Recent Content by lindamc62

  1. lindamc62

    how does your cat wake you?

    Mine don't. They keep me from getting up! When they hear me stirring, one or both will cuddle up and purr, which puts me back to sleep. I don't feed my cats when I get up. I always eat my breakfast first, so they don't associate my waking with getting fed. I've had a lot of cats in my life, and...
  2. lindamc62

    Is my persian going to be a "doll face"

    I think the dual pregnancy is a lie and your kitten is a non-standard Napoleon.  Hopefully he's healthier because of the mix.  He is adorable and will grow up to be a beautiful cat!  Since you are already in love (and who could blame you), your plan of testing and reporting the breeder after you...
  3. lindamc62

    Kitten with unusual fur pattern - how to describe his fur?

    Beautiful kitten!  You'll have a great time watching him grow up!
  4. lindamc62

    Tails! Picture of the Month Contest

    Luke at 8 1/2 months, caught playing with the pillows.
  5. Tails! Picture of the Month Contest

    Tails! Picture of the Month Contest

  6. LukeTail.jpg


  7. lindamc62

    adopted senior, obese, constipated, and has upper respiratory infection

    I'm sorry about Chalupa, it's so hard to lose them :(  Your new cat is really pretty!  I have had cats with upper respiratory infections, feline herpes. I've given them lysine supplements that seem to help.  The one I use is "Enisyl-F Lysine Treats" by Vetoquinol.  Treats is right, they love...
  8. lindamc62

    5 month old kitten pants after little play

    I have two 8 1/2 month old kittens, Luke and Mimi.  Luke has occasionally panted for a very short time after running around like a maniac. It's only two or three pants and then he stops.  His nose and paws are VERY hot when this happens, so I think he is overheating himself.  He doesn't know...
  9. lindamc62

    Official Picture Survey - What’s your personality profile?

    I got Tech Addict.  Yes, I like my toys.  I guess Crazy Cat Lady wasn't an option!
  10. lindamc62

    6 month old cat biting me, not sure if it's playful or aggressive. How do I make him stop?

    I have two 8 month old kittens. They also "play bite," but they are gentle.  They are brother and sister and have wrestled with each other since I got them at 9 weeks (and before).  They learned to be gentle with their mouths and their claws by playing with each other.  A single kitten doesn't...
  11. lindamc62

    The multicat household- All males, all females or a mix?

    This matches my experience.  I had two cats that were alphas, and while it wasn't all out war, they did fight a lot more than my other cats.  One alpha, no problem!  The most affectionate cat I ever had was girl.  She LOVED attention, followed people around and liked belly rubs! The others have...
  12. lindamc62

    Fancy Feast It Is

    I agree. I use methimazole compounded to a gel I put on my hyperthyroid cat's ear.  Quick, easy and she doesn't mind at all.  An overactive thyroid controlled by medication can also protect the blood flow to the kidneys.  It gives you something else to tweak to keep an old cat going.  Misty, the...
  13. lindamc62

    How long did it take your kitty to conver from dry to wet?

    Immediately.  Most of my cats prefer wet.  I leave some dry out to give my skinny 16 year old cat (being treated for hyperthyroidism) as many opportunities to eat as possible, but it goes slowly.  I only had one cat that ate mostly dry. She was very picky!
  14. lindamc62

    Fancy Feast It Is

    Mine are eating FF too.  When I got a pair of kittens, Luke and Mimi, last January, I tried feeding them a variety of expensive grain free food.  They didn't eat it.  FF kitten - they lap it up.  They do thankfully like the pate.  Most of the cats I have had will just lick the sauce off the...
  15. lindamc62

