Recent Content by Sugardroid

  1. Sugardroid

    Cat unwell after vaccinations. Please help

    I think you're right, it was too many shots. I should have listened to my gut because I was wary about giving her all those shots in one day. some vets tell you that's fine, but I don't think it is fine for every cat. next time I will definitely space them out
  2. Sugardroid

    Cat unwell after vaccinations. Please help

    she is feeling better thank you so much!
  3. Sugardroid

    Cat unwell after vaccinations. Please help

    thanks so much for the reply and advice! I wish your kitties many years of great health and happiness. my kitty is feeling better today thankfully! she's not completely herself however she's doing better. moving around quicker, getting back into her hobbies, meowing more (it's faint and soft but...
  4. Sugardroid

    Cat unwell after vaccinations. Please help

    Hi. I've made a post like this when she was a kitten but the side effects seem worse this time so I'm again, looking for some advice. I have a 1 and a half year old kitty and I just took her to get her rabies, FVRCP, and leukemia shots yesterday. It's been over 24 hours and she is still very...
  5. Sugardroid

    Kitten not drinking water

    Hi. I have a 6 month old kitten and I've had her for about 3 months now. She never drinks water. and it's not like "she just drinks when you're not looking", no. I mean I'm with her 24/7. I have insomnia some nights as well so I'll be awake for over 24 hours and she won't drink at all or even...
  6. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    yes I do! thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I should have stopped and taken a minute to call someone because I do have a couple friends that understand and are supportive. it was just a very bad night that I regret and am taking steps toward bettering myself to make sure it doesnt...
  7. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    she's 6 months! thank you so much for the advice. I've been playing with her and approaching her sweetly and slowly trying to make her feel safe
  8. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    thanks so much for the reply. I love my kitten and I don't want to hurt her or ruin our relationship so I'm definitely going to get help to make sure I don't keep having breakdowns and getting overly upset at her
  9. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    believe me, I'm all about rehoming if you can't take care of an animal as you should always put their safety and health first. however I did not beat her and I'm not regularly abusive. I have some mental issues that I'm getting help for and will get on the appropriate medication. I CAN take care...
  10. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    thank you for the kind words. I've never done this before to her and I feel beyond horrible and am trying to right the wrong and never do it again. I just really wanted advice on how to get her to forgive me and you're the only person to offer genuine advice and not try to convince me to re-home...
  11. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    not gonna rehome her. I'm identifying the problem and fixing it to be a better mother to my cat. I'm strong and I can fix this and fix myself. me struggling shouldn't mean I should give up the one thing I love, we all make mistakes. I didn't beat her or anything I'm not an abusive person. and...
  12. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    gotta go through therapy to get meds c: they don't magically show up in your cabinet
  13. Sugardroid

    Kitten is scared of me please help

    sorry I posted this in grooming/cat care but I felt maybe it belongs here. I'm a horrible person and deserve to die because I lost my temper with my kitten and spanked her and threw her on the bed. I shook her slightly not in the air or anything just on the bed for a quick second and screamed...
  14. Sugardroid

    Kitten meowing while pottying

    thank you everyone for the advice! she does not have a bladder infection, she eats and drinks normally, plays normally, does not act in pain. she only meows during urination, not during defecation. but she does meow before doing both. sometimes though, she is completely quiet. I will bring up...