Did I Make The Right Choice?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
I sadly had to say goodbye to my 8 and a half year old little boy a couple of weeks ago and I am now torturing myself thinking that perhaps I was too quick in making the decision to have him put to sleep.

My beautiful shorthaired silver tabby boy Whiskas began being sick last Aug/Sept time and he had never been a sickly cat. I would come home from work to frequently find that he had vomited, was on and off his food, looked very sad and would just sit in the loaf position gazing into space. It was clear to me that something wasn’t quite right so I took him off to the vet. They checked him over and performed extensive blood work and the outcome was pancreatitis.

I brought him home with pain killers and anti sickness drugs and I gave him a bland diet of boiled chicken for a few days. He seemed to pick up but wasn’t really his normal self. About 6 weeks later it all happened again and after another six weeks again and we were back and forth to the vet. This time though he didn’t eat anything at all for 2 days and he ended up staying at the vet on the usual meds but also a drip. Luckily he began eating so thankfully no feeding tube was required. They let him come home but once more he was not quite right in himself, very lethargic, didn’t want to play and would just pop out to do his business and come straight back in.

I would spend hours and hours researching pancreatitis and how I could help him. I also spoke with various dieticians to find foods that would control the pancreatitis but nothing seemed to help. I began to see a pattern at this point, he would be ravenous for a day or so then completely the other way. It seemed that after he had eaten, the food wasn’t able to go down properly and there was some kind of difficulty digesting it making him very uncomfortable. He was beginning to look a little thin with increased vomiting and I felt It was time to go back to the vet. I also began to have suspicions now that there was an underlying problem here. I had him scanned and X-rayed and it turned out that as well as the pancreatitis he had diffuse thickening of the whole intestinal tract which could have been severe inflammatory bowel disease or a diffuse lymphoma. Also a prominent rugae in his stomach in the outflow area was seen which could have been a possible mass. The only way of knowing and diagnosing for sure would have been to have surgical biopsies. He had been poorly for 7 months and looked so weak and I felt I couldn’t put him through anymore suffering. It was obvious that he had lots of bad things going on inside and so I said no to the biopsies. Steroids could have been trialed but he was so poorly it was difficult to say whether they would have helped or not with all that was going on. I thought at the time it was best to let him go.

I keep telling myself that surely if the vet thought that there was an easy solution or any hope then she wouldn’t have agreed to have him put to sleep. Should I have agreed to biopsies? Should I have tried steroids? What have I done? I feel guilty that I may have ended his life before it should have ended and now there is just a big hole in my life and he could have still been here.


TCS Member
Mar 19, 2018
Please do not feel guilty. You did the most merciful thing you could for him. There is another post on this site that describes this decision as taking their pain onto yourself. It is the biggest sacrifice you could have made for him. I know the void left after losing a pet. I just had my 12 year old girl Phooka put to sleep two days ago. I am amazed at how empty a house can feel when all it's missing is one little kitty. Please take heart in the fact that you gave him a wonderful life full of love and that you did all you could to extend his life without extending his suffering. My heart goes out to you.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
You did all that you could do and more, and it sounds like for some reason the poor little guy was just sickly and his quality of life was not good, and no amount of vet care or money would have cured it, for some reason it was just his and your burden but he is free of his Earthly pain ridden body now and is an Angel at Rainbow Bridge. The grief is what is making you question your decision and that is normal, but with time you will settle down and realize that you made the correct albeit most difficult choice, it is always hard to play God but we must at times because we are solely responsible for their well being, and when we can't save them we feel that we have failed them but we must realize no animal or person lives forever.

It is very hard to deal with, and with time I think that you will find another little friend to love and take care of when you are ready, all in good time.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
Please do not feel guilty. You did the most merciful thing you could for him. There is another post on this site that describes this decision as taking their pain onto yourself. It is the biggest sacrifice you could have made for him. I know the void left after losing a pet. I just had my 12 year old girl Phooka put to sleep two days ago. I am amazed at how empty a house can feel when all it's missing is one little kitty. Please take heart in the fact that you gave him a wonderful life full of love and that you did all you could to extend his life without extending his suffering. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you so much for your lovely message, it made me feel so much better about things. I am so sorry to hear about your gorgeous Phooka. You sound so strong! You are absolutely right about a house feeling so empty when all it’s missing is one little kitty! My whole world revolved around Whiskas and he meant everything to me, as I’m sure Phooka did to you, and I am finding it so hard being home as everything reminds me of him. My heart is so broken but I guess things will get better in time. I hope you are ok and continue to be strong. Thinking of you. X
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me. You are right in what you say and I do hope my heart heals a bit more each day as right now it feels so broken! Whiