Recent Content by shieara

  1. S

    Keeping My Harness Trained Kitty Warm In Winter

    Thanks. Going to check it out and see if there are any tips. I'm not sure if he would wear booties or not. He is particular about his feet.
  2. S

    Keeping My Harness Trained Kitty Warm In Winter

    So...pretty much what it says on the tin. I have a cat that is harness trained, and he loves "investigating" the yard every day. I always take him out in the morning before work, and usually in the evening too. I live in the midwest, and now that it's getting colder I want to make sure he is...
  3. S

    Horribly Behaved Cat, Feeling Defeated+need Help Asap

    I also have a bitey cat that is about a year and a half old. I eventually figured out that when he bites me he wants playtime and attention. It seems obvious in hindsight, but my other cats just stare at me and meow if they want something. Sammy is a lot more direct! One thing that has helped...
  4. S

    Need Advice On How To Progress Cat Introduction! New Cat, 2 Resident Cats

    What a cutie! Just wanted to give you some solidarity. Mine still get into occasional fights and I keep them separated at night, but things are so much better then they were when I first brought Sammy home. Hopefully time will help with yours.
  5. S

    Crating A Senior Cat?

    I would give it a shot since you already have the crate. I'll second a pet heating pad to make it cozy if it's not too expensive. Also, I am not sure if this will help but when my older girl was having litterbox issues I used Cat Attract litter, which was expensive as all get-out but helped...
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    Relocation Help

    I don't think they will forget you in two months. When my cat Pixie had her kittens (she was a stray that showed up pregnant), I gave two of them to my brother who lives twelve hours away. When I went to visit him a few months later they still remembered me.
  7. S

    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    Success! Well, mostly. I left them alone today when I went to work and came home to three cats sharing the living room and kitchen peacefully. There is still a little hissing from Merlin if Sammy tries to get too close, but he and Pixie seem to have come to an understanding. I will still need...
  8. S

    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    I've never let it get far enough to see if blood would be drawn or fur flying. It's weird. They can eat within a couple feet of each other no problem, and she can tolerate him if he's hanging out in the living room, but when he tries to go down the hall or up the stairs she attacks. I think it's...
  9. S

    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    Yeah I need to move that desk a little bit so that he can escape around the sides. There aren't too many dead ends around the house but there is a narrow hallway and the stairs I have to figure out.
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    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    When I do a room exchange how long should I leave Pixie and Merlin in his room? Just an hour or so or should I do it when I'm sleeping to split the day in half. I don't want Pixie to feel like I love Sammy more then I do her. She's a cranky old woman, but she's my crankypants.
  11. S

    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    Thank you I am going to give these suggestions a try. Hopefully everyone will get along eventually and things will go back to normal.
  12. S

    Any Ideas To Fix This Botched Introduction?

    Hello! I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions on how to better introduce a new cat into my current crowd. The kitties in question: Merlin - 8 year old neutered male aka Mister Hissy Pixie - 9 year old spayed female aka Lady Crankypants Sammy - 10 month old recently neutered male aka...