Search Results for Query: hyperesthesia

  1. T

    Is there a liquid treat that does not contain fish or chicken (possible allergens)?

    ...downstairs. My friend came to feed her and she ran and hid. We came home the next morning and she seemed okay, just sleeping a lot. She didn’t start the grooming until two days later, so hard to tell if it’s related. Do stressed cats or cats with hyperesthesia also scratch as well as over groom?
  2. J

    Cat holds other cat by throat and growls - play or fight?

    Thanks for the tip about a tennis racket! We’ll definitely pick one up. That sounds like a great way to break them apart. I feel the same about the biting being on the front of the throat. It really feels like a more domineering than playful gesture to me, but I know some cats play very rough...
  3. fionasmom

    Cat holds other cat by throat and growls - play or fight?

    ...that this biting is the throat and not the back of the neck which is often a play/dominance behavior. At this point, I would not leave the cat alone together if you go out. Does he show any signs of feline hyperesthesia syndrome? My aggressive boy is starting to show symptoms in that direction.
  4. di and bob

    New cat randomly snaps at us...scratches, hisses in the house may be heightening her fear too. Hissing, growling, and slapping are all normal in the beginning. She also may have hyperesthesia, a very heightened sense of touch. Females are especially prone to this. My little girl would allow exactly 3 strokes and then would attack. It...
  5. VAMama

    After years raising cats, I chose a difficult one

    ...behave. She needs a steady hand that doesn't show anger, consistently directing her to proper activities. You'd know if it was Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome because you'd quickly notice she goes nuts when you touch a sensitive spot. Swatting at picture frames has nothing to do with that...
  6. Longtime_cat_parent

    After years raising cats, I chose a difficult one

    ...later for another issue, my discussing these issues were not really considered or responded to. 🤔 I have read something about Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome, which seems to be possible, If I thought I could really get help and not a run-around, I might try. (I cannot be wasting $$). Note...
  7. S

    Cat is meowing after eating and seems like she's in pain

    ...again for it. Still just feeling like it could be absolutely anything since she's just racking up the diagnoses: asthma, epilepsy, hyperesthesia,'s exhausting. Tonight we had a really good play session for the first time in weeks. Even on the gabapentin she's still going into her...
  8. S

    Cat is meowing after eating and seems like she's in pain

    ...otherwise normal pee (and blood in her urinalysis without crystals or infection that points to FIC), infrequent episodes that look like hyperesthesia, very rarely a cough with head forward and no hairball, very fussy eater with a highly variable appetite. I've always worried about her but...
  9. stephanie junca

    Lugosi's passing and the aftermath

    It has been a few weeks since our kitty Mr. Lugosi passed away. I posted about it all in this thread for reference. But short version: he was only 3 years old. We adopted him when he was almost 2 years old. He came to us with anxiety issues and would overgroom. He was on kitty Prozac already. In...
  10. Alldara

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    I'm so sorry. I hope a different medication works. It just really heckin sucks when we can't help them feel better <3
  11. S

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    You may find something useful below. Hyperesthesia Syndrome in Cats
  12. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty a radiologist just to double-check her and they said that they did not see any abnormalities. She said that he has severe hyperesthesia. Even on 200mg/4mls of Gabapentin, he was growling at his tail while at the vet 😔. We're going to start him on Phenobarbital while weaning him off of...
  13. T

    Cat frequently growling in discomfort and defecating

    Please see update below.
  14. fionasmom

    Cat frequently growling in discomfort and defecating certainly possible, is that this is coincidental with the bowel movement or has nothing to do with it. Does this at all seem like a feline hyperesthesia kind of growling? Or pain from another part of her body? Are bowel movements normal otherwise and do they occur at least somewhat regularly?
  15. M

    Manx Cat randomly acts like its being bit and gets stiff

    ...seems like the biting is coming from. I've looked up seizures in cats and it doesn't seem to match that, and ive also looked up feline hyperesthesia, its hard to say if its that... but at this point im kind of lost. Like I said i just took her to the vet 3 months ago and most everything...
  16. J

    Cat over-grooming lower belly

    My recently deceased female cat, Xena, had this exact symptom for a long time. She was a very aggressive groomer and kept her lower belly clear of fur for the first 10 or so years of her life. Sometimes she licked the skin there so much that she caused minor abrasions that would scab over...
  17. lemonsqaure

    Cat over-grooming lower belly

    ...the food right? My cat has had all the proteins she's currently eating with Viva Raw. I have suspected in the past that she might have hyperesthesia as her back will get twitchy and she'll suddenly scratch herself. I just don't know if it's related? Does anyone have an experience with this...
  18. Mamanyt1953

    Our cat keeps biting his back, esp. when touched

    The other thing that occurs to me is mild hyperesthesia. That's a heightened sensitivity. Another thing to ask the vet about, if fleas is not an issue.
  19. J

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    ...her long Maine Coon fur -- and she would jump up, dash around -- sometimes in circles -- then snap at her tail. I read about feline hyperesthesia, but nothing I found hinted at what might actually cause it. It sounds like you've had Lugosi for two winters, and he didn't start attacking his...
  20. J

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    I have a cat, Lindsey, who showed hyperesthesia symptoms while we were renting a house that had recently been sprayed with pyrethroid insecticides. There was no spraying while we were there, but the insecticide residue on surfaces, especially the screened porch where she spent a lot of time...