The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
There were pumpkin treats in the teacher's lounge today and I got an apple pie latte from this small coffee shop after school.

This is why I'm not losing weight.

Whatever. It was yummy so pawsitive. I'll do better tomorrow. And I'm at the gym, so that should count for something.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Thanks, I Googled Forsythia. So it's a shrub? I almost said small tree, but I knew that wasn't right. See I can learn this nature stuff. :)

@Furballsmom --Since you're obsessed with witches lately, I tried to find that Eagles song Witchy Woman for you, but I can't find their music on YouTube.

R raysmyheart --I really like that Autumn Leaves song. I don't usually listen to that type of music, but I liked the feel of it.

Lari Lari --Positive: This Centerfold song is for you & me. This is what we are going to look like when we are done with our workouts & weight lifting. :D
Centerfold by J. Geils Band

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Good morning / evening everybody.

-1 Celsius in Ottawa with a tiny bit of snow on the ground when I got to work. Almost done 'another round' of security paperwork for the employees which is a definite pawsitive for me:) Most of the work I have to do comes in clusters and I am always happy to finish a cluster.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
This starts out not so positive, but has a positive ending.
Our housing office sent us a letter saying we were in violation of our lease because we hadn't provided proof of neutering, shot records, or city licenses for our cats. The thing is, we did. We took care of all of that as soon as we moved in. They must have lost it. So, I was panicking, afraid it was going to go on our record and I was just really stressed out about it.
I called them first thing this morning and they said they'd been going through files and hadn't been able to find that information. She said she would look again but asked if I could resend it. I had the vet records e-mailed to me so I was able to dig those out easily enough. I have no idea what happened to the licenses. They're tiny slips of paper and when we got them, we were in the process of moving in. They could be anywhere.
Fortunately, I called the police station and they were able to just e-mail me copies instead of me having to go in. So, it's all taken care of and the woman I talked to said it wouldn't go in our record as a violation. So, all's well that ends well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Good morning / evening everybody.

-1 Celsius in Ottawa with a tiny bit of snow on the ground when I got to work. Almost done 'another round' of security paperwork for the employees which is a definite pawsitive for me:) Most of the work I have to do comes in clusters and I am always happy to finish a cluster.
Shane Kent Shane Kent - You were a few degrees cooler overnight; it dropped to 34º F last night, with some brisk winds, and what might have been a brief period of sleet, but no snow. The weather did pull down a lot of leaves, however, and I'll be all day up on the ladder gluing them back on the trees since I'm just not ready for Winter yet!


Maybe the world isn't quite as bad as we all think it is. Here's a short article from this morning's Battle Creek Enquirer about a pizza parlour and a lo-o-o-o-o-ong-distance delivery:

Steve's Pizza doesn't deliver, but it did for a cancer patient in Indianapolis


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Holy cow - I think I just saw a pig fly by the window!
Who You calling a Pig? I lost 25 lbs; is the reason why I can fly again! ... :dunno:

Anyways, I gotta stop laughing. I sure crack myself up sometimes! ... :crackup:

No positives to start with; tough night.

However, Yes, we got a positive; a song started playing in my head a few minutes ago (it was actually echoing in there. ... :lol: ). And thanks to YouTube search. I found it! This was one of my favorite songs which ALWAYS placed a smile on my face!

I'd like to send this out to these four (actually five, counting Ma's grey cat "Toma" RIP)!

From left to right;

Kuma Boy with Toma;

Baby Girl;

Playing with her favorite Kong Squeaky Ball;

One of my favorite photos "On the Road Again";

Halree and Calvin;

And this photo is on DOC's home page for their Clinic (chosen out of thousands of entries ... :lol: ... if you believe that one. I got's a bridge to sell'yah ... :insertevillaugh: );

So, without further adieu. Here's UB40 ...


PS Sorry for all the photos. I couldn't pick just one! ... :p

PPS Thanks for letting me share these photos with you'all! ... :thumbsup:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Shane Kent Shane Kent --I didn't know that it was snowing already across the border. :eek2:
It's 36 degrees here in NY, no snow thankfully. Stay warm over there.

A azpops --Thanks for sharing all those photos. I remember the ones of Calvin, he sure was a beautiful dog. Hope you have a better night tonight.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Oh I like that scene with the benches...Be careful on that ladder...Heartwarming story about the pizza.

Positive: This new road in front of the house is really working out better than I thought it would. When the school bus went by this morning, it was like a whisper, I could barely hear it. Much better than the old one-lane country road with potholes that sounded like a herd of elephants. :)

Let's Hear It For The Boy by Deniece Williams


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
It hasn't yet reached fifty degrees here, but the sun is so bright that having an hot chocolate on the patio just now was actually very pleasant. Then again, when is hot chocolate unpleasant?

I have the laziest cats in the world here today. They'll get up briefly, sit in one of the open windows for a few minutes, and then flop somewhere in the sunlight.


Peanut and Lance - professional sunbeam-floppers for nearly twenty-two years together.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine If gluing the leaves back on would prevent winter my little snow haters Zoe and Taz would be climbing the trees throughout the neighborhood. Soon will be the day I open the door and Zoe gives me the look as if to say "What did you do daddy? What, did you do!". I have to try and get a photo of that because the look on her face is priceless.

M maggiedemi - It is now +4 Celsius (39 Fahrenheit) and the little bit of snow has melted. Nice and warm in the office. Thank God I don't work in the yard:)

The yard at 7:10 am today.

Karen sent me some mid day kitty photos:)

My little buddy Rusty on an IKEA pet couch.

Princess Kitty on a people couch.

I love mid day kitty photos:purr:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine If gluing the leaves back on would prevent winter my little snow haters Zoe and Taz would be climbing the trees throughout the neighborhood.
Shane Kent Shane Kent - I thought it worth a try initially, but the wind keeps blowing me off the ladder. I think I might just quit!

Except for the breeze, it's a truly beautiful day here for a walk in the woods - and that's always positive! Here's one dedicated to the back yard today:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
It hasn't yet reached fifty degrees here, but the sun is so bright that having an hot chocolate on the patio just now was actually very pleasant. Then again, when is hot chocolate unpleasant?

I have the laziest cats in the world here today. They'll get up briefly, sit in one of the open windows for a few minutes, and then flop somewhere in the sunlight.

View attachment 257804

Peanut and Lance - professional sunbeam-floppers for nearly twenty-two years together.
It is always so good to see photos of Brothers Lance and Peanut 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . As Brothers, to be together and share their Lives together for almost twenty-two years is a wonderful Gift. One can see, from this photo, Peanut and Lance are special to each other.

The weather is wonderful here today, only chilly, but not one cloud in the sky. It is a little windy, however, and when the birds come to the feeder, I can see their feathers being blown by the wind. Speedy doesn't seem to mind, however, she told me her feathered Friends can come for a snack with both neat or messy feathers, she is still glad to see them.;)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I love Thriller but I also like "Hocus-Pocus" with Bette Midler. I have never liked to be scared and this movie is funny and a good Halloween movie. Then there is also "The Uninvited" from the 40s after a book which I think is creepier than the movie although I like them both. I think The Uninvited could stand a new version as filmmakers now have much better special effects. And then there is "Bell, Book and Candle" with Kim Novak who makes a really nice witch.
OOOOOH! "Bell, Book and Candle!" One of my favorites!

But just in case a movie does not qualify as pawsitive, I am being held captive by a snoozing cream colored fur ball who has captured my heart. :redheartpump:'re incapussitated right now?

Real glad, with a sigh of relief, Santi ain't like him! WOW! ... :lol:
Hek can be.

Pawsitives... The mention of "Bell, Book and Candle" sent me on a quick side trip to, where I immediately bought a copy. While there, I took a peek, and they had a copy of Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol in stock as well, so I snagged's my ULTIMATE Christmas movie! The weather has cooled off, my windows are opened, and the house feels WONDERFUL!

Gonna give you my pawsitives for tomorrow now, 'cause I won't be here! I'm going to actually get to buy a new bed and recliner! I need both badly. The box springs on my bed broke ages ago, and the bed is currently semi-supported on blocks. I bought the recliner used, and it's a rocker-recliner, which is very hard for me to get out of. I'm getting a zero-wall model! SO EXCITED!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My cats can sound like a herd of buffaloes. No matter how many there are at the time, for some reason, those tiny hooves make a LOT of noise. :crackup:
Beautiful Autumn foliage pix, all! I look longingly. The only tree I have in the back that goes into gold got almost all its leaves blown off in the high wind we had a few nights ago. The Chinese Pistache MAY keep its leaves for long enough for me to enjoy the red phase. I'm hopeful.
Shane Kent Shane Kent your cats look SO well cared for and contented! They are so beautiful.
And now for something completely different. I was looking for something else but the title of THIS caught my eye. Everyone who knows I don't like rock, here's one I like:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Shane Kent Shane Kent --That was so sweet of Karen to send you mid day kitty photos! My brother's wife does that with their dogs, sends photos of them looking out the window, waiting for daddy to come home. :)

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 --Enjoy your new furniture! That's always exciting.

Alicia88 Alicia88 --I don't think we have to license our cats here yet. Glad it all worked out for you.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --I never heard of that singer, but I like it!

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Sweet photo of the kitty brothers enjoying the sun. I don't like chocolate, but I do like Hot Cocoa. I really, really loved that S&G Leaves song. As for Chet- I liked the "smelling their greenbacks part." :lol:

Positive: @foxxycat --This song reminds me of you because you always love your friends and family unconditionally, despite their faults. :redheartpump:

Unconditional by Clay Davidson


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Licensing was easy. We just had to show the police department proof that they'd had their rabies shots and they gave us a license. It was free, too. The problem arose when the housing office lost our paperwork and we no longer had copies. They may be around here somewhere or they may have gotten lost while we were moving. Anyone's guess. But, it was easier than I expected to get another copy. Technology is wonderful. The days before e-mail were much more inconvenient.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
I love all the foreshadowing photos from those of you already deep in the throes of fall (or even a touch of winters snow!) I'm very excited to see our trees look like 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine gorgeous fall photos.

After doing my chores and scheduling contractors, I got a nice surprise when Mog cuddled up in my lap for a nap. What could I do, other than join him? I didn't get a photo because my phone wasn't nearby, and I didn't want to wake him, but it was so sweet. He held my hand the whole time! He seems to really enjoy our new place. Here he is, peeking out of one of his new favorite windows, watching and Mondo and I return from our walk:

Not to brag, ;), but I made a pretty epic playlist for Halloween at a former job (Halloween is a busy time at many vintage clothing stores,) and it's always fun to revisit. Here's one of the tunes I love:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
There's a pawsitive right there - tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - I was beginning to think you'd forgotten is all! Yep - we know that you're not enamoured of rock, but here's a little rock I don't thing you'll mind:

There's nothing ol' Chet plays that I don't enjoy.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Funny song and he sure can pick! He happened to mention THIS guy, who sure can pick too:
Amazing, amazing song. Makes me feel PAWSitive.
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer Can't even wrap my mind around your ceiling debacle. So glad you're all okay and that the seller is going to pay the insurance.
M maggiedemi Did you know Dusty Springfield was a great cat lover? I read that somewhere. Another great PAWSitive!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Funny song and he sure can pick! He happened to mention THIS guy, who sure can pick too:
Amazing, amazing song. Makes me feel PAWSitive.
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer Can't even wrap my mind around your ceiling debacle. So glad you're all okay and that the seller is going to pay the insurance.
M maggiedemi Did you know Dusty Springfield was a great cat lover? I read that somewhere. Another great PAWSitive!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Mark Knopfler is a genius - and a long-time Friend of Chet Atkins. Alvin Lee is said to have once remarked of Knopfler, "Gawd - he's almost as fast as I am..." - high praise, given that Lee was, indeed, The Fastest Of Them All, by a landslide.

I just Love "Sultans" - and the work on the fretboard is absolutely superlative in every way. You had me up and outta my chair I'd have gotten out of my chair for that one, if I wasn't so old.

I know it's not your cup of tea, but there's just one track that can compete with yours - and if you can stay in your seat listening to Mister Twenty-Two Hundred, you're older you're calmer than I am. I can't hear this without thinking, "why'd you have to go so soon?"

The fastest and most pawsitive guitar solo ever recorded. Live and unrehearsed:

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