Search Results for Query: FIP

  1. kmbishop111

    Dry FIP Treatment - Inj vs pills

    ...on a very tight budget, this will factor in with my question.:bluepaw: He examined Stripe and said his eyes made him really question Ocular Dry FIP with the Anterior Uveitis. That coupled w the seizure, Neuro? He advised to get him established w a clinic, CBC and Chem Panel run and go from...
  2. M

    Cat with dry neuro FIP - behaviour

    Hi! My cat has been recently diagnosed with dry FIP, we’re at the beginning of the treatment (day 7). From the second day he started limping, had a swollen ankle and sometimes screamed when sitting down, going from barely stepping on the left fore limb to not at all to not moving at all and...
  3. N

    Help with Recoving FIP cat Food Tendency (spoiled with treats)

    Hello! So - as the title implies, we have a cat that has/had FIP. He is nearing the last few weeks of treatment and is doing very very well, putting on 3lbs. in 9 weeks from being underweight. As the main symptom of FIP is not eating, we've been hyper-aware of his food intake and maintaining...
  4. FeebysOwner

    Dry FIP Treatment - Inj vs pills

    Hi. Have you joined the FIP Warrior group to see if they can provide some guidance for you? Since the group's sole existence is because of FIP, they are going to have a lot more knowledge/expertise to offer. FIP Warriors
  5. neely

    This is good news

    This is beyond wonderful news! It took long enough to get legal treatment for FIP passed but glad it will officially be here June 1. Thank you FIP Global Cats.:thanks:
  6. T

    Early signs of dry FIP?

    Hi everyone. I am posting here to see if anyone has an anecdotal experience regarding the early symptoms of dry FIP. One of my cats (1.5 yrs old) was recently diagnosed with dry FIP and his symptoms started out as a bizarre neurological episode leaving him walking hunched over with his tail...
  7. F

    Took in another stray but she's positive for FCoV antibodies

    Most cats are exposed to feline coronavirus, but only some cats have it mutate inside their bodies to the fatal condition (FIP). NO researchers have figured out why some cats get FIP. I think FIP must be much more common than it's widely said to be. I lost a kitten to FIP, then a year later...
  8. FeebysOwner

    Cat with dry neuro FIP - behaviour

    Hi. I agree about joining the FIP Warriors, if you haven't already. That group is dedicated to FIP and it is highly likely they will have some thoughts on what could be going on. Home ( As you said, he is very early into treatment, and it is possible the FIP will progress...
  9. GenCat

    Problems with my 10 month old kitten.

    From what I understand a constant fever can be an indicator of FIP and tests can be unreliable so they have to confirm by looking at blood tests/overall symptoms. I would inquire with your vet about this. If they do confirm it is FIP please join the FIP Warriors group on Facebook for further...
  10. kmbishop111

    Dry FIP Treatment - Inj vs pills

    Yes, and a couple moderators have been great! However, I'm wanting to explore the option of oral meds before going the injection route. Thought I'd see if anyone here could weigh in on their experience. :hearthrob::redheartpump:
  11. FeebysOwner

    FIP cat over grooming with rips in fur. Need help.

    If your cat is on treatments for FIP, have you posted to their site to ask for others who may have experienced anything similar? It may be something that passes after the treatments are complete, but you would serve you and your cat better to ask those who are familiar with using FIP treatments.
  12. Antonio65

    Need advice: cat lost appetite, fever, no diagnosis

    I, too, lost a cat to FIP in 2013. I did my best against a monster, with no weapons at all.
  13. misty8723

    Need advice: cat lost appetite, fever, no diagnosis

    My first thought also, having lost a cat to FIP. I hope it is not. There is a cure now but I understand it's expensive. I would have moved heaven and earth to get a cure for my Darcy.
  14. Antonio65

    Need advice: cat lost appetite, fever, no diagnosis

    Did the vet run a protein electrophoresis test? When sudden symptoms like the ones you mentioned appear, my first thought goes to FIP.
  15. C

    Comment by 'cathylkemp01' in media 'ziggy1.jpg'

    was this the cat that may have fip? please go to fip warriors for possible treatment
  16. FeebysOwner

    My cat needs help!!!

    I am so sorry to hear this. It sounds like you have done a lot to try to gather the funds to get his treatment. I presume you joined the FIP Warrior group - did they have any recommendations for assistance? FIP Warriors Most folks will share their GoFundMe web link - can you do that? The one...
  17. kmbishop111

    Dry FIP Treatment - Inj vs pills

    This article does mention a tablet and an oral suspension being effective as well, so that's great info to have!! Now I need to navigate where to find this option.
  18. FeebysOwner

    Dry FIP Treatment - Inj vs pills

    I can't find much on this site related to oral meds vs. injections. I did find this article about the current FIP treatments and some contact information. Maybe there would be some informative help through these...
  19. Sarthur2

    New kittens, vomiting and coccidia

    If she’s eating a lot, it’s not uncommon for kitten tummies to look very round while they are little. Wet FIP can cause a bloated belly, but I think you said earlier the vet does not think she has FIP.
  20. kittychick

    Our Bowie has Wet FIP and need some encouragement!

    ...Bowie - an abuse survivor "foster fail" (who failed immediately as he won our hearts right away) - was just diagnosed August 11 with presumed wet FIP. I've been with cat shelters for years, and know how Wet FIP usually looks in kittens (altho an adult with it is new for me!). His only two...