I want to adopt my roommate’s cat

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  • #21


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2022
This is certainly another twist, but probably not that unexpected. Hiding an animal who is being sought by AC or others in order to protect it is a common reaction. Is there some proof of the medicine not being administered, such as a refill was never requested at the vet's or the like? While this is not completely under your control, give AC any evidence of neglect you can think of. This can range from the cat does not look too bad, wound or not, and they don't reclaim her to the opposite outcome that you are looking for. Do you know if the parents would keep the cat, or try to, if the roommate still moves to the no pets apartment. Sometimes these situations turn on how much one person or another sees the case or how assertive someone is. I hope that the shelter can throw their weight around on your behalf.
Another thing I plan on expressing to the animal control officer is his pattern aggression and how it has worsened over time, how he has said to me he “didn’t care if she lived or died” when he picked her up when she escaped during the 4 months she was living with him by himself & she scratched him badly, and how he has punched a glass picture frame & carelessly endangered the cat. Not to mention setting down glue traps in the basement that I’ve asked him to clean up a billion times… I’m hoping this information, although not punishable, will convince them that she is unsafe in his care and they will do their best to reclaim her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2021
Well my misogynist roommate and I got in a huge, very hostile argument about a month ago that resulted in my partner and I terminating our portion of our upcoming lease. We had planned to be as civil as possible with him until the end of our currently lease so we could eventually offer him a couple hundred dollars to adopt the poor cat that we have grown to love and adore. We thought things were going well until he snapped again about a week ago and said we would “never see the cat again.”

Tonight I came home to find the cat locked in the basement. When we left the house at 5 we made sure to pet her on our way out. We got home at midnight to find her crying from there. I texted him to please be more aware of his surroundings and he replied with a laughing emoji. The first time he locked her in the basement he said it “build character.”

I don’t know what else to do. I emailed the rescue he got her from but I don’t know what they can legally accomplish. Please help. This poor cat is going to suffer because he’s too spiteful to admit he shouldn’t own an animal
Woah I didn't see the other reply he is a totally idk if I can say thin but psychopath,hurting animals just to annoy the one who truly loves them,he definitely doesn't deserve the cat, you defo need to call the cops,coz he is not even feeding her well or safe and show them the text,he intentions are clear he shouldn't adopt any animal in future


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2021
Also I am so proud of you I really really appreciate you,I hope you get the cat
Another thing I plan on expressing to the animal control officer is his pattern aggression and how it has worsened over time, how he has said to me he “didn’t care if she lived or died” when he picked her up when she escaped during the 4 months she was living with him by himself & she scratched him badly, and how he has punched a glass picture frame & carelessly endangered the cat. Not to mention setting down glue traps in the basement that I’ve asked him to clean up a billion times… I’m hoping this information, although not punishable, will convince them that she is unsafe in his care and they will do their best to reclaim her.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2022
Also I am so proud of you I really really appreciate you,I hope you get the cat
Thank you ): it’s been really heartbreaking but the support helps a lot. I just want to know that she’ll be well cared for and loved. Who knew it would be such a struggle


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Absolutely, all you want is to get the cat away from him. Tell them anything that you can think of that will make them reclaim her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2021
Thank you ): it’s been really heartbreaking but the support helps a lot. I just want to know that she’ll be well cared for and loved. Who knew it would be such a struggle
Yeah it feels so overwhelming to see someone like that who would do terrible things to animals,but there are also good people like you for such people and I believe NOTHING BAD will happen to that it's gonna be alright,I will pray for the cat


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
This is a advice I think you should talk to him teach him what he is doing wrong and he isn't treating his cat right they are animals,living beings with feelings not a toy,he needs to be more responsible and spend more time with the cat since it had a bad history if you find a way to change his behaviour towards animal then it might help him and many animals he might adopt in future which adopting or buying his cat won't do,but it would only work if the owner is mature enough to actually pay attention,if he still does not improve you should try to convince him to give you the cat or buy it from him,but i am sad bout the other animals he might adopt in the future and mistreat them

It he doesn't agree you might wanna collect the proof of mistreatment of the pet and try connecting to some authority which could help with the situation.
This is beyond a simple reason with them scenario, the roommate also has a history of domestic abuse and has actually punched holes in the walls of the house.

