Recent Content by princess7807

  1. princess7807

    Kitten panting after playing

    A few days ago my 7 month old kitten was playing and he suddenly started panting heavily. His eyes were watering and he laid down on his side for a few minutes while he continued to pant. I gave him some water and he was back to normal within a few minutes, so I figured it was just a fluke. But...
  2. princess7807

    switched to scheduled feeding and cats are refusing to eat

    Yeah I wasn't sure about restricting the kittens, but the vet said it was okay so I just went with it. I don't know how to give them constant access to food without the other cats getting to it though. I considered getting a baby gate to block off the part of the house where the kittens usually...
  3. princess7807

    switched to scheduled feeding and cats are refusing to eat

    I have five cats. Two kittens and three seniors. One of the seniors is overweight and the vet recommended doing scheduled feedings to help her lose weight. I just did it cold turkey; took their food away yesterday afternoon after they ate and didn't feed them again until the scheduled time. They...
  4. princess7807

    15 year old cat is sick, please help

    Just a little update: Lily is feeling much better! The vet thinks she just had a stomach bug or something. She's eating/drinking again and acting more like herself. She was even running around and playing last night! I'm SO relieved that she's feeling better :redheartpump:
  5. princess7807

    15 year old cat is sick, please help

    I've been calling around to practically every vet clinic in town but most of them are completely booked. But thankfully I found an emergency clinic that takes walk-ins.. it's an hour away but it's worth it. Hopefully they can figure out what's going on.
  6. princess7807

    15 year old cat is sick, please help

    She's been sleeping in her favorite spot (It's one of those fabric ikea bins, she uses it as a bed haha) since last night. She seems like she just wants to be alone and tries to move away when I pet her :( Whenever she walks, she seems... sort of confused? Like she'll just stand in the same...
  7. princess7807

    15 year old cat is sick, please help

    She's an indoor cat, never goes outside. I'm fostering 2 kittens right now and recently introduced them to Lily (they were quarantined for 2 weeks before I introduced them). But they haven't spent much time together. The kittens are in separate room with the door closed most of the time, and...
  8. princess7807

    15 year old cat is sick, please help

    My cat, Lily, is 15 and thankfully hasn't had many health problems. She has an enlarged heart but we've been monitoring it over the years and it hasn't gotten worse, so the vet doesn't seem very concerned about it. Anyway, last night she had diarrhea a few times and today she threw up. I don't...
  9. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    Sorry, more questions about my foster kitten! He's now 6 weeks old and still very small. He's a bit behind developmentally; he won't use the litter box (poops and pees on the floor instead), doesn't know how to groom himself, and is not very active. He just sleeps a lot and never runs around or...
  10. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    The vet gave him an enema, so he's feeling a lot better and the bloating has gone down a lot! The vet said the constipation was most likely because the kitten was still drinking formula (I was having a lot of trouble getting him to eat wet food, he just wasn't interested). He finally started...
  11. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    He's still pretty bloated and constipated, unfortunately. He pooped this morning but it was hard as a rock and seemed very painful for him. I feel so bad :( I'm syringe feeding water to help hydrate him, as well as offering wet food, but he hasn't quite figured out how to eat it yet. The good...
  12. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    Is the Little Remedies brand safe to give him?
  13. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    His urine is bright yellow. When I pinch the skin on his neck is takes a second to go back to normal, so it seems that he's a bit dehydrated. I'm in the process of weaning him, but so far he just seems confused and won't eat the wet food or drink water. I've started giving him water with a...
  14. princess7807

    extremely bloated kitten, vet doesn't seem concerned

    I'm not sure if I can afford it at the moment. The animal shelter is supposed to cover all medical costs for fosters and they don't want me to take the kittens to vets that aren't from the shelter. I've been on the phone all morning trying to figure out if he has been de-wormed or if they did a...