Please Help! Randomly Aggressive Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 30, 2018
Hello all, I am writing because I have recently taken in a cat. This is technically a foster to adopt type situation as we knew she might have to go back. Let me start by saying I had to beg my live in boyfriend to agree to me getting a cat in the first place and I agreed if it did not work out I would give her back. We picked this cat because her story is so sad at around 6 months old she was taken to a shelter and had been there for three years! This was due to her aggression.
She is nice enough to me most of the time, a little skittish but she likes to hangout with me and follow me around. The trouble is randomly if you are petting her or just very close to her, she will bite HARD. Shes tried to bite me a bunch of times, and swatted at me allot. But she got me good twice. So good in fact I have been to urgent care twice in the two weeks we have had her for infected bites. She wont really even let my boyfriend touch her and runs from him/tries to bite him any time he goes to pet her. The weird thing is, is that she dosent show warning signs, the bite is her warning. And if you can get away good, but if not urgent care it is. She will come up and rub against me for petting and then try to bite me.
I play with her a pretty decent amount and bought her a cat tree, toys she can play with on her own that she likes and a lazer pointer. The rescue we got her from sent us a few fleiway diffusers which was very nice of them.. because they know she is a difficult case but they are trying to do what they can for her. I am also a poor college student. I have enough money to take care of a healthy cat, you know take it to the vet regularly and such. But I am not sure if I could afford getting her diagnosed with behavior problems.. or medication. I also have a hectic schedule so trying to get her to take a pill everyday would be annoying and hard.
Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? I might be willing to try medication but anyone know how much that vet visit would be? Or the medication? any experience with this type of behavior and cbd oil? Anyone with a cat like this who has come around? My boyfriend is also really not enjoying the fact he can not even go near the cat. I want to make it work, but I am not sure if I can.

Maddie M.

TCS Member
May 30, 2018
This might be a hormone change. My kitten bites my fingers all the time and is doing fine. Check with the vet.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 30, 2018
The rescue took her to the vet right before they brought her to us. No health issues they could find. The rescue literally drove her to us and waved the adoption fee because of how bad she is. They also gave us those feliway diffusers that are supposed to help with hormones. Fingers crossed!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Thank you for fostering this poor cat. I'm so sorry you've been the recipient of her bites. Is that her in your avatar?

I don't have any experience with aggressive cats, so unfortunately can't offer any advice. TCS does have a few articles that "might" be helpful. Hopefully other members will post with suggestions/ideas. Good luck. Please keep us posted on her progress.

Cat Aggression Toward People
Re-directed Aggression In Cats
How To Stop Playtime Aggression In Cats


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I think it would be worth trying an anti anxiety medication. It could help to reset her. See if the shelter can provide a month of it, but it’s generally quite affordable. You could give her the pill in a piece of food.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 30, 2018
Hi Rubysmama, no this is not her in the picture. That was our previous cat Gerald who had allot of cattitude. He died several months ago and because we where used to his antics we thought we could deal with another biter. Turns out his hard biting was nothing compared to this one.. and hers is so random! Thank you for the links. I think I have already read them lol. I have been searching high and low.. on page 60 something of this forum to try and find a similar situation, and I have found nothing.
Hi talkingpeanut, I am thinking about taking her. I am fairly confident I could afford the meds. Just not the initial diagnostic vet bill. I live off student loans and working only twice a week as I am in school. I have also had a bunch of un expected expenses recently. I am going to try and save up, and ask around for price quotes. I don't know if I can justify the expense if its too much though because I did not initally get the cat thinking meds would be the only option. I almost feel as if the rescue should have guessed that and mentioned it on her page. I was hoping it was just cattitude but the more I interact with her the more clear it becomes she has some type of serious mental issue.

I am so conflicted. I really feel it is wrong to give an animal back to a shelter. But I also think I was a bit unprepared for the reality this was a cat who would need medication to be safe.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
You should ask the shelter for help with the meds. Their vet has just seen her, and they should be eager to help make this work.

Also, she may not need them forever. As mentioned, it could act as a reset for her stressors.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Condolences on the loss of Gerald. :alright: RIP sweet boy. :angel3:

Ginger is beautiful. And definitely hides her dangerous side in pictures.

I would totally understand if you ended up returning her to the shelter, but I do hope she calms down and is able to stay with you. :catlove: