Recent Content by toxicglowsticks

  1. toxicglowsticks

    Issues With Pica

    Thank you so much for the link! I got excited to see links to a behaviorist only to be disappointed that there were no registered behaviorists in Wisconsin. :hmmm: It does give me the idea to try talking to my vet or asking around to see if anyone has a lead on a cat behaviorist once we get...
  2. toxicglowsticks

    Issues With Pica

    Sorry I have been so delayed in replying. A week later and $2,500 in vet bills, Cheese is finally home after emergency surgery. Crappy thing is, this is after multiple X-rays at the emergency vet, a successful barium test, more x-rays because he stopped eating, and finally surgery because the...
  3. toxicglowsticks

    Issues With Pica

    hello all, I’m about at my wit’s end with my almost 4 year old neutered male cat. He was caught feral when he was about 2-5 months old and my husband and I raised him from then on. Onto the troubles. When he was a kitten, he ate fine and showed no issues of Pica. It was actually when we brought...
  4. toxicglowsticks

    Bubbles Killed A Fox!

    * buggars not beggars. For some reason, it not letting me edit my typos. :doh:
  5. toxicglowsticks

    Bubbles Killed A Fox!

    Oh I did miss the UK part somehow. That was I get for reading while going through an insomniac episode. Lucky beggars with your no rabies. I would still be nervous of him getting hurt, but I’m also a worrier to the point of overprotective ness at times. Is there a time of day that the foxes...
  6. toxicglowsticks

    Bubbles Killed A Fox!

    My main concern with this would be rabies. Foxes are notorious carriers. All it would take is one bite during a fight. Have you discussed his territorial aggression with the vet? Although I can’t quite blame him for protecting his territory, he will only continue to be lucky for so long if he...
  7. toxicglowsticks

    House Full Of Sick Cats!

    I just dealt with a house of URIs when bringing in a new kitten from a shelter. I, too, didn’t catch it quick enough. I was prescribed amoxicillin for both cats. My resident cat improved within three days and our kitten took a few more days. However, I described the obvious symptoms I saw in...
  8. toxicglowsticks

    New Mark On Kitty's Nose?

    So I wanted to give a small update. Tuesday was the two week mark, and the vet called saying that the culture was negative. Although she has been to my vet twice now, we aren’t sure what happened. Although my vet was suspicious that it may have been a bacterial infection but she has been on...
  9. toxicglowsticks

    New Mark On Kitty's Nose?

    It’s crazy what they can teach us, even technology. :hellocomputer:
  10. toxicglowsticks

    Success Stories Taking In Ferals?

    Oh my! Props to you for taking care of a 24 cat colony and the TNR too! That is the cutest story! It’s funny how cats take on that mentor role though. My feral is currently doing that with our new kitten (before she was isolated for a ringworm scare), and of course he was teaching her all the...
  11. toxicglowsticks

    Success Stories Taking In Ferals?

    I definitely do think he has some Korat in him. He’s got the real lanky build but is heavy as heck. But oh, Chester is such a beauty. :loveeyes: It was actually kind of funny because when I reported the bite to the urgent care doctor, he of course had to call the police, but they didn’t do...
  12. toxicglowsticks

    Success Stories Taking In Ferals?

    I apologize if this has been done because I did search a few pages back, but I thought it would be fun to create a success story thread for those feral turned sweetheart kitties who were just looking for someone patient enough to work with them. My feral is now almost three years old and the...
  13. toxicglowsticks

    Keeping Kittens Separated After Unexpected Surgery?

    One suggestion I received when the same exact thing happened to my little Pica-beast was to hold the injured cat so they can’t run around and just allow the other to sniff and be near them. That way, it is surpervised and completely controlled. If they try to get rowdy, then end the meeting...
  14. toxicglowsticks

    Spot On The Nose

    I agree that it could just be freckles appearing. Keep an eye on it. If there’s any fur loss, itchiness, or redness that starts to appear, a call to the vet will be benefitial. But right now, it doesn’t look like anything alarming.
  15. toxicglowsticks

    New Mark On Kitty's Nose?

    I did want to post a bit of an update. Tuesday will be the two mark point of the culture and when the shelter vet said they’d call back if it was ringworm. So far, no one in the household has shown any spots. It also does look like a few spots of fur are growing back. My vet figured that she...