Recent Content by Maddie M.

  1. Maddie M.

    2 Month Year Old

    s. I'll get her a checkup soon, for the male, i think hes spayed, but i dont know.
  2. Maddie M.

    Hair Loss

    How old is the cat? If its only 1-2 years old, its normal. Its just shedding. The sneeze thing, my kitten does that.
  3. Maddie M.

    Please Help! Randomly Aggressive Cat

    This might be a hormone change. My kitten bites my fingers all the time and is doing fine. Check with the vet.
  4. Maddie M.

    2 Month Year Old

    So today, my cats been off. Shes been laying under the couch sleeping for 5 hours, then when i get her out shes got some sort of belly that she didnt have before. Is this normal for a 2/3 month year old? Could she be pregnant? I checked and didnt see any nips growing, so i guess thats a check...