thought Jasper and Mia (pictured below) were brown tabbies. But everyone keeps telling me they are grey. Am I color-blind??? Are they brown or grey? I actually feel like I'm insane thinking they are brown now.
  12. Kwik

    Keep a word, add a word

    Blind spot
  13. Gunther4ever

    Keep a word, add a word

    blind mice
  14. N

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    Thank you. Every once in a while, I get it right. Kind of like a blind squirrel finding an acorn.
  15. bobkater

    Keep a word, add a word

    blind sides
  16. Furbabycatmom

    Cat's eyes dilated

    I'm having trouble coping with the fact that another one of my cats is blind. 😭
  17. Alexalex

    How to introduce Deaf & half blind kitten to my cats

    ...towards him, I saved him from being killed and put him in my home. This is when I went to vet and we realized he is completely deaf and half blind 😕 he had middle ear infection that left him deaf and cataract on both eyes so he can see some shades and maybe less than one meter distance 😕 I...
  18. Mia6

    What did you dream about last night?

    do you need cataract surgery?
  19. S

    Tiny tiny kitten

    Kitten update (I'll probably do this frequently): looking like he might have some issues. I believe he's blind, his eyes are completely foggy, he was the first to open his eyes two days ago. He is ALL pupil, no iris, his eyes are also insanely large for his head. Looks like he's a keeper kitten...
  20. tarasgirl06

    pregnant cat being left home

    Neonate kittens' ears are folded to their heads. Newborn kittens are deaf and blind at birth.