Missing cat only one of the cats returned.......


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2023
I am heartbroken. I am faking care about lots of cats mostly strays and I kinda adopted two cats sisters - girls, one year and half years old. I fixed them, gave them food etc. They were outside cats mostly. There was problem in my house recently and I had to move a mile from my house. Sigh. So I decided it should be good idea to take them with me. Long story short I lost both of them while in the other house. I haven't chipped them bc it's kinda pointless in my country people take animals to the vet when they are really sick.somehow only one of the cats returned. I tried putting worn T-shirts etc in my yard in hopes I attract the other cat but l lnothing yet. I live in small community so social media will be useless in helping me find them but I asked around and nobody seems to remember if they have seen my cat.

I feel like its bad sign only one of the cats returned.. I read they have homing instincts. I am not worried about cars or dogs harming her cos there are like 5 cars a week max in this community. I am so sad idk what to do


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 11, 2023
I am so sorry! Have you tried walking around at night with a flashlight and seeing if her eyes reflect, calling to her while doing it? I would keep going from your place to the area she was lost, give out flyers even if you have no pictures and even if the community is small. Unknowns are the worst!! How long has she been missing?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2023
I am so sorry! Have you tried walking around at night with a flashlight and seeing if her eyes reflect, calling to her while doing it? I would keep going from your place to the area she was lost, give out flyers even if you have no pictures and even if the community is small. Unknowns are the worst!! How long has she been missing?
17 days.

Her sister returned on her own before a week...
I haven't tried looking for her night time. Just the mornings and afternoons. I will make flyers I have some photos of her thats great idea.
I was so happy when her sister returned I thought when they are together they will be both save but now I don't know. :(


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I agree with the above - and I would talk to kids in the area to be on the lookout for her - and give them flyers too. Children love to take on a challenge to help find a missing pet. Visit everyone who you give flyers to frequently, so they don't 'forget'.

Is there anyone living in your old house, or very close by? If so, ask if they would be willing to be on special lookout and give them some of the food she is used to eating for them to set out for her. Ditto at your new place.

If you can handle her sister, you might take her outside both at your new place and the old place and sit with her to see if that might encourage the missing cat to show up. The best times are right before dawn and right after dusk.

If she is skittish, you may need to borrow a trap or two, and hope to entice her to enter the traps with her favorite foods and treats inside and replenished/replaced daily.

If there are any local vets, give them flyers too, as well as any local animal shelters. They, too, will need to be followed-up with regularly.
Local stores, gas stations, etc. - ditto.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2023
I will make flyers. Sadly there aren't any vets or gas stations, restaurants around. There are like 100 poeple only there they are mostly old people but maybe flyers might help. Its kind of a rural area. Her sister is here yes I will try walking around with her to see if this can help.

I put box she used to sleep in outside as well hoping she will smell it and return..


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 11, 2023
Thank you but I am losing hope. My friend is also cat lover she also tried to look around. She can hunt and find food but water....😢😢
Oh no :(...Cats are pretty good at finding what they need, unless trapped somewhere, so I would definitely have people check their properties, sheds, etc. Def leave water out if you need to. Cats have gone missing for longer and come back, but I understand your worry and doubt. Do you have the ability to put up trail cams?
Do you think anyone could have taken her in?

Also is she spayed? or no?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2023
Honestly I don't think anyone would have taken her. There are sweet people that sometimes feed cats,put food for them but that's all. Where I live people usually don't take cats inside. Yes she is fixed.
She used to steal food from the neighbours sometimes entering their kitchen when the window was open 😂.

Also she could recognize my car somehow. Maybe the noise or something so I often take rides. What is trail cam? I am interested.