Recent Content by messocat

  1. M

    What kinds offoods does your pets like( out side of cann/dry foods)

    My cats love everything!  They always want to try my food.  I don't let them though.  They eat their raw food and that's all because the other stuff is bad for them.
  2. M

    How long should I wait before scooping my cat's litter?

    I don't think I could stand the smell week old urine and feces. I scoop mine just before I leave for work and after I get home and get settled in. So about 6:45 am and again at 6:30 ish PM. I think of it this way... I wouldn't want to have to put my bare feet all over old poop and pee to...
  3. M

    Distended belly

    Definately sounds like worms.
  4. M


    My female cat will do that as often as let her and she is about 9 years old. My male cat doesn't and he is about 4.
  5. M

    Not new but been gone

    He has very pretty markings.
  6. M

    I need advice on how to stop our cats problem

    Your cat should see the vet to make sure she isn't sick. Most elimination problems are because of health issues. I would feel tarrible if I hit my cat for something and then found out she did it because she was sick....
  7. M

    Scary experience

    I'd be terrified and woulda hid in the house until it was all over.