Recent Content by sooser

  1. sooser

    Indoor Cat Does Attitude 180 When On Walk Outside

    Ideally I wanna get a catio going by enclosing our patio but that's a ways away yet. Not sure how well a buggy would go over but I'll definitely keep that in mind! Thank you for the suggestion And yes he's my pretty pretty boy, my lil coffee cake! I love him to bitssss
  2. sooser

    Indoor Cat Does Attitude 180 When On Walk Outside

    And of course now that I've taken him out he wants it even more, nevermind the strange reaction! Door stalker, this one is.
  3. sooser

    Indoor Cat Does Attitude 180 When On Walk Outside

    I don't know if that's really possible, we didn't make it very far from the front patio when he suddenly wheeled about and hissed at me, just a bit down the driveway. It's totally likely he smelled other animals - we live on the back of someone else's property and they have a dog and cat who...
  4. sooser

    Indoor Cat Does Attitude 180 When On Walk Outside

    So my kitty Spooky wants to be an outdoor cat, but I prefer he be an indoor cat. I figure a good compromise is to take him on walks with a leash on a harness, and we did this today. He doesn't overly like the harness (though he's not unfamiliar with it) but after about 10 minutes of slinking...
  5. sooser

    Did I Put My Cat Down Too Soon

    I'm so sorry for your loss, but you can't let yourself dwell on the 'what if', it'll only tear you apart. I believe, reading your post, that you gave him the best life you could give him, and he lived long and healthy because of that. He was loved and knew he was loved, and those are memories...
  6. sooser

    Weird Question, Can Kitty Get Addicted To Pain Killers?

    I mean he's definitely in Some form of discomfort, but I'm not sure if it's a pain response per se. When he's in pain his mouth will pull taut, his whiskers will go slick against his face, and his eyes will be narrow. He'll also sorta just huddle up into himself. Right now his eyes are almost...
  7. sooser

    Weird Question, Can Kitty Get Addicted To Pain Killers?

    I'm going to be calling the vet about this in the morning regardless. My trouble child Spook's bladder became inflamed, preventing him from peeing. We caught it the morning of, and the test results came back clean. He's also peeing since then. But the vet prescribed a couple of medications, one...
  8. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    Yeah, that's been the hope from the start. Give it time, baby them lots, keep them on the good wet food, lots of fluids, and hope the health problems don't make their life utterly miserable. :c
  9. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    @FordChick While I appreciate your honesty, I think you're missing the point. It's not the medication that's making me question this, it's the aforementioned environment. As previously stated, my recent move into a smaller home with a new dog some months ago is what has apparently inspired these...
  10. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    @susan denning Thank you. Sadly, not really. Most of them already have animals or aren't looking to have one, so I'd need to find someone. I likewise don't feel right surrendering him to a shelter, that DEFINITELY wouldn't help. It's just hard to tell if it's appropriate to rehome him, or if I'm...
  11. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    Absolutely no it's not worth euthanasia. That'd be a tragic waste, I was stunned when the vet suggested as such. I'm just not certain if I'M the proper person to care for him, but I also worry rehoming him could lead to further complications since his complications appear to primarily be stress...
  12. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    I just don't know if I can properly care for the little guy. This has been a reoccurring issue since we were forced to move into a smaller home with a dog on premises. The vet actually suggested euthanasia because of this, and he's only a 1 year old cat.
  13. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    Unfortunately my vet is presently closed. He is peeing, eating, playing, and cuddling.
  14. sooser

    I Screwed Up - Meds

    Kitty had a urethral blockage and was given metacam, prazosin, and clavaseptin. I don't know how but I misinterpreted instructions to mean give him a dose once a day, when instead they should have been given twice a day. This also means that the medication regime has been drawn out longer. How...
  15. sooser

    Vet Bills

    Yeah, vet bills are ridiculous. I'm not sure where you're located, but where I live there is a thing where you can buy into a pet insurance plan and put money into there monthly to help take care of vet bills. Likewise you may have some luck getting some financial help for certain things (like...