Recent Content by falling_rain21

  1. F

    cat attacking my other cat!!!!

  2. F

    cat attacking my other cat!!!!

    Thank you so much for responding so quickly! I will do the t-shirt suggestion. About the flower remedy: Where do I buy it? At the vet's office??
  3. F

    cat attacking my other cat!!!!

    Okay....I may have a problem here, I don't know. Recently, my boyfriend moved out of the city and took with him our two cats to live with him.(I'm going to university, and can't have them on campus). Anyways, he(Noah) was okay in the car ride up there(1 hour drive), and the minute he got out...
  4. F

    Your internet connection

    I'm a dial-up user here. I absolutely hate it too, but my boyfriend and I refuse to go with cable because of the company. Rogers Cable is not a good company. They've screwed us around with our t.v. cable enough for us to say NO to cable!
  5. F

    The Pet Psychic

    When my boyfriend and I first saw previews for this program, we just looked at eachother and shook our heads at the same time! I don't buy into all that at all. But I guess it's okay for entertainment purposes!!:tounge2:
  6. F

    Interesting Home Remedy

    I recently dyed my hair and the next day it had hints of green in it!! I was desperate, and would try anything. So I heard that putting ketchup in your hair and leaving on for about 20 minutes with a plastic bag or saran wrap over top of it, would take the green out. As crazy as it may sound...
  7. F

    Wednesday June 12 DT

    Nice day out here-in the high 70's. Cloudy though. Figures on my day off! Oh well. I think for Father's Day, I'm just visiting my dad and probably having dinner with the folks. I still don't know what to buy him! Guess I'd better find something quick. Hope everyone's day goes well.
  8. F

    Priceless Wedding

    Hilarious!! I agree, what a great mastercard commercial THAT would make!!!!:tounge2: :tounge2:
  9. F

    A very whiney cat!

    thanks guys! I will try the door half open. I can't do the pet door thing because we rent this apartment, and are moving in a couple of months anyways. :tounge2:
  10. F

    A very whiney cat!

    My cat Cleopatra has gotten herself into a habit of sleeping with my boyfriend and I at night. We keep the door shut at night because my boyfriend can't sleep with it open from the noises of the fish tank filters in the living room. Anyways, when she wants out, she'll whine at the door for...
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    I've always been intrigued by yoga. I read an article in a magazine recently and now I really want to try it out. I have a bit of pooch on my stomach that I'd love to firm up. Would yoga help that??
  12. F

    Actual answering machine messages.

  13. F

    Let's make a story!

    They stood there, staring at the beautiful new litter of furbabies, and smiled.
  14. F

    Wednesday's DT - yeah payday!

    Hello everyone!! It's kinda nice here-the sun is trying to peak out of the clouds, and it's warm. Suppose to rain though. I guess we need it. I have today and tomarrow off! Have no plans yet, except relaxing, and grocery shopping. Hope you all have a great day!:tounge2:
  15. F

    I got a job!

    Congratulations!! You'll make great tips there! I'm so happy for you.