Newly Diagnosed Hyperthyroid


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I was looking for a document on it but am having a hard time finding one. Until such time that I can find one, I will copy what was written by an internal medicine specialist that Feeby saw when I asked about the test. She said it would not diagnose either IBD or lymphoma but is used in conjunction with other tests like the ultrasound to help look at potential digestive issues.

"Your cat must be fasted for 12 hours prior to the blood draw for the tests. The GI Panel typically includes four individual tests - cobalamin, folate, fPLI, and fTLI:

Blood serum levels of B12 (cobalamin);
Blood serum levels of folate (another B vitamin);

Two tests check different aspects of pancreatic function;
The first check (fPLI) is to see if the pancreas is inflamed.
The second (fTLI) checks to see if the pancreas is making the proper amount of pancreatic enzymes to effectively digest and metabolize food. If it isn’t, this is called Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, “EPI,” and it is more common in cats than once thought.

When B12 and/or folate levels are low, these are a very good indication that there is some form of small bowel disease: it can be IBD, cancer, pancreatitis, or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. When B12 is low and folate high, this is an indication of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

Those two tests of pancreatic function can help pinpoint whether the problem involves the pancreas. The finding that the pancreas is involved does not mean the intestines aren’t – which gets back to why the ultrasound is important in the diagnostic process. Many cats concurrently have either IBD or intestinal cancer and pancreatitis or EPI (or inflammation/infection in other organs, and depending on which ones, the diagnosis may be cholangeohepatitis or triaditis)."

Maybe someone else will find an actual article/document about it.
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  • #102


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
I was looking for a document on it but am having a hard time finding one.
Thank you I had a hard time finding anything.

BTW, I lucked out today and posted on a feline Lymphoma site. One VERY nice person had already paid for an on line Veterinary Service and she offered to present my cat's case to the vet. I gave her all my records and the full ultrasound results. The Vet "second opinion" basically said that if I didn't want to do the FNA I should get a "trial run" of the steroid and see what happens. The Vet said a few weeks of the steroid at low doses could tell me if I am dealing with something serious. As if my cat stopped throwing up we would have a better sense that it isn't just regular hairballs.

So I feel like that is the best way to go and we could use the GI panel if there isn't a large difference with the steroid.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I hope you the best with that, but I think it is unnecessary. Trial run of a steroid has its own issues. I suggest you get a better understanding of it before you pursue. And, no, giving steroids isn't going to give you any results one way or the other regarding hairballs.

I am skeptical of anyone who would offer what you were offered on this lymphoma web site. Do you know who this person is, or how they might be affiliated with any of the things they are offering/proposing? Be careful, very, very careful.

As far as I am concerned you are walking into very dangerous territory.
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  • #104


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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
The real life vet hasn't responded so I am guessing that is a no.

The good news is that the Egg Yolk Lectin / fasting may be working. It has been 5 days without a throw up... *** crossing fingers ***

One reason I think I might be on to something is that his behavior has changed this week. He has way more energy... and sleeps about 70% of what he used to... this is turning out to be a bad thing because he keeps waking up during the night asking for food. He also disturbed me during work and he hasn't done that in months. He has even played with his toys. I haven't seen that in months.

But if I can get the throwing up under control I can play with his schedule. I have also ordered a wet food feeder.

He also seems to be scratching less so I am wondering if he is getting much needed nutrients now or if the Egg Yolk Lectin does good things for dry skin.

I was reading yesterday about how an egg yolk per week can help increase his motility... it is due to a substance called choline. So I am going to give that a try.

So far I have been giving him 1/2 capsule of Egg Yolk Lectin per day (less at first) and though in someways his poo is looser - it isn't that much looser. He used to go about every other day... and now he is going every night. (though that could be to the increase in food) but I am hoping that is a sign things are moving faster. Maybe getting the hair out before it has time to build.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
The real life vet hasn't responded so I am guessing that is a no.

The good news is that the Egg Yolk Lectin / fasting may be working. It has been 5 days without a throw up... *** crossing fingers ***

One reason I think I might be on to something is that his behavior has changed this week. He has way more energy... and sleeps about 70% of what he used to... this is turning out to be a bad thing because he keeps waking up during the night asking for food. He also disturbed me during work and he hasn't done that in months. He has even played with his toys. I haven't seen that in months.

But if I can get the throwing up under control I can play with his schedule. I have also ordered a wet food feeder.

He also seems to be scratching less so I am wondering if he is getting much needed nutrients now or if the Egg Yolk Lectin does good things for dry skin.

I was reading yesterday about how an egg yolk per week can help increase his motility... it is due to a substance called choline. So I am going to give that a try.

So far I have been giving him 1/2 capsule of Egg Yolk Lectin per day (less at first) and though in someways his poo is looser - it isn't that much looser. He used to go about every other day... and now he is going every night. (though that could be to the increase in food) but I am hoping that is a sign things are moving faster. Maybe getting the hair out before it has time to build.
I read that some looser poops can be a side effect of the egg yolk lecithin. It may be temporary.
I chose not to cook egg yolks because then I'd have the whites and it's just easier to give the powder from a capsule :).
I'm glad to hear of his doing better.
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  • #106


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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
I read that some looser poops can be a side effect of the egg yolk lecithin. It may be temporary.
I chose not to cook egg yolks because then I'd have the whites and it's just easier to give the powder from a capsule :).
I'm glad to hear of his doing better.
His stools aren't really that loose. I mean.. I am considering increasing the dose. Still no throw up (on day 6) but there were a couple of times this morning it looked like he might. So I don't want to get too cocky. I gave him a pro biotic and enzyme. During that 11 day streak where he didn't throw up before the egg yolk lectin, another thing that I thought of later was that I gave him lots of FortiFlora to get him to eat his food with the Gabapentin in it... wondered if that helped keep the throw up at bay.

But here is the great thing... he has gained weight. He is back up to 14 lbs on my scale. His lowest was 13.4. Yes!

I did give him wet food in the wet food feeder. He ate it all up... and, let me sleep. I put his food in ice cube makers and then when it was ready took out the ice pack and the frozen food (in the shape of ice cube) and put it in the feeder -- it was set for 3 AM. I put it in at 7pm.

He now goes number 2 each day. That seems like a good sign.

My vet seems to have been bought out by a big vet corporation -- Thrive? Maybe that was the case all along -- as I notice the vets have been using email addresses with that but I new sign just went up. Perhaps that is why she hasn't responded.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Sounds promising so far! Good to hear the food feeder looks like it might just work for him and you! As far as the FortiFlora, many people on this site seem to think it is one of the 'weakest' probiotics available, given the limited number of good bacteria strains in it, but if it works for Buckwheat, who cares, right? It certainly is known for its ability to entice a cat to eat!

A lot of private practices seem to be getting bought out by larger groups - that is what happened to my vet who owned/ran the practice before that. He eventually left, but in his situation, there must be some sort of agreement to use his name on the practice for some period of time as it still goes by his last name. However, my point to all of this is that if your vet isn't responding it may be that she left the practice - but I still think someone else would respond on her behalf if they plan on trying to retain clientele. Why don't you just call and ask if she is still there?
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  • #108


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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
My vet did end up replying. She did agree to it.. (the steroid) but I told her to hold off as I am having success with the egg yolk lectin. And I am, as of this morning there has been no throw up in a week. That is major.

But now I have a new problem. My cat keeps waking up and crying loudly. I thought his crying was relating to wanting food but I will give him food and he won't eat. Last night he woke up at 12 am and yoweled. I had to just ignore that... and he did stop ..but then he did it again at 6 AM. Every night since I gave him the Egg Yolk Lecthin he has woken up in the middle of the night and loudly cried for me.

I got up this morning and gave him food only for him not to eat it. I can't tell if he is just full as he got wet food in the morning and some dry.

As I mentioned he has more energy these days so he doesn't sleep as soundly as before... before he would sleep from about 7 AM to 2 PM (have some food) go back to sleep until 6 PM (have some food) sleep from 7 PM right through until 6 AM eat a big meal. Now it is difficult to even get him down -- around 10. He wakes at 2... goes to his bed but I am not sure he sleeps... and last night he slept from 7 pm to 12 am.

Something that is odd as well, my cat had problems last summer / fall with watery eyes and trouble walking -- at that went away with the throwing up. But now, it seems to have come back.

On the walking issues - my theory is that he is doing less sleep so he is taxing his muscles more / walking more... leading to issues. On the excess water... again, it just seems that whatever that build up was... it was released by a throw up... so without him throwing up.. I am seeing it coming out of his eyes.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
In so far as the watery eyes, I suspect he has seasonal allergies. This might even apply to his walking issues, since barometric changes typically accompany seasonal changes which can affect arthritis. If he is 'achy' that could impede with his sleep too. He may also need, more attention from/interaction with you since he has a bit more energy now.
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  • #110


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
In so far as the watery eyes, I suspect he has seasonal allergies. This might even apply to his walking issues, since barometric changes typically accompany seasonal changes which can affect arthritis. If he is 'achy' that could impede with his sleep too. He may also need, more attention from/interaction with you since he has a bit more energy now.
It happened last year during the winter and at times it wouldn't make sense it was allergies. My theory again goes to his asthma so I have ordered his medications. When he was throwing up his asthma / watery eyes seemed to go away... I think it was because the throwing up helped clear phelm along with it. I did see him licking his chops (not gagging but his tongue jutting out) this morning and that was a sign a throw up might be near, but so far... nope.

I have tried to get him to play but he isn't interested. He keeps waking asking for food.. eating some... getting bored walking away. But like he goes to the basement door and tries to get it open etc. Prior to all this he was on a "calming" food so perhaps he needs a calming supplement or the food back.

Possibly is it just bad behavior? I had to get out my can with a coin in it that I used to tell him to cut it out. That seemed to stop the bad behavior and he is now sleeping.
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  • #112


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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2014
Well I think I found the reason why? He threw up this morning. 8 days is a long time but, he probably was yowling and waking up because he felt sick.

I will up the dose and see if that makes any difference but I am feeling pesimisitic this morning.