DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
hmmmm. A fever symptom seems typical when there is a “delayed” reaction which tends to kick in a week+ after the vaccines. He’s had these prolonged symptoms immediately since receiving them? All of this blood work is pretty normal? Did he ever receive x rays or ultrasounds? Did he get a urine/fecal test? If he was fine before the vaccines and all of a sudden took a turn for the worse, it has to be related. There are so many unknowns with these vaccines that it’s awful our pets have to suffer. It seems you are doing what you can for this little guy and I give you so much credit for trying to be the voice for him. My thoughts are with you.
Also, Muskets symptoms of lethargy, loss of appetite and stiff back legs (which causes them not to want to move) are all signs of this severe reaction. I’m hoping it’s because he’s a kitten that the struggle is extra hard for him. Again, my cat Rico had a fever that came and went (typically around 103), extreme lethargy, didn’t drink water, only ate some broth and completely stopped cleaning himself for several weeks. How many days has musket been symptomatic? Do you notice any improvement a 3-5 hours after the prednisolone dose?


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2024
hmmmm. A fever symptom seems typical when there is a “delayed” reaction which tends to kick in a week+ after the vaccines. He’s had these prolonged symptoms immediately since receiving them? All of this blood work is pretty normal? Did he ever receive x rays or ultrasounds? Did he get a urine/fecal test? If he was fine before the vaccines and all of a sudden took a turn for the worse, it has to be related. There are so many unknowns with these vaccines that it’s awful our pets have to suffer. It seems you are doing what you can for this little guy and I give you so much credit for trying to be the voice for him. My thoughts are with you.
Blood work was all normal aside from slightly elevated WBC at 21000. Urine and fecal were normal. He was eating lots and played and ran prior to this last round of shots and the symptoms appeared pretty immediately. First 24-48 hours thought it was normal lethargy and lack of appetite but after day 3 of not eating or moving we took him in and had the slight fever of 102 and then did the blood work two days later. He dropped a whole pound those 3 days and hasn’t gained it back but don’t think we were syringe feeding him enough. Very possible something else was triggered by the shots but it is hard to say, the timing is very suspect. Hoping he turns around after getting nutrients directly via feeding tube, will keep everyone posted.


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2024
Also, Muskets symptoms of lethargy, loss of appetite and stiff back legs (which causes them not to want to move) are all signs of this severe reaction. I’m hoping it’s because he’s a kitten that the struggle is extra hard for him. Again, my cat Rico had a fever that came and went (typically around 103), extreme lethargy, didn’t drink water, only ate some broth and completely stopped cleaning himself for several weeks. How many days has musket been symptomatic? Do you notice any improvement a 3-5 hours after the prednisolone dose?
Definitely noticed improvement immediately after prednisolone within hours he was playful for a moment. That’s when he started eating on his own periodically but not enough to catch up I think is the issue. He has been symptomatic for about 12-13 days now


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Blood work was all normal aside from slightly elevated WBC at 21000. Urine and fecal were normal. He was eating lots and played and ran prior to this last round of shots and the symptoms appeared pretty immediately. First 24-48 hours thought it was normal lethargy and lack of appetite but after day 3 of not eating or moving we took him in and had the slight fever of 102 and then did the blood work two days later. He dropped a whole pound those 3 days and hasn’t gained it back but don’t think we were syringe feeding him enough. Very possible something else was triggered by the shots but it is hard to say, the timing is very suspect. Hoping he turns around after getting nutrients directly via feeding tube, will keep everyone posted.
WBC could be slightly elevated from the inflammation caused by the vaccine? So hard when your poor kitty is tiny to begin with, ugh. My cat is the most rambunctious cat ever and not seeing him move for almost a month killed me. Again, my thoughts are with you!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Definitely noticed improvement immediately after prednisolone within hours he was playful for a moment. That’s when he started eating on his own periodically but not enough to catch up I think is the issue. He has been symptomatic for about 12-13 days now
I want to mention, a prednisolone dose twice daily for a few days might help vs once a day. There is a pill form that is more palatable than liquid form. Worth inquiring or trying out. Best of luck.


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2024
hmmmm. A fever symptom seems typical when there is a “delayed” reaction which tends to kick in a week+ after the vaccines. He’s had these prolonged symptoms immediately since receiving them? All of this blood work is pretty normal? Did he ever receive x rays or ultrasounds? Did he get a urine/fecal test? If he was fine before the vaccines and all of a sudden took a turn for the worse, it has to be related. There are so many unknowns with these vaccines that it’s awful our pets have to suffer. It seems you are doing what you can for this little guy and I give you so much credit for trying to be the voice for him. My thoughts are with you.
Muskets condition has taken quite the turn, on Wednesday they discovered he has intussusception and had emergency surgery on his small intestine a few cm removed. He struggled with recovery post op but managed to pull through and was eating the next day. Given the abrupt symptoms starting within 24 of his shots, I do still believe they may have caused inflammation and or the anorexia caused it to become an issue. We brought him home last night and he was eating but now today is not. I’m worried after all this the surgery failed and he is already so weak he was in the cusp of being septic when going intro surgery even though his blood was normal a week prior. We are not out of the woods and appetite stimulant is not working so will bring him in tonight since he last ate at 8 pm last night.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Muskets condition has taken quite the turn, on Wednesday they discovered he has intussusception and had emergency surgery on his small intestine a few cm removed. He struggled with recovery post op but managed to pull through and was eating the next day. Given the abrupt symptoms starting within 24 of his shots, I do still believe they may have caused inflammation and or the anorexia caused it to become an issue. We brought him home last night and he was eating but now today is not. I’m worried after all this the surgery failed and he is already so weak he was in the cusp of being septic when going intro surgery even though his blood was normal a week prior. We are not out of the woods and appetite stimulant is not working so will bring him in tonight since he last ate at 8 pm last night.
Oh my, poor kitty! I hope the worst is behind him and he can start the slow road to recovery. You’re doing a great job and I’m sure he’s so grateful to have you looking after him.


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2024
Oh my, poor kitty! I hope the worst is behind him and he can start the slow road to recovery. You’re doing a great job and I’m sure he’s so grateful to have you looking after him.
Sadly Musket had complications with his surgery and a recurrence or new blockage/intussusception in his small intestine. They had to euthanize him tonight when I took him in after noticing a bad decline from bringing him home last night. We are sad but feel better knowing he isn’t in pain. I will never know how the shots impacted this whether congenital and the inflammation or anorexia made it worse. Or just Maine coons are more prone and the rapid change in diet/anorexia caused it. It was a 180 from the moment he got his third set of shots and there is some evidence intussusception can occur in humans from another type of vaccine. He was the best kitty for the two months we had him.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Sadly Musket had complications with his surgery and a recurrence or new blockage/intussusception in his small intestine. They had to euthanize him tonight when I took him in after noticing a bad decline from bringing him home last night. We are sad but feel better knowing he isn’t in pain. I will never know how the shots impacted this whether congenital and the inflammation or anorexia made it worse. Or just Maine coons are more prone and the rapid change in diet/anorexia caused it. It was a 180 from the moment he got his third set of shots and there is some evidence intussusception can occur in humans from another type of vaccine. He was the best kitty for the two months we had him.
Rest in peace, may you no longer suffer, you are in a better place 💕


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am also very sorry to read this news of Musket. He knew the love of a family for his entire short life and I hope that you will eventually be able to take some comfort in that. If you would like, you can post memories or a tribute to Musket in our Crossing the Bridge forum.

Crossing the Bridge

If you feel up to it, you may want to pursue this with Zoetis.


TCS Member
Feb 22, 2024
Have seen many of your posts on immediate (within a day) reactions to vaccines, but has anyone any experience with a severe DELAYED reaction? Pawnee (5 yrs old, spayed DSH) got a Felocel 4 FVRCP and an Imrab 3 rabies booster on April 30. She was totally, completely fine for 8 days. On Friday (a week ago today) she gobbled up her breakfast, seemed just fine, but got quieter and quieter through the day. Would not eat Fri eve or Saturday, Saturday eve temp at 104.5. Took her to emergency vet on Sunday - temp 105. CBC, basic blood panel and FeLV/FIV tests ALL normal. Got 250cc fluids subcu and Convenia. I asked vet about vaccine reaction and he said "very unlikely that far out." Regular vet (Best Vet in The Universe) saw her Monday and her first thought was vaccine reaction. Sure enough, Felocell 4 website says 1% of cats develop fever, lethargy, anorexia beginning 7-21 days AFTER vaccine was given, lasting an average of 12 days. She has spent the week on fluids (subcu and IV), prednisolone, and we've been coaxing her with every possible kind of food (incl KMR). She had one day of a normal temp (and she ate everything in sight), then it went back up, hovering between 103.5 and 104. She's still basically very lethargic, eats very little, feels like crap. Every blood test we've done has come in normal. We do really think this is vaccine-related, but if anyone has been through this, I'd be grateful for your input. It seems we just have to do supportive care, with fluids, steroids, and painkillers, and hang in there till it clears. But it's feeling like a very long haul, and it just kills us to see our tough, smart, active, healthy, opinionated, willful Pawnee in such straits... :-( She was a stray who adopted us, and has been allowed to continue life as an indoor/outdoor cat, and we do get bats in the house occasionally, so I thought I was being a good CatMom by getting her vaccines. I also made a mistake in getting the vaccines from the local vet where our vacation home is instead of from our usual home vet, who would not have stacked the vaccines. She had no difficulty with her first set of vaccines; this was her second vaccination since she's lived with us, and of course we have no clue what her previous history was. I'm beating myself up royally for all this, of course.
But if anyone has seen this happen and has any advice, we'd be so grateful...


This happened to our cat - even later!

Our cat had a severe, delayed adverse reaction after vaccines (Fellocell4; Purevax Feline FeLV and Defensor 3). About 11 to 12 days after the vaccine, he lost his appetite and became weak. He disappreared for a day and then we had him at the vet precisely 14 days after the vaccinations. The vet gave a combination of antibiotics and Onsior injection + Vit B12. He is also still on Onsior tablets.

He is limping at the moment, seems to be sore and/or swollen joints.

He is an FIP survivor - so this whole thing has been completely traumatic.
His FIP treatment ended 6 months prior to the vaccinations and he was given a clean bill of health and we were told it was safe to give the vaccinations.

I dont think I can ever vaccinate him again; its too traumatic.

As it stands we are worried to death about his current state.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
This is very upsetting to see happen to your cat. FWIW, my cat vet will only give 2 vaccines at at time and I personally only do one. I realize this could be inconvenient if you have a long drive to the vet.


