Search Results for Query: Convenia

  1. stephanietx

    Possible ear infection?

    Did she have a Convenia shot? It's known to have a laundry list of side effects.
  2. T

    Could it be from Convenia? much his levels have dropped, it would be to risky to do much about it for now. So in the mean time he was give a dose of Dexamethasone, Convenia and Mirataz. Right after that he actually had a large cyst fall out of his poor little cheek that left a hole. It has since closed quickly...
  3. A

    Convenia troubles

    ...dealing with tooth reabsorption. He has been dealing with a lot of pain, so he received a pain transdermal on the back of his neck and a convenia injection to slow down the infection. I also was going to try some hibaclens as well for outside of the teeth to see if that could help get rid of...
  4. fionasmom

    My cat’s nose is getting worse

    Convenia is used for skin infections; however, it is not an anti-fungal.
  5. FeebysOwner

    Convenia Cat Death

    ...when compared to other antibiotics, and most data talks about the risks of using a drug that stays so long in the body. Cat Deaths and Convenia Antibiotic: Are They Relatable? ( Cat Deaths from Convenia: Understanding the Risks | Tom Cipullo Answer Convenia: A Long...
  6. C

    Convenia, cerenia, or the end?

    Has anyone's kitty experienced nausea from the Convenia injection? He's been nauseous from antibiotics in the past but he hasn't taken Convenia before.
  7. C

    Convenia, cerenia, or the end?

    Update: He finally started acting a little better after taking him off cerenia and about three weeks after the Convenia shot. Now he's having trouble urinating. I'm going to take him to the vet but now I'm worried about antibiotics after his terrible reaction to the Convenia. I'm worried about...
  8. fionasmom

    Convenia Cat Death

    ...Zoetis and file an adverse reaction report. I know that this is probably not much consolation. If your vet will support your claim that Convenia might have been involved, it will add more evidence to your report. As for where to go, some sites are listed here and there are many online which...
  9. S

    My cat’s nose is getting worse

    Is there anything I can give her for that as a cream or something?
  10. fionasmom

    My cat’s nose is getting worse

    ...lists the medications given orally and also that often medicated dips are used. Did the vet actually say that it is ringworm and that the Convenia injection would work? My only experience with Convenia and a skin problem was that it began to heal within a matter of hours. Given that you...
  11. S

    Concerns about Convenia reactions

    Hello, my 15 year old cat received a convenia injection on 6/21. He was showing signs of an URI (sneezing clear discharge, squinting eye) but no definitive bacterial infection was confirmed. The injection was 'preventative.' He has been diagnosed with stage 2 CKD, anemia of chronic disease, IBD...
  12. S

    Weird Symptoms.. urgent help?!

    ...test that can be done to identify it. The treatment for Mycoplasma in cats is usually an extended course of Doxycycline. Cephalosporins (Convenia) is not effective. I have always seen it also treated with steroids as well. More recent literature shows some debate on that. I guess what...
  13. A

    Convenia Cat Death

    I am so sorry for everyone who lost a cat for any reason. However, I'm seeing nothing here that indicates that it was the Convenia that made them gravely ill. Generally, a cat given an antibiotic has a problem to begin with. Maybe it needs an antibiotic and maybe the Convenia antibiotic will...
  14. fionasmom

    Prednisolone reaction? Very worried…

    ...a wonderful life with you and his companions and I hope that those memories will be of comfort to you. If you read the other thread about Convenia, (and there is no reason to go back and read it now) you may have noticed that I had a boy who reacted to it, requiring additional...
  15. fionasmom

    Convenia antibiotic injection

    Convenia for Animal Use - This article discusses some interactions
  16. Fredthecat

    Convenia Cat Death

    I am so sorry this happened, my heart breaks for you! I am grateful you shared this to save other cats! Thank you times 10000!
  17. T

    Convenia Cat Death

    What anti-inflammatory was your cat given along with or after the covenia? Did you have blood work when your cat was going downhill? What did that show?
  18. fionasmom

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    Convenia is highly effective on skin conditions which is why your vet may have said that if it does not work that this may be something else. Having said that, this would be very fast for a tumor to appear and spread so quickly.
  19. T

    Kitten flat chest and breathing heavy please help!!

    So no x-ray, no bloodwork? You say antibiotic shot, was it Convenia/cefovecin? That's the only one I know that's a one-time shot and I didn't think it was suitable for respiratory infections (I personally never use Convenia for anything, but that's a different story). Might be time to consider...
  20. S

    My Cat Has Been “Gagging or Hacking” for past 4 days, and there is no improvement, I would at least opt for one view of the chest with a radiograph. They should be able to tell from that if he has asthma. Although, the prednisolne should help if it is asthma. Too bad they wouldn’t just let you try that. The Convenia and Cerenia are so...