Search Results for Query: corneal sequestrum

  1. W

    Advice on managing corneal sequestrum in both eyes?, the corneal ulcers would probably come back anyway after a surgical treatment. Has anyone had experience with managing the corneal sequestrums medically? Right now, Mumu is not in a lot of pain that the vet or I could tell. Her eyes tear up more but she isn't pawing at them or...
  2. W

    Diamond burr debridement for a non-healing corneal ulcer?

    Hello Everyone, My cat Mumu is continuing her journey as an unsighted cat. She had a recheck with the ophthalmologist today, and her superficial corneal ulcer in her right eye is still not healing (healed in the left eye) after superficial debridement with a cotton swab last week, serum eye...
  3. lmunsie1

    cat eye ulcer sequestrum - surgery not an option

    ...who hasn't been by in a while. I have a very troubling issue and looking for potential advice for anyone who has been through a corneal sequestrum. Back story - adopted Freddy (11 Y/O siamese mix) last May when his owner passed from covid and family was going to put him down. He is a gem...
  4. kaleidoscopesky

    Cat's Corneal Sequestrum Fell Off

    Hi, my cat had a sequestrum that occurred a few months back, it was treated and she stopped showing signs of discomfort yet the black spot remained. Vets i went to said it was fine and it might take some time to drop off. Back then she was prescribed antibiotic eye drops which seemed to help...
  5. R

    My Cats Eye Has Browned. Need Some Help [picture]

    I am a little concerned and I have already scheduled an appointment for the morning with the local vet but I wanted some advice and input so I will have more knowledge around what it could be. My beautiful little kitty has worried me a little, her eye was a little watery a few weeks back and as...
  6. P

    My Kitten Has A Cornreal Sequestrum

    My 10 month old Persian was just diagnosed yesterday to have a Corneal Sequestrum in her right eye. We were referred by our vet to an Veterinary Ophthalmologist. They gave me two options: I am going with the first option for now. The vet assured me that the sequestrum is not disrupting...
  7. A

    Issue With Kitty's Eye? Please Help

    I've recently gotten this kitty from my mom a few weeks ago and I've absolutely fallen in love with her She is such a gentle and loving kitty. She is 2 months old, has vaccines against distemper, hepatitis/adenovirus, and leptospirosis She has been great, playful, eating well. However...
  8. 2furbabies

    Cyclosporine Eye Drops

    Hello Dear Cat Lovers, It's been a long while since I've been on the site. I've been struggling with an issue I'm having with my Persian Sophia and am getting mixed reviews from different vets. She had eye surgery a month ago for an ulcer that wasn't healing. She had what is called a Grid...
  9. B

    Brown specs floating in cat's eye

    My cat has brown specs floating in one eye. The iris underneath seems fine, so they are not brown spots on the iris itself. Rather, they are suspended in the aqueous fluid below the surface of the cornea. They stay in the same place even when her pupils dilate, so they can be seen even over the...
  10. bebe_tc

    Guizmo needs help!!

    ...this again one more time, in the worst times of my life where I cannot pay for my cats eye surgery sadly my cat developed again corneal sequestrum, 8 years ago the same but now I am sad heartbroken because I cannot afford nothing please if theres anything you guys can help let me know I have...
  11. L

    Strange spot on eye

    Hi there, Does anyone have any idea what this spot is?  It's on the surface of her eye.  I noticed it about a week ago.  Before the spot appeared, every once in a while, she would keep that eye closed as if it was sore. Thanks I should add that it doesn't appear to be bothering her.
  12. M

    What are the tiny brown spots on my cat's eyes?

    My 6 year old cat got a couple tiny brown spots on the bottom inner edge of his eyes. Now there are more and in both eyes. No medical issues. Her littermate sister had to be euthanized in December due to an extreme blood disorder that multiple Veterinarians thought was a complication due to...
  13. C

    Best over-the-counter eye drops, wipes...

    My cat Chloe has a watery eye right now and she is slighty squenching her eye because of it. What is the best eye drops or eye wipes to get at like Petco or some other pet store to use to keep her eye clean and dry? Thanks........
  14. hexzenzicarlo

    Is my cat going blind?

    As you can see, Hex' left eye is going black. I wonder if it's only a pigmentation-thing or if she's gonna be or already is blind on her left eye. Thx for your Help.
  15. owletts

    FCV treatment help!

    So my poor boy Nacho seems to have FCV. His foster carer didn't update his shots, and didn't inform me that he was due, so for the past few months he's been dealing with severe gingivitis, ulcers on the back of his throat, sneezing (not as bad as it was, though), terrible breath and puffy...
  16. momto4kitties

    Fuzzy has an eye problem :(

    Hello everyone: I just noticed that something is very wrong with Fuzzy's left eye and I'm very worried. Fuzzy is cross-eyed, so he is always squinting and you can't really see his whole eyes all the time, so I didn't noticed he has a problem until today. I was playing with him and he looked...
  17. B

    feline herpes and eyes, need knowledge.

    Hello! It's been a while since I've been here. Been hectic and busy. Got NINE kittens adopted out from my foster site last month! But on to the rest of the events... we've been battling Herpes... and some days I believe that it's winning. I know that in many cases when the eye gets ulcerated (i...
  18. H

    Keratectomy in cats

    ...My 1st post here, great site Unfortunately, some bad news in my 1st post. My little Himalayan who is almost 2 years old had a corneal sequestrum as diagnosed by the vet. It seems that he has a brown spot forming within 1 of his eyes. This was found out when we took him to the vet due to a a...