Recent Content by Karen77

  1. K

    Why Me With Fosters

    It’s so hard, but kittens are just so fragile. We do everything we can and the worst still happens. But then we have ones that come to us so sick and helpless that we are able to save and I like to think it helps to balance out the heartbreak. I totally understand taking a break. Losing one of...
  2. K

    8 Sick Foster Kittens.

    I cannot believe I’m discussing cat poop consistency here, but when our foster had the runs from worms we knew he was getting better when it looks like soft serve ice cream rather than pure liquid. Just FYI, even after he was better he did need another round of dewormer of a different kind...
  3. K

    Why Me With Fosters

    ❤️ I am so sorry. This the heartbreaking side of fostering. You did everything you could for her. I’m glad you were with her at the end so that she knew she was loved. I hope her suffering was over quickly. Please let me know if you need to talk. I know how heartbreaking it is. ❤️
  4. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Almost forgot to post pics!
  5. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Thank you :) I swear I’m more worried about these kittens than I was about my human son when he was newborn lol.
  6. K

    8 Sick Foster Kittens.

    I had a foster with the poop issue too. He smelled terrible, I can’t imagine how awful an entire litter of poopers must smell! I don’t have much advice, but when out foster’s butt was super swollen and distended from pooping so much the vet told us to use Desitin - like what you use on babies. I...
  7. K

    Why Me With Fosters

    What a cutie! I had a foster the exact same thing happened with about 2 months ago. Scared the life out of me - came home and his pen was filled with vomit and poop. Took him to emergency vet and they gave him a second dose of dewormer, an anti-diahrea (metronidazole I think?) and prescription...
  8. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    One week old tomorrow and all seems to be going well! She’s a great mommy! I’m keeping a weight log which I have attached (it’s in ounces). I’m a little concerned about Stephen on the far right. He was the largest at birth but doesn’t seem to be gaining as quickly as the rest. Any thoughts or...
  9. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Amazing, the formula stopped the panting almost immediately. Thank you so much!
  10. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Four kittens!
  11. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Thank you! I was getting worried. She seems totally fine otherwise. I have formula here, will give her a bowl now.
  12. K

    Pregnant Cat Issues

    Four kittens were born about three hours ago. All looks good except in the past half hour mom is panting off and on. She's eating a ton, babies are nursing, but she's panting a lot. Is this normal? She stops panting when I pet her.
  13. K

    Kitten Eating Litter-question

    We had a foster kitten that would eat the non-clumping litter. I think it was Fresh Step that we used. With him it was more curiosity I think. He just wasn't sure yet what was food and what wasn't. We'd take it out of his mouth when we saw him do it, but obviously he probably ate some when we...
  14. K

    Pregnant Stray...

    Fingers crossed that we both have Friday the 13th kittens! Mine was acting strange this morning too and hiding a little bit. I'm at work and I'm so scared she's going to have them while I'm here!
  15. K

    Pregnant Stray...

    Definitely read the articles above. My pregnant foster was having some litter box issues as well because of her size - she can't move as fast as she used to and isn't as good at judging distance as she used to be I guess. I put towels and doggie pee pads around the litter box and that solved...