Recent Content by Midnight_Echo

  1. Midnight_Echo

    Kitten Medical Issues Remain One Year Later

    Hoping someone can help me... It’s almost been a year since I bought home the baby (Echo). She’s grown some (definitely bigger)....but one thing still hasn’t changed. When I got Echo from the shelter, she had her third eyelid showing prominently. There was also a black haze over the eye...
  2. Midnight_Echo

    Cat Balding

    Midnight is like that ~ goes bald at random. First time it happened, vet thought I had shaved her ~ no red marks or anything was seen on her skin, just a big white patch. Ended up getting a cortisone shot to stop the allergy. I left the office with a prescription for CPM (antihistamine)...
  3. Midnight_Echo

    Dental Decisions - Help Pls!

    I agree that dental care is a necessity. When my other cat (Shadow) was 17, had his teeth done. Luckily he had no issues but he was cranky as heck for a few days later. But since the cleaning, he seemed to enjoy his food more.... Midnight ~ vet was concerned that she had an abcessed tooth...
  4. Midnight_Echo

    Kitten Behavior—help!

    I have a 13 year old cat (Midnight) but also have a kitten (Echo) who is 7 months old. She’s quite the little hell raiser (among other things). Midnight has always been laid back and tends to go with the flow. Definitely not a leader...but more of a follower. Echo on the other hand...yikes...
  5. Midnight_Echo

    Possible Ch Kitten ~ Plus Anal Gland Issues In The Other Cat

    The SPCA didn’t really have a history on her (just listed as ‘stray’). Been thinking of her gait off and on lately. Vet wasn’t keen on an official diagnosis at first ~ after all, was only three months when I got her (and any odd behavior can be associated with being a kitten). I still...
  6. Midnight_Echo

    Possible Ch Kitten ~ Plus Anal Gland Issues In The Other Cat

    My lil, not so little these days. Assuming the SPCA has her correct age, she’s a little over 7 months old. She’s always seemed a little off ~ still has issues with her third eye lid (hasn’t gotten better or worse). Like my vet, also thinking she’ll be blind in the one eye. Since...
  7. Midnight_Echo

    Break Through With The Kitten

    It’s too weird, ‘red’ doesn’t bother Midnight. I’ve worn red scrubs before ~ Echo seemed a bit ‘iffy’ but not fully frightened. She’s got a quite a few red balls (the ones that jingle) ~ doesn’t faze her —- now the rest of us on the other (..she manages to get the balls into the...
  8. Midnight_Echo

    Break Through With The Kitten

    Kinda housebound at the moment from the snow... but I saw this last night. I know it’ll take time for them to adjust to each other, but seeing this truly made my day. Gives me hope. Since the last time I posted, vet was able to catch Echo up on her shots with no problems (hasn’t attacked...
  9. Midnight_Echo

    Frustrating Kitten Behavior - Normal Vs. Violent?

    Thank you for your reply... I do appreciate it greatly. It’s been a while since I’ve had a kitten. Still got lots to learn. I am in the process of introducing the cats slowly ~ a work in progress... I don’t expect perfection over night (fights/tiffs will happen from time to time, no one is...
  10. Midnight_Echo

    Frustrating Kitten Behavior - Normal Vs. Violent?

    I feel like I’m at the end of my rope ~ feeling very frustrated at the moment. I have a 12 year old cat (Midnight)...wasn’t planning on adopting another cat (kitten) but the cards didn’t exactly fall that way. I recently started a new job ~ right next door to the office is an SPCA. Well...