Getting surgery tomorrow...

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  • #21


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Aug 6, 2018
Well the vet just called and there is a delay moving forward.
They did their routine blood work and ECG and unfortunately the ECG did come back abnormal. The vet said that they are currently running a secondary test, I forget the name, but it had a "P" in it. If that comes back normal they can proceed, but if not, then I guess we'll have to delve into what's going on with his heart.
Any thoughts on this?

She's calling me back in about 15-20 minutes when the results from the second test are in. (they do it in house)

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  • #22


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Aug 6, 2018
OK, so it was a BNP test, which thankfully, came back NORMAL!!!!!:woohoo:
I'm in tears right now, we only lost Hank to CHF just over a year ago (as well as our 2 other cats to different things, all 3 within 2 months of each other). I'm not ready for something like that again!
She explained that it was a "variable" with the ECG, which of course is why they did the BNP, she says there is nothing to worry about. His heart is fine. I will speak to her about if we should bring him back in, in a few months for a second ECG to see if he has a murmur or something. Thoughts?

They should be putting him under anesthesia as we speak and will call me when things are done.

This is how I feel right now....:thud:mixed with :D


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
They should be putting him under anesthesia as we speak and will call me when things are done.
Fingers and paws crossed for Bynx and you. :crossfingers: :greenpaw: :bluepaw: I know you will be exhausted by the time you get home so no rush but whenever you have a chance please let us know how the procedure went and what meds. the vet recommended. Thinking of you and sending good vibes for Bynx.:vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2014
I would think if it was a murmur they would have picked it up. Try to relax and wait for that phone call telling you to collect Bynx. Lots of cuddles required. Let us know how its gone.
Agree on the murmur: this is the sort of thing to make sure they listen for at annual exams. At least that's what our previous cat's vets did -- Brooksie had an arrhythmia that always had them shaking their heads, both because it was so obvious (even I could hear it, just pressing an ear to her back) and because they were surprised she kept coming back year after year! (She lived to be at least 16 or 17 and it was her digestive ailments that were her downfall, not the arrhythmia.) I'd definitely ask your vet, though, if Bynx needs to be listened to more regularly or should have other tests.

I hope all goes well when Bynx comes home this evening!
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  • #28


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Aug 6, 2018
Well, we have good news, bad news and maybe worse news...

Bynx's surgery went well, he is doing fantastic. We caught things (regarding his tooth) just in time. It was showing just the start of an abscess, but thankfully surgery went without a hitch, he's already back to being playful (not crazy yet :lol:) and walking around perfectly fine, you can tell he's a bit stoned from the pain meds (eyes are dilated) and he'll kinda stare off into space a bit. But he has eaten and played and is happy to be home.
We have pain meds to give him starting tomorrow (had an injection that lasts 24 hours) for 3 days, followed by enough for several days "as needed". We were also given 10 days of antibiotics to be given twice a day.
Chester has been a little leery of him but is doing fine. But he's already upset from going to the vet himself. Lily has come up to both of them and has rubbed up all over them. It was so cute. At one point Chester and Bynx were at a stand off (nothing aggressive) and she came running and stood between them, first sniffing then rubbing Bynx them moving to Chester and doing the same.

Anyway, on to the bad news. :(

The nasal flush and scope went well and the vet is really happy with the samples she was able to get to be tested. She is sending the mucus and tissue samples out for DNA testing so we know what (if any) infection(s) we are dealing with.
Unfortunately x-rays showed some pretty severe damage to his nasal cavities (turbinates). His whole left nasal cavity is wide open, which means that his URI symptoms will be for life and we'll have to do our best to keep him healthy and minimize symptoms and discomfort. This also means that multiple uses of antibiotics will most likely be on the horizon because he will be much more susceptible to infection. The vet did say though that considering the damage in his nasal cavity, that we are doing a great job so far because she has seen less damage yet worse symptoms on other cats.

And for the possible worse news....

The x-ray showed a soft tissue mass. The vet is leaning towards that it is just bad chronic inflammation (makes perfect sense considering his chronic infections) BUT the area where this mass is, is right up against his septum which is slightly deviated. Due to that fact, she did mention that it could be a tumor. She was able to get a sample for biopsy which is also being sent out for analysis. We should find out the results in about a week (hopefully - considering it's holiday season). The mass is on the same side where the tubinates are basically gone. Which is coincidentally (or not) the same side where he had his broken tooth and the beginnings of an abscess. Depending on what the biopsy results show, she will send the x-rays to be analyzed further by a specialist, and we'll have to go from there.

So...yeah. I'm happy the surgery went well and he's feeling great, but I'm terrified to what the future will bring.


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
I’m really glad that Bynx is doing well, thanks for the update. Can I ask what his symptoms were that led you to get the nasal flush?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
I'm glad to hear that Bynx is back and the cats are all getting along. That's a good start! Even the not-so-good news has a bit of good news (I'm that annoying eternal optimist...) in that the damage to Bynx's nasal cavity isn't as bad as it might be.

As for the possible worse news, I hope you won't have to wait too long to hear about the results of the biopsy. And hope that the vet's theory of bad chronic inflammation is correct. It sounds like you're fortunate to have a very thorough vet.
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  • #31


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Aug 6, 2018
A Azazel - He's had Chronic URI symptoms since even before we adopted him a year ago. He had multiple rounds of antibiotics that helped, but ultimately it always came back.
Our vet suggested the flush to get a good deep sample of what's in there (other tests were inconclusive) and to also get some visuals on possible damage, polyps and what not.
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  • #32


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Aug 6, 2018
that the damage to Bynx's nasal cavity isn't as bad as it might be.
The damage is actually quite bad, it's his symptoms that aren't. But yes, positive side - we do good at keeping him comfy.


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
A Azazel - He's had Chronic URI symptoms since even before we adopted him a year ago. He had multiple rounds of antibiotics that helped, but ultimately it always came back.
Our vet suggested the flush to get a good deep sample of what's in there (other tests were inconclusive) and to also get some visuals on possible damage, polyps and what not.
I ask because my cat has also had a chronic stuffy nose since we adopted her 2 years ago. I kind of regret not asking the vet to do diagnostics when she had her teeth cleaned over the summer but I also wonder if there would even be any cure for her.
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  • #36


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Aug 6, 2018
I ask because my cat has also had a chronic stuffy nose since we adopted her 2 years ago. I kind of regret not asking the vet to do diagnostics when she had her teeth cleaned over the summer but I also wonder if there would even be any cure for her.
I'm so sorry to hear that, it's awful having to deal with chronic sinus issues. Not for me, but I feel so bad for my cat.
And because a nasal flush has to be done under anesthesia, that's why I asked if they could be done at the same time. If there is damage to the turbinates, unfortunately there is no cure, as we just found out Bynx has. But she did mention a few things that she said has helped with some of her patients. One of the biggest things was artificial tears both in the eyes and up the nose. We have baby saline here at home, so I asked if I could use that for now, and she said yes. But I'll stick to just up the nose for that and get some eye drops for his eyes. Basically you have to be real careful to keep the nasal cavities humid and clean. I guess I have no choice now with one of my new years resolutions about making a cleaning schedule and sticking to it - gotta keep the household allergens down to a minimum so he's not breathing them in.:lol:
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  • #37


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Aug 6, 2018
🤦‍♀️ Oof, I'm sorry to mix that up, it's been a long week. Keeping a cat comfy is so important... and can go a really long way when inflammation is involved.
No worries! But another positive note, it's only his left nasal cavity that's been "eaten away"...The right is in pretty good shape, other than the deviated septum is pushing into the right side. Maybe if we can get the inflammation under control the mass will shrink and the septum wont be as compromised. I have a feeling that the tooth may have been contributing to the issues on the left side, it's gone now so fingers crossed.


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2014
No worries! But another positive note, it's only his left nasal cavity that's been "eaten away"...The right is in pretty good shape, other than the deviated septum is pushing into the right side. Maybe if we can get the inflammation under control the mass will shrink and the septum wont be as compromised. I have a feeling that the tooth may have been contributing to the issues on the left side, it's gone now so fingers crossed.
That's definitely good news if the other side looks better. And you may have a point on the tooth and the inflammation: I remember studies saying that (in humans!) gingivitis can contribute to inflammation throughout the body. I have to wonder if there are similar effects in cats. (This has been on my mind since one of our cats had a yucky tooth pulled a few weeks ago and received an asthma diagnosis the same day.)

I guess I have no choice now with one of my new years resolutions about making a cleaning schedule and sticking to it - gotta keep the household allergens down to a minimum so he's not breathing them in.
We're doing this, too, after the asthma diagnosis. I've never been very good about a cleaning schedule other than real basics but have to say that all the cleaning -- and getting rid of some very old (stuffed) chairs and rugs -- has already made a huge difference for my own allergies! It's almost (almost) making me enjoy cleaning.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Glad Bynx is doing fine after the procedure, at least you know what you are dealing with as far as the URIs are concerned. Lets hope you dont have too long for the other results and that it is good news, we will be waiting to hear. Thats a sweet thing that Lily did, what a kind little girl.


TCS Member
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Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
I'm glad the operation went well! For the other things, there is a stray here that I asked on TCS once actually, he ALWAYS has URI symptoms. One of my neighbors gives antibiotics taken by the vet, he's doing better for a while but then comes back. He's been living like that for years now and he already looked mid-aged when he first showed up in our 'hood. Despite his condition he seems happy.

Sometimes I think we (me!) freak out too much partially because we know more - both like we read more about cat's health but also about our cats' condition. Vets I see also say becoming a vet made them get more anxious about their pet's health for the same reason. That doesn't mean our cats are more in danger than the many ones who have the same conditions and just not got diagnosed. I try to remind this to myself too.

Bynx is in safe, happy hands with you. 💙