Recent Content by miao_kitty

  1. M

    Cat peeing everywhere

    Normally, I would recommend just locking him in your bedroom to give him a safe environment and a place he can escape what seems to be the massive craziness of your family.  But it seems you share a room with your brother?  Is this the kicking brother?   Also, you really need to talk to you...
  2. M

    Was my cat about to try to eat me last night?

    Most of your questions/concerns have been answered in this thread (and I haven't read the 2nd page) but I just wanted to add a little something: Nighttime is when cats are naturally more active.  With Shermie, I have spent years and years training him to sleep at night because otherwise he...
  3. M

    Introducing New Cat/Pooping Problem

    Here's an update to what's going on with Shermie. First to note: The vet ran a "standard panel" of tests and said all of them were in normal range but the kidney's were very slightly high. She said that that could've been from having eating too soon before the panel.  Getting a detailed...
  4. M

    Introducing New Cat/Pooping Problem

    So here's the deal: Shermie has lived with cats before: when he was a kitten my cousin lived w/ me and she had a kitten too.  And then I had Luna, my older girl cat when I got Shermie and they learned to get along, though he would try to play with her and she wouldn't have it.  And then, for a...
  5. M

    Male Cat Sometimes Poops Outside of Box

    Interesting point.  He has shared a litterbox with her since he was a kitten.  They lived three years full time together without any problems and they see each other frequently.  They were never "best buddies" but do play together and I think he misses her for a few days when she goes.
  6. M

    Male Cat Sometimes Poops Outside of Box

    This is new behavior in Shermie but it's not consistent.  It started when I had my other cat Luna over (she lives with my mom currently because she's an awesome mouser and my mom missed her old kitty) but she stays with us when they're out of town.  Luna is pretty scared of our dog so when she...
  7. M

    Severe Cat Allergies

    Agreed otto!  I didn't adopt animals just to give them up if it became inconvenient for me.   I would never do this to a child I adopted or gave birth to, so why do it to an animal?  They are just as dependent on you as children are (some may say more so because they never grow up and move...
  8. M

    Good non-tracking, dust-free, healthy, not-bad-for-me-or-my-cats litter?

    I haven't read all the posts, so I apologize if I repeat something.  But I would recommend NOT the pellets if you don't have a sifter.  It's a HUGE PAIN!!   I like Swheat Scoop, it's low-dust and clumping and absorbs most of the odor.  I use baking soda for the rest of the odor.  Unfortunately...
  9. M

    Do your cats....

    1). Shermie most of the time, though when he's in plain sight he'll look at me as if to say "Dude, seriously, I'm right here.  Look around. And not in the 'man way'." Haha! Luna - not really unless she hears a rustling like i have treats 2). Yes for sure. And all their nicknames of which there...
  10. M

    A Couple other New Kitten Questions (AND PICS)

    Just found this old post of mine and wanted to update.  Sherman is a VERY vocal cat and he definitely still meows/cries at random times even when his food is full, water is fresh and beds are all available.  I think it's just that he gets bored?  No idea, but he's turned into a super friendly...
  11. M

    Just Another Peeing Question

    Hi All, Gee...I had hoped my peeing questions had ended when Luna's (spayed female, 8yo)  litterbox issues were FINALLY solved.  But now it's Shermie's (neutered male, 5yo) turn to start in on the fun.  I have read a ton of stuff on cat's peeing but I wanted opinion on this specific situation...
  12. M

    Adopting - Cat first? Dog first?

    Hi Y'all. Not sure if this is the best forum, but it has more to do w/ the animals' behaviors than the actual adoption process. My friend and her boyfriend currently have 0 pets. He wants a dog, she wants a cat. Which one should they adopt first? He wants a larger dog breed and she's worried...
  13. M

    Adult Cat Age?

    Thanks all for commenting! I loved all your answers!
  14. M

    Adult Cat Age?

    Hi Y'all, I don't know if this is the right forum, but I had a random question about the ages of cats. What age is considered "adult"? I know my cousin's cat had kittens at like 10 or 11 months old (under a year) and I always considered 1 year to be "full grown" though I have no evidence as to...
  15. M

    Tooth brushing and teeth cleaning

    Also, does anyone know if this stuff is covered by any type of pet insurance? Thx!