Recent Content by mensass

  1. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you so much Valentine319 ❤️
  2. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you Les26 ❤️ Oh yes, I seem him now, he is precious ❤️
  3. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Catladymary thank you. Ohhh I'm so sorry, I know how you're feeling and my heart goes out to you as well ❤️
  4. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you, she is ❤️ Mamanyt1953 && thank you for being here ❤️
  5. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you ericsmom1000 ❤️ ❤️ I wish I knew she was here, I will hang on to that
  6. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you very much les26 I do feel crazy with sadness over it. I don't want her to be in pain, and also miss her so much. It's heartbreaking
  7. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you di and bob, I had no idea the pain I'd feel from losing her. She was a part of every moment of my day. I work from home, she was my only co-worker, and truly a best friend ❤️ It's awful not seeing her. I wouldnt her to be in pain tho.
  8. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you again Hazelnutlove ❤️
  9. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you very much Hazelnutlove ❤️ I have just heard so many people say their cat lived for years with CKD and such, so the questions start going thru my mind if I ended her life too early. I don't know why i thought I'd get a sense of relief and feeling of confirmation that I did the right...
  10. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    Thank you Mamanyt1953 For the kind words. Its so confusing because she didn't seem "that bad". I am so broken because I feel like I let her down. She was so attached to me. I took her to the vets, and she went, and now isn't back with me. It feels like a betrayal. I didn't know I'd feel like...
  11. mensass

    Can't Stop Crying After Putting My Cat To Sleep

    I made the decision to put my cat of 16 years to sleep yesterday. She had CKD, and I had been giving her special food, medication, weekly trips to the vet for an anti-nausea injection, and fluids. She had lost 40% of her body weight over the last few months, from 12 pounds to 7 pounds. She had...