TCS Member
Mar 1, 2024
Hi everyone, I’m unfortunately having the exact same issue with my 5 yr old cat Milo and I’m not sure what to do. He received the Felv+Rabies 3 yr + FVRCPC (I didn’t know stacking them was bad, and my vet said it was alright… so much regret) in mid December and began exhibiting the same symptoms as everyone’s cats two weeks later in late December early January. He was limping, extremely lethargic, loss of appetite, and it progressively got worse to the point that he was unable to walk. Started off with a limp on one leg and escalated to full body joint pain, unable to move. In addition to those symptoms he began twitching occasionally, in his ears and legs/head, almost like muscle spasms. For a couple of days I had to spoon feed him and take him to the litter box. After roughly the fourth day, when these symptoms peaked, I took him back to the same vet, who was adamant that it was impossible to be vaccine related and he was simply fat and had joint pain (he weighed 16 lb during the vaccination visit, but is a very long cat, doesn’t look fat, even though he should probably weigh a bit less). In the follow up appointment, he was down to 14 lbs. In addition, this vet claimed that he didn’t have a fever, unlike your cats. I stayed firm that it was far too coincidental for this not to be related to the vaccines but i was ignored by the vet. I take Milo back home and he begins snapping out of it within a couple days progressively over time, back to his old self, eating, playing normally, able to run around and jump. At this point I figured he got through it alright with no needed intervention. About a month or so later (Feb 20~) I notice he’s still twitching at times and feels a bit skinny/bonier, but around the same weight. I immediately book an appointment with a different vet to make sure he’s alright, where I gave him the rundown on Milos past symptoms, history and current worries. This new vet explains it’s impossible to have a delayed reaction that late after, gives a physical and tells me he looks alright. I push for a blood panel + urinalysis to make sure his organs are fine and normal thyroid levels (they were according to these tests, and most everything was normal) where the only abnormalities were a low specific gravity of 1.01 and slightly elevated cholesterol. This vet explains that I should have his urine tested a couple more times to verify the specific gravity is consistently that low and recommends further testing. I’m worried at this point that Milo is showing early signs of kidney damage from these vaccines being stacked and I feel lost as none of these vets are acknowledging the possibility of a delayed immune reaction to the vaccines. Im full of regret for hurting my best friend and unknowingly leading him into this predicament. Sorry for the block of text, i wanted to share my experience as well and hopefully get some advice if possible. Thanks in advanced


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Hi everyone, I’m unfortunately having the exact same issue with my 5 yr old cat Milo and I’m not sure what to do. He received the Felv+Rabies 3 yr + FVRCPC (I didn’t know stacking them was bad, and my vet said it was alright… so much regret) in mid December and began exhibiting the same symptoms as everyone’s cats two weeks later in late December early January. He was limping, extremely lethargic, loss of appetite, and it progressively got worse to the point that he was unable to walk. Started off with a limp on one leg and escalated to full body joint pain, unable to move. In addition to those symptoms he began twitching occasionally, in his ears and legs/head, almost like muscle spasms. For a couple of days I had to spoon feed him and take him to the litter box. After roughly the fourth day, when these symptoms peaked, I took him back to the same vet, who was adamant that it was impossible to be vaccine related and he was simply fat and had joint pain (he weighed 16 lb during the vaccination visit, but is a very long cat, doesn’t look fat, even though he should probably weigh a bit less). In the follow up appointment, he was down to 14 lbs. In addition, this vet claimed that he didn’t have a fever, unlike your cats. I stayed firm that it was far too coincidental for this not to be related to the vaccines but i was ignored by the vet. I take Milo back home and he begins snapping out of it within a couple days progressively over time, back to his old self, eating, playing normally, able to run around and jump. At this point I figured he got through it alright with no needed intervention. About a month or so later (Feb 20~) I notice he’s still twitching at times and feels a bit skinny/bonier, but around the same weight. I immediately book an appointment with a different vet to make sure he’s alright, where I gave him the rundown on Milos past symptoms, history and current worries. This new vet explains it’s impossible to have a delayed reaction that late after, gives a physical and tells me he looks alright. I push for a blood panel + urinalysis to make sure his organs are fine and normal thyroid levels (they were according to these tests, and most everything was normal) where the only abnormalities were a low specific gravity of 1.01 and slightly elevated cholesterol. This vet explains that I should have his urine tested a couple more times to verify the specific gravity is consistently that low and recommends further testing. I’m worried at this point that Milo is showing early signs of kidney damage from these vaccines being stacked and I feel lost as none of these vets are acknowledging the possibility of a delayed immune reaction to the vaccines. Im full of regret for hurting my best friend and unknowingly leading him into this predicament. Sorry for the block of text, i wanted to share my experience as well and hopefully get some advice if possible. Thanks in advanced
Hello, this is a scary and lonely place to be in with our pets. We experience a ton of guilt for trusting these veterinarians to make the best judgement call for our fur babies. I have PTSD months later from the adverse reaction to the vaccine so I feel your pain and desperation for answers. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any twitching with my male cat who is also 5 years old and around 15-16 pounds (not fat but a large long boy). Do the twitches come and go all day long? Only noticed the twitching post vaccine?
It’s a good start to get baseline blood work, urinalysis and even blood pressure checks (I’m a big advocate of those) and monitor those numbers over a period of time. I had to google low gravity in urine, is he drinking more fluids than normal? You’re doing the right thing and I would trust your gut that it could be from the vaccine given the timeline. Keep us posted!