People who act this way towards other people also mistreat animals, there's a direct link between domestic violence and animal abuse.

Ideally the roommate needs therapy and rehabilitation. Should not be allowed to own animals and I would inquire about a restraining order if the OP or their husband feel threatened by this person, block on social media as well.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2021
This is beyond a simple reason with them scenario, the roommate also has a history of domestic abuse and has actually punched holes in the walls of the house.

People who act this way towards other people also mistreat animals, there's a direct link between domestic violence and animal abuse.

Ideally the roommate needs therapy and rehabilitation. Should not be allowed to own animals and I would inquire about a restraining order if the OP or their husband feel threatened by this person, block on social media as well.
I didn't see the other replies I totally agree with you.
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  • #29


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2022
Another quick update: I spoke to the animal control officer who is investigating this case yesterday. she was very receptive/concerned and agreed that he should not own an animal. She said she would conduct the wellness check this week and try to talk some sense into the parents & present them with two options; surrender the cat or face an official animal cruelty charge. She has yet to go over there, please wish us luck that we are able to bring our little girl home! we miss her so so much ):


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2021
Another quick update: I spoke to the animal control officer who is investigating this case yesterday. she was very receptive/concerned and agreed that he should not own an animal. She said she would conduct the wellness check this week and try to talk some sense into the parents & present them with two options; surrender the cat or face an official animal cruelty charge. She has yet to go over there, please wish us luck that we are able to bring our little girl home! we miss her so so much ):
Best of luck to you and the cat,I really believe the cat is gonna be all fine since you guys are working so hard to rescue it,I hope and I believe things would go well.

Could you tell me on what basis would they charge him for animal cruelty, so I could keep in mind that for "those" reasons I could charge similar pp too if I ever meet them.
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2022
Best of luck to you and the cat,I really believe the cat is gonna be all fine since you guys are working so hard to rescue it,I hope and I believe things would go well.

Could you tell me on what basis would they charge him for animal cruelty, so I could keep in mind that for "those" reasons I could charge similar pp too if I ever meet them.
In the state we live in neglect or failure to provide basic needs for an animal for which you are legally responsible falls under animal cruelty and is subject to $500-2000 in fines or 90 days imprisonment.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am certainly wishing you luck with this outcome. Hopefully the AC officer who responds will take steps to help this cat and not just issue warnings. Even if that were to happen, ask what the next step is from there.
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  • #33


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2022
Hi everyone. I wanted to offer an (unsatisfying) update. Animal control did end up conducting a wellness check on the cat at my ex-roommate’s parent’s house. For some reason the parents didn’t tell him, so we didn’t have to suffer the tantrum that would have soon followed when he found out. My partner was actually able to speak with him one on one (without me present) and pleaded with him to let us adopt the cat. He said no at first but then agreed to think about it, saying he could “always get another cat.” That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then we’ve followed up twice and both times were given a “still thinking about it” type of response. Most recently he admitted that what was holding him back from agreeing was the fact that I would be right in this situation. Obviously we did our best to tip toe around his fragile emotions, but we’re still waiting for a definite response. We still have all of her belongings. I know cats are independent and resilient but my heart is so broken thinking about how she’s been living an entire month without being shown affection, without being given a treat, without her favorite toys, and without being able to sit in her favorite window seat. I’m trying so hard to keep it together and to reassure myself that she could be in a much worse situation and that she has what she needs to get by, and that deep down my ex roommate does care for her. The idea that she thinks I abandoned her breaks my heart. We’re holding onto the fact that if the answer is a definite no, we will still be able to say our peace & explain that the shelter was so concerned w his behavior that they chose to call animal control & plan to conduct them routinely going forward. Hopefully the nuisance of that convinces him to just give her to us. If not, I know there are so many kitties in much worse circumstances that need good homes. I’m trying to convince myself that maybe another cat needs me and that’s why I can’t have my little girl back. I’ll keep you all updated when I hear back.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am very sorry that this is the response, so far. Keep at it. He may wear down when he finds out that the AC check is not a "one and done" and that he will have to put up with them long term. I know that purchasing her was mentioned a long time ago and was not an option? Do you think it would be now?

AC will often not take action unless a situation is beyond terrible. It is frustrating, but they sometimes don't do much about any thing where food and water are provided.

Please keep us posted.