Sudden death of my loved Cat Indi.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2018
Orlando, Florida
My beautiful and sweet 8 years old cat Indi, always so strong and healthy, suddenly was losing weight but was not a big worry because he was a little overweighed. Then I noticed that did not want to eat and was drinking very little water. On December 24th took him to a new vet- a reasonable large and very busy office-. (our vet. was with cancer and not working) We needed to drop Indi and wait outside. Contacts will be done only by phone. This vet said she did a simple blood test, found and infection for which as she said applied an antibiotic injection plus she rehydrated him. She told me did not know …where the infection was coming from but said that he had flees and recommended to immediately apply a treatment. I asked her to do it right there at that moment and she did. After about an hour plus later and after paying $$$, they delivered Indi and a box of Cheristin for cats with 5 remaining topical solution treatment to me.
Immediately I noticed that the topical treatment was applied right over his head but a little going in direction to his neck and the area was wet.
From there Indi remained quiet, eating truly little but by December27, 2020, Indi was starting to get better, by December 29, Indi was eating drinking and going around much better. On December 30th, I woke up at 6am and when I left my room found Indi dead. His room was with vomit and diarrhea. and evidently, he had run away when this happened because he was dead out of his room and near my door. I cried inconsolable. Still today heartbroken. My poor baby died alone. The vet said on the phone that she did not know why he died but probably he had had a heart issue. (even though never we noticed anything different and nobody never told me about it. My real veterinarian was the best human being and professional vet that we ever met.
My question to you, so loving people from TheCatSite, is: if somebody went trough a similar situation, like heart with sudden death or because Cheristin or anything else that would help me to understand better and give some comfort to my grieving.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm so sorry.

I personally think it could have been something with his heart, or a stroke.

Maybe these thoughts will help a little;

I will lend to you a kitten, God said,
for you to love while it lives, and mourn when it's dead.
Maybe for 12 or 14 years, or maybe 2 or 3,
but will you, 'till I call them back, take care of them for me?
They'll bring their charms to gladden you, and should their stay be brief,
you'll always have their memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise they will stay for all from Earth return,
but there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn.

I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true,
and from the folk's that crowd life's land I have chosen you.
Now will you give it all your love, nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again?
My heart replied, "My Lord, Thy Will Be Done",
for all the joys this kitten brings the risk of grief I'll run.
We'll shelter it with tenderness, we'll love it while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But should you call it back much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.
If by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve,
Then in memory of it whom we loved, please help us while we grieve.
When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needing soul for us to love all it's life.

Author Unknown
RIP sweet baby :rbheart:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 9, 2019
I am so very shocked and so sorry to hear this. Everytime I see this I rethink how we can ALL handle this broken system of watching our babies die and worse yet, for no reason no matter the age. Please believe that God's plan is for Indi to comeback To His World again, tho so young, but it seems so many are having to deal with his heartache and grief.

All of us here grieve with you and my heart again sank for another beautiful baby leaving our world. But remember with all of your heart that Rainbow Bridge is where your baby is now and will see you very soon in the Afterlife. If not for this belief, I'd be long gone yrs ago. May he RIP poor baby, Indi, but his life is living on in you, not in vain either as he taught you HOW to love -- and please cherish his memories as these are what allow us to live til we meet them again in our Afterlife. May God Bless You and Indi Forever.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I woke up at 6am and when I left my room found Indi dead.
My poor baby died alone
I have no idea of what happened to your wonderful Indi, all I can say is that I am so sorry, and shocked.
I can feel and understand your pain and desperation, because what I have quoted from your post is what happened to me 2 years and a half ago. Though my poor kitty was very sick, I wasn't expecting her death, during the night, when she was alone.

Your wonderful Indi is in a sunny and warm place now, away from you, but still within your heart, where he will dwell forever.
Know that we are all here for you.
Hugs to you, a sweet kiss to Indi.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2018
Orlando, Florida
I am so very shocked and so sorry to hear this. Everytime I see this I rethink how we can ALL handle this broken system of watching our babies die and worse yet, for no reason no matter the age. Please believe that God's plan is for Indi to comeback To His World again, tho so young, but it seems so many are having to deal with his heartache and grief.

All of us here grieve with you and my heart again sank for another beautiful baby leaving our world. But remember with all of your heart that Rainbow Bridge is where your baby is now and will see you very soon in the Afterlife. If not for this belief, I'd be long gone yrs ago. May he RIP poor baby, Indi, but his life is living on in you, not in vain either as he taught you HOW to love -- and please cherish his memories as these are what allow us to live til we meet them again in our Afterlife. May God Bless You and Indi Forever.
Thanks to all of you, so sweet every word. Still missing Indi, but your words make me understand a much bigger picture. Thanks a lot. God Bless all of You!