Search Results for Query: stomatitis

  1. T


    Our 3-year-old kitty was recently diagnosed with stomatitis and I'm wondering if there are any treatments anyone who's had a kitty with stomatitis has found to be effective? We're prepared to have all of his teeth extracted as this seems to be the best treatment for it but just wanted to know if...
  2. L


    Hi all! My Lilly has stomatitis. She has had 2 PME’s. She has another flare up and is scheduled to have 2 canines removed in February. She got a steroid shot today. I’m overwhelmed and stressed. Are there other medications/diets I should try to decrease the flare ups? I was told about Zyrtec...
  3. Antonio65

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    A relapsing stomatitis might be a sign of a lymphoplasmatic stomatitis, which is an autoimmune issue in the cat's mouth. I have an outdoor cat that had a relapsing stomatitis that the vet tried to treat with several shots of antibiotic and cortisone, once every 3 to 4 weeks, for several months...
  4. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hello, Sorry in advance for the long post, but I thought the details may interest anyone going through a similar stomatitis situation and provide more clarity. I have been going through quite a few of the threads on here, trying to get my sweet Peach's (7 yr) mouth in heathy condition. She has...
  5. maggie101

    Inflamed Back Teeth in the Mouth (DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT) You are lucky he has lived that long.
  6. D

    Cats getting stomatitis one after the other

    I have one cat that started battling stomatitis in 2020. She eventually had to have all her teeth out, but I still have to medicate her to keep it under control. Then, a second cat of mine started experiencing it last year, resulting in another full mouth extraction. I took another one of my...
  7. D

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    I am new here and I'm not sure if I am doing this right. My cat came down with what I am thinking is Stomatitis. I took her to the vet and the shot he gave her seemed to do the trick but he said if it returns to bring her back. It did return, so I took her back and it returned again. I had to...
  8. lisahe

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    One of our cats had a tooth extracted because of stomatitis but has gone two or three years now without further incidents. We think that slippery elm bark, which she gets in a syrup every day, has helped. I've seen other anecdotal mentions of slippery elm bark helping cats with stomatitis. Our...
  9. Rysiek

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    We don't deal with stomatitis but a severe mouth ulcerations and gingivitis and the hypothesis was that it may relate to the acid reflux ...I want to stop omeprasole eventually, so hopefully this will help ...
  10. J

    Inflamed Back Teeth in the Mouth (DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT)

    Thanks so much for your reply. We would like the bundle of joy to live another 16 years.
  11. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    ...This has me wondering what the key distinguishers are between a cat with periodontal disease and/or tooth resorption and a cat with stomatitis. The inflammation is currently pretty localized and has never affected her throat, palatte, tongue, cheeks (I know this could still be the case even...
  12. E

    FIV+ diagnosed with stomatitis, ended up being staph

    If you take anything from this, it's that you need to get a culture of your cat's mouth if you have any doubts about a stomatitis diagnosis. Especially if your cat is fiv+ and immunosuppresants are recommended. Our cat started to tilt her head while she ate and pawed her mouth a bit, so we took...
  13. A

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    If it's stomatitis the solution is a dental cleaning. It it's another tooth issue she might need a tooth pulled. No one knows what causes stomatitis yet but there could be a genetic link. Then afterwards, you have to keep up on at home cleanings. I've had good luck with a plain toothbrush and...
  14. C

    Bruce eye half open

    No his eyes never been like that before He is a amazing cat I've nursed him for years He had barely any teeth His stomatitis is in remission atm He's unfortunate to have perm congestion and runny nose due to been infected by the breeder as a kitten
  15. FeebysOwner

    Resorbing Teeth Cause

    I've read a number of articles on the internet that say there is a direct correlation between dental disease/stomatitis and FCV. It is all about the immune system. And it may even relate to her IBD diagnosis. Do you give her an immune support supplement? I have no idea how much, if anything, it...
  16. A

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hi! Magnus has stomatitis. What works for us is daily brushing. I started using just a q-tip to get him used to it. Now I use an infant toothbrush for the softness and at a second point in the day I use Vetradent teeth wipes. Usually every other day I'll use the toothbrush just with water to...
  17. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Both of those articles I found helpful. I am not sure of the exact type, but I did see a post by my vet's office about doing laser therapy on a stomatitis cat, so that is something I will keep in mind to ask about
  18. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    ...several reviews from people saying they were referred to our University's Community Animal Clinic for full mouth extractions due to stomatitis, but do not actually see any listing for them in the AVDC. I do not mind sharing it is the University of Georgia if anyone has experiences with their...
  19. mrsgreenjeens

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Just to answer your question about tooth resorption and FME, with tooth resorption, they only remove the teeth that are being resorped. This is totally different from stomatitis. And FME doesn't always resolve itself with FME, if it's really bad, which doesn't sound like the case with your Peach.
  20. FeebysOwner

    Need Some Group Help to Figure This Out

    ...your vet needs to look for growths under his tongue, elsewhere in the mouth, and/or the throat. It can also be a sign of toxin exposure. Stomatitis is also a possibility, but usually that involves inflammation of the gums. How any of those possible issues might tie to his blood work is...