TCS Member
Mar 1, 2024
Hello, this is a scary and lonely place to be in with our pets. We experience a ton of guilt for trusting these veterinarians to make the best judgement call for our fur babies. I have PTSD months later from the adverse reaction to the vaccine so I feel your pain and desperation for answers. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any twitching with my male cat who is also 5 years old and around 15-16 pounds (not fat but a large long boy). Do the twitches come and go all day long? Only noticed the twitching post vaccine?
It’s a good start to get baseline blood work, urinalysis and even blood pressure checks (I’m a big advocate of those) and monitor those numbers over a period of time. I had to google low gravity in urine, is he drinking more fluids than normal? You’re doing the right thing and I would trust your gut that it could be from the vaccine given the timeline. Keep us posted!
Thanks for the reply, it makes me feel a bit more at ease that I’m not alone in this. His twitching began after his vaccinations, when the other symptoms arose, and have noticeably gone down in their severity since then. When he was in the thick of it, he would twitch/jerk himself awake, usually his front Arms. Then he’d lick his arms promptly after like he was confused what just happened. At this point It’s subsided and just his ears seem to be irritating him now, where they’ll twitch occasionally (more infrequently) and he’d shake his head or rub them with his front paw. They do seem to be all day long, but more infrequent than before, which gives me hope that it’s passing. He does seem to be drinking a bit more water than usual, I have a cat Fountain for him and remember in the past it being a rare occasion to see him drink from it, since he’s on a wet can food diet. My biggest concern now is that the new vet I’ve been seeing wants to extract two of his teeth, and I’m unsure about his potential kidney damage and whether or not the anesthesia would make it worse. I agree, At this point I want to check his urine SG a couple more times over a period of time and figure out why it’s so abnormal. Really hoping it’s not some form of rare autoimmune response where his immune system is attacking his kidneys. I’ll keep everyone up to date


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
Thanks for the reply, it makes me feel a bit more at ease that I’m not alone in this. His twitching began after his vaccinations, when the other symptoms arose, and have noticeably gone down in their severity since then. When he was in the thick of it, he would twitch/jerk himself awake, usually his front Arms. Then he’d lick his arms promptly after like he was confused what just happened. At this point It’s subsided and just his ears seem to be irritating him now, where they’ll twitch occasionally (more infrequently) and he’d shake his head or rub them with his front paw. They do seem to be all day long, but more infrequent than before, which gives me hope that it’s passing. He does seem to be drinking a bit more water than usual, I have a cat Fountain for him and remember in the past it being a rare occasion to see him drink from it, since he’s on a wet can food diet. My biggest concern now is that the new vet I’ve been seeing wants to extract two of his teeth, and I’m unsure about his potential kidney damage and whether or not the anesthesia would make it worse. I agree, At this point I want to check his urine SG a couple more times over a period of time and figure out why it’s so abnormal. Really hoping it’s not some form of rare autoimmune response where his immune system is attacking his kidneys. I’ll keep everyone up to date
Hard to say with the body twitches as this adverse reaction really messes with their muscles/joints from all of the inflammation. Nice to hear it’s subsided. I’m guessing you’ve checked his ears for mites? I know the head shakes and pawing can indicate mites. If it were my cat, I would wait on the tooth extractions until you have more time to monitor his vaccine recovery. Did you ever have a urinalysis pre vaccine?


TCS Member
Mar 1, 2024
Hard to say with the body twitches as this adverse reaction really messes with their muscles/joints from all of the inflammation. Nice to hear it’s subsided. I’m guessing you’ve checked his ears for mites? I know the head shakes and pawing can indicate mites. If it were my cat, I would wait on the tooth extractions until you have more time to monitor his vaccine recovery. Did you ever have a urinalysis pre vaccine?
Yeah that’s the only physical symptom that has me scratching my head, not sure what to think of it. & Thanks, I’m glad it’s subsiding as well & hasn’t remained as bad or gotten worse. That was my first instinct too, checked his ears and no mites, they look clean. I’ll most likely be taking that route, monitoring his blood/urine closely for a couple months then tackle the tooth extractions. I unfortunately didn’t have a urinalysis pre vaccine, so I can’t say for certain he didn’t already have a low specific gravity. I figured Id start the regular yearly bloodwork/urinalysis around 7 when he began getting older as I’ve never had a cat prior get sick so young, looking in retrospect I should have though.


TCS Member
Mar 3, 2024
I can’t believe I finally found this thread!! My vet also said it couldn’t possibly be the vaccination combination. This is the second cat that I have had who had a reaction but this time it is going on and on. I have a three year-old rescued Persian chinchilla who I had vaccinated with the FVRCP as well as rabies on November 30 2023 (the vet recommended me go ahead and give her the vaccines at the time, even though they were two months short of a year) By the beginning of January, I noticed a slight limping which progressively got worse. She then started losing energy and appetite, which was very unlike her. I went to the vets and after a round of bloodwork and x-rays the only thing slightly off was a tiny bit of elevation in her calcium but not enough for the vet to be concerned. she said it could’ve been a lab error. She put her on a course of Meticam . If I give her that she seems to do OK but if I try to take her off of it, the limping comes back. I am convinced it’s from the vaccines and this thread seems to be proof of that. I’m just afraid she will be like this forever now. Has anyone tried any kind of homeopathic treatment such as herbal meds? I only ask this because someone told me they had a bioscan done on their cat and the appropriate herbal remedies prescribed and that was the only thing that helped. I can’t say how much energy, research and money I’ve put into trying to solve her limping over the last couple months. I’m willing to try alternative meds at this point.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 28, 2023
I can’t believe I finally found this thread!! My vet also said it couldn’t possibly be the vaccination combination. This is the second cat that I have had who had a reaction but this time it is going on and on. I have a three year-old rescued Persian chinchilla who I had vaccinated with the FVRCP as well as rabies on November 30 2023 (the vet recommended me go ahead and give her the vaccines at the time, even though they were two months short of a year) By the beginning of January, I noticed a slight limping which progressively got worse. She then started losing energy and appetite, which was very unlike her. I went to the vets and after a round of bloodwork and x-rays the only thing slightly off was a tiny bit of elevation in her calcium but not enough for the vet to be concerned. she said it could’ve been a lab error. She put her on a course of Meticam . If I give her that she seems to do OK but if I try to take her off of it, the limping comes back. I am convinced it’s from the vaccines and this thread seems to be proof of that. I’m just afraid she will be like this forever now. Has anyone tried any kind of homeopathic treatment such as herbal meds? I only ask this because someone told me they had a bioscan done on their cat and the appropriate herbal remedies prescribed and that was the only thing that helped. I can’t say how much energy, research and money I’ve put into trying to solve her limping over the last couple months. I’m willing to try alternative meds at this point.
Hi! Sorry that you and your pet are going through this. After weening my cat off his steroids, his limp and stiffness did return. I started using this natural remedy from Amazon: Homescape Pets Daily Thrive - Calms Aches & Pain, Anti-Inflammatory Pet Supplement Organic Hemp & Turmeric Oil for Cats & Dogs - Boosts Energy, Supports Immune System - Meal Topper
and it seemed to help with the inflammation naturally. Over time the limp and stiffness will go away but it does seem to take a long time (approx 6+ weeks). Hope this helps! Best of luck