Recent Content by MDad1234

  1. M

    Correcting longterm inappropriate urination issues

    They're really sweet kitties, and I'm happy to start making some improvements so things are better for everyone :) :lovecat2:
  2. M

    Correcting longterm inappropriate urination issues

    Thank you for these suggestions! Regardless of whether or not I adopt a couple of the cats in the longterm, in the short term I am going to work on getting her some new litter boxes, Dr. Elsey's attractant litter, a new box layout for the house, Feliway, and plenty of urine cleaner for the...
  3. M

    Correcting longterm inappropriate urination issues

    Oh gosh, I had a much longer post typed out but it must've gotten cut off! Here is what got cut off, including many details. I'll see what I can find out about the litterbox cleaning routine. I know she scoops at least every other day, perhaps every day. Not sure how often she is able to empty...
  4. M

    Correcting longterm inappropriate urination issues

    Hello all, I'm trying to help a relative with a couple of her cats who consistently urinate outside the litter box. Due to her own health and mobility issues, this issue has been allow to go on for several years unfortunately, so it's a longterm pattern of behavior for the cats. There's a...
  5. M

    Pill Giving Advice Needed

    I've had good luck with a pill popper, like the green one in the Youtube video above. When the vet prescribed medication in pill form about a month ago, I thought I would never be able to get it into my cat, especially since she absolutely refuses to eat anything with flavor ground up into her...
  6. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    And, of course, she made a big ol' poop about an hour after my previous post. I sat down in a chair next to her box, she came over and eyed the box for awhile, and then went. I dunno. I'm just going to keep on with the Miralax and occasional pumpkin and see what happens. Maybe the...
  7. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    Well, after all that good news the other day, we're now over three days without any poop. I've given her a little pumpkin a couple more times and did bump up her miralax a tad this morning, and tried to put as much extra water in the food as I thought she would tolerate (2-3 tablespoons...
  8. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    It's been almost 24 hours, and she's still acting fine, eating well, etc. I have to admit, I spent about 10 minutes on my hands and knees earlier checking the floor, under the furniture, and such, to make sure she hadn't spit the pill out yesterday! I don't think she was ever out of my sight...
  9. M

    Shocking News From Vet

    So very sorry to hear this news. As others have said, if you are able, see if you can get a second opinion or get a fine needle biopsy without sedation. I know the vet specialists/hospital treating my cat's current issues participates in Care Credit, which is basically a payment plan/credit...
  10. M

    Mirtazapine Gel Experience And Dosage

    I never did hear from the vet (left the message Wednesday :confused2:), but she's kept on eating well all evening, so I'm going to hold off on the next dose until at least tomorrow to see how she does. I should add, she had her first dose of chlorambucil about 9 hours ago, so I'll be vigilant to...
  11. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    She just had another normal BM. I've never been so happy about poop :D Fingers crossed it keeps up. I'll keep the miralax at the current level (1/8 tsp twice a day) and see what happens. How often to people generally give pumpkin? She also had her first dose of chlorambucil about 7 hours ago...
  12. M

    Mirtazapine Gel Experience And Dosage

    Thanks for your response! Yup, this is the transdermal gel/cream that I rub on the hairless part of her ear. I'm expecting a call from the vet, so if I talk to her today, I'll ask. Otherwise, I might just see how the eating goes tonight before I give kitty a second dose so soon and check with...
  13. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    I did give her 1/2 tsp of pumpkin mixed into a can's worth of FF that I left out overnight. This morning I saw that she had polished off the food AND had had a big, normal-looking poop! Firm, but not hard/dry. I'm not sure if the pumpkin would've had time to affect this BM, but I'm glad to know...
  14. M

    Mirtazapine Gel Experience And Dosage

    Hello all. I was curious about others' experiences with mirtazapine gel and the dosage you were recommended. My vet had had mine sent from Roadrunner Pharmacy in AZ, and I received two 3ml syringes. The concentration is 37.5mg/ml, and the dosage says to apply a .1ml dose once daily. I was a...
  15. M

    Ongoing Issues Related To Eating, Constipation (long)

    Thanks! I'm going to try to be patient and keep the dose at 1/8 tsp twice a day for the time being, which was my home vet's initial recommendation when this all started a couple of months ago. I'll also try a little pumpkin tonight. I received the chlorambucil today and am planning to come home...