Search Results for Query: Non Regenerative Anemia

  1. H.R.Cole

    Severe Non Regenerative Anemia Suspect Secondary to Mycoplasma Infection

    ...and RBC went up to 20% upon discharge on March 22nd. Reticulocyte count still low. His official diagnosis upon discharge was Non Regenerative Anemia suspect secondary to Mycoplasma Infection. Given that all of his other lab work looked normal, including WBCs and platelets, the vet at the ER...
  2. danaNM

    Non-regenerative anemia in 15 yo

    Hi everyone, I haven't spent much time on this forum but you were all very helpful in the past with my boy. Toby (indoor neutered male) turned 15 this year. Over the last few months his appetite has gradually declined and he has been sleeping more. When he's awake he seems mostly normal though...
  3. M

    For those caring for their felines who have non regenerative anemia - please post your stories and caring tips

    Also if you have natural healing remedies that have worked, please post.
  4. Freeney12

    Non Regenerative Anemia best friend has suddenly disappeared and is now a shell of her former self. I have been told she has moderate to severe non regenerative anemia. No other worrisome blood work, scan came back clear, all looks good and the doctors are baffled. She will have an emergency canine blood...
  5. A

    Struggling with whether to euthanize

    Hi everyone, it’s my first time posting here. I’m from Singapore so the terms/situation I use/describe below may differ from the American context. The reason I am here is because I’m really struggling with making a decision on whether to euthanize my foster cat, Baby, and if so, when would be...
  6. cards222002

    Anemic cat?

    As most people on here I am looking for support/comfort/answers for my poor little friend. On August 10th Trust my cat came up from one of his hiding spots(after some coaxing from my wife) once there something was wrong poor guy was struggling breathing, gums and nose as white as could be and at...
  7. A

    My cat’s mysterious anemia is probably cancer

    I posted earlier this year about my cat, Tosie and her sudden anemia with no known cause. Well, she responded well to steroid therapy for 6 months until her hematocrit suddenly tanked again. We all assumed the cause was tapering off her steroids too quickly. It wasn’t. Her internal medicine...
  8. M

    The vets are confusing me to no end - 2 vets on Mati's case - both conflicting

    Mati 18 Went in to vet for lethargy and some weight loss - she weighs 3.6 kilos. Diagnosis - Anermia due to one kidney not producing RBC. Am putting the blood test results here again - vet 1 wants a watch and wait with iron supplements and subq, with another blood test to determine whether...
  9. A

    Possible anemia-Desperately needing support

    Hi everyone, I’ve been a lurker on here for a while and finally decided to make an account in the hope that maybe I could get some support. My precious 3 year old little girl, Tosie, might have anemia. She had some bloodwork done for a routine dental cleaning and for removal of a broken...
  10. LuxBear

    Non-Regenerative Anemia

    My 6 year old boy has non-regenerative anemia. He was diagnosed today with no chance of getting better. I have a few details about the condition but not much of what to expect as his life comes to an end. Has anyone dealt with this? He is already barely eating but still drinking and using the...
  11. SilentDream

    Is this the end, desperate for anything else I can try?

    Hi guys, I haven’t been here in while. I’m hoping someone has been in a similar situation and can offer some advice. I live in a small town where it’s mostly farm animals that are dealt with by the vets. I hate to say it but cats are often just not a top priority around here. Anyway, my mom...
  12. !6r6JAtVp44n

    Critical Cell Values - Seeking Advice and Guidance for Josie

    Seeking medical advice for Josie, who has severe cell values and is in need of immediate intervention or euthanasia. If anyone can offer insight and provide recommendations on potential causes for her condition, diagnostics, treatments, etc., we would greatly appreciate your help. Some...
  13. Plumeria

    FIV, Uveitis, Anemia and more

    Hi everyone, Last week, we said goodbye to a beloved ginger community cat who was a fixture in my neighborhood. He lived on a certain street and had a feeder who fed him for over a decade. His estimated age was 12/13. I am posting here today because I provided him vet and foster care as needed...
  14. N

    Kitten at death's door from some infection/ ongoing issues and updates

    5 month old male street kitten. Unvaccinated. Does not trust humans, never been touched by a human before today. Has not eaten or drunk water in over 60 hours. No strength to even stand up, for over 2 days. Vomited white mucous-like or acid-like substance about 10-12 times in the past 18...
  15. S

    Help! Very Sick Kitten.

    Hi Everyone! On Tuesday (the 5th), my 1 year old cat suddenly started fumbling around and falling down whenever he tried to walk. within a couple hours he was unable to walk at all. He could still move his limbs, but they were not weight bearing at all. I rushed him to an ER Vet and was there...
  16. S

    Full Blood Test for Anemic Cat

    Hello! I have an anemic kitten that is around 10 months. Our cat is usually really playful, energetic, and otherwise a normal cat except that when she goes outside she'll eat and lick as many dirt and rocks as she can until we grab her and bring her back inside. Several months ago she was...
  17. L

    Cat not eating, so tube feeding... is this amount normal?

    History: My best buddy cat is about 11 years old now and a little over a week ago, he got very lethargic and wasn't eating much. I gave him a couple days to get over it, since he was still eating a few bites here and there. Since he wasn't getting over it, I brought him to the vet. General...
  18. radarlove413

    My indoor cat died from non-regenerative FeLV anemia.

    I had made a post on this forum about my oldest cat, Dunlop, last week. I had mentioned he'd tested positive for FeLV and this was ruled as the cause of the anemia and had been looking for treatment tips. I wanted to update and say that Dunlop declined rapidly and crossed the rainbow bridge...
  19. M

    Traeting FiV w/ FiP Thirsty Fountains protocol?

    This is a desperate long shot but I see Fiv & FiP share many things. Both have non-regenerative anemia & WBC counts lowered drastically. If these can be boosted in our FiV cat or other FiV cats this'd be for sure a valiant attempt to treat iV similar symptoms & those tha cause MUCH of the...
  20. fibonacci_das

    my 1 year old is recovering from severe anemia after using Doxycycline/Enrofloxacin but nothing diagnosed yet

    Fibonacci ( my 1 year old male short hair tuxedo kitty ) was perfect healthy/indoor cat for a year ( since we adoption him at 4 weeks old 11 months back) and suddenly in 4 days got PCV to 9% and 72 hours in Emergency care with cathedral/all tests except bone marrow. The vets billed us $8.5k...