The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
My kitten is currently having surgery to remove a mass in his mouth. I'm really anxious about it because any type of surgery is very high risk for him, but I trust his vet and am hoping for the best.
Hope all goes well. Sending good thoughts your way.

My son was going to get me a refurbished smartphone for about $150.00 but his sister beat him to the punch and got me a refurbished iPhone 4. It had weather from Cupertino on it (that's just south of Santa Barbara) and New York City, but I now have added Reno where my son lives and Laguna Woods where I live, haven't figured out yet how to get rid of Cupertino and New York. I just had to put in my area code which I expected to give me the little city next door but actually gave me Laguna Woods. Don't know yet if it will give me warnings but it does give temps and cloud cover for a week ahead, still learning how this phone works. I activated it with Consumer Cellular which gave me unlimited voice and text plus 1 gigabite of data for sending pics etc for only $28.00 a month. I already have my computer for $22.00 which I usually use.Together that is $2.00 more expensive than what I had before with just one dumb phone. Bye bye AT&T!
I have a simple Tracfone. Paid around $30 for it and got to keep my number. They have cards/plans for it starting at $15 a month and time/text/data rolls over. Since I really only use air time, I have massive amounts of text and data that I don't use, but at least I have it if I need it. I'm pretty sure it's owned by Verizon, so I get decent reception out here.
The only thing I don't like about it is that it is a touch screen. My son gave me one of those rubber tipped pens, like a stylus, so now I can use it better.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
My kitten is currently having surgery to remove a mass in his mouth. I'm really anxious about it because any type of surgery is very high risk for him, but I trust his vet and am hoping for the best.
Thanks for the well-wishes! I just got a call that Froggy came through surgery without complications. They removed the growth from his mouth and were even able to neuter him while he was under. Recovery may be a little rocky still, but so far it's all really good news! :grouphug:

Random cat trivia...Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat flap (although this may be urban legend). His cat's name was "Spithead," which is verifiable fact.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
My friend had her baby on August 27. They're going home today. She's breastfeeding and it's going very well but I don't think the hospital is very breastfeeding friendly. They were telling her if the baby nurses for more than 45 minutes, she should supplement with formula and said she was losing too much weight. She's lost 8.5%. Breastfed babies can lose 10% or even a little more in the first 2 days. Aedan commonly nursed for an hour or more at first. He's never had a drop of formula and he's growing very well. I told Natalie to just trust her gut and watch for wet diapers. Some hospitals just aren't very educated when it comes to breastfeeding.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
My friend had her baby on August 27. They're going home today. She's breastfeeding and it's going very well but I don't think the hospital is very breastfeeding friendly. They were telling her if the baby nurses for more than 45 minutes, she should supplement with formula and said she was losing too much weight. She's lost 8.5%. Breastfed babies can lose 10% or even a little more in the first 2 days. Aedan commonly nursed for an hour or more at first. He's never had a drop of formula and he's growing very well. I told Natalie to just trust her gut and watch for wet diapers. Some hospitals just aren't very educated when it comes to breastfeeding.
Man have things changed. When my son was born, I didn't want to breast feed. I felt he would get much better nutrition from formula. The hospital kept trying go shove him to my nipple for me to feed him. They had a fit when I refused.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
It is widely accepted that breast is best now, but what's most important is making sure the baby is fed. Still, a lot of hospital staff haven't had enough training when it comes to breastfeeding and they can end up sabotaging efforts.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Just whining - I woke up this morning to find no hot water :gaah:I got a trickle of cold water with the hot tap fully open. I checked the water heater and the pilot light is on and the heater appears to be working and there are no leaks. All the valves and whatnot are in normal position. I vaguely recall hearing a loud pop from the closet really early in the morning but I didn't think much of it at the time. Maybe something in the water heater broke? I washed up as best as I could with cold water :cold: The water heater was ok so I decided to head to work. I do have a thing installed that stops water from filling the tank if a leak is detected and the heater sits in a large pan. I didn't think to check the circuit breaker box to see if the switch had somehow flipped off :doh: I called two plumbers. The first one, who installed the water heater a couple of years ago, is booked solid until next week :cringe: The second one which I have used once before and pricey is coming tomorrow. I guess I can manage until then with cold water :sigh: I think I'll leave a bit early from work today because I'm :paranoid: about the water tank.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I live in a condo so the water heater is in my unit and soley for water use in my unit. I'm not comfortable with messing with electrical things and taking things apart so I'll leave that to a professional.

Not sure if Emma's non-stop sneezing this morning is related to the water tank issue. Kind of a strange coincidence. She started sneezing after I heard that loud pop. No idea what allergen could come from a water tank inside a closed closet that would cause sneezing.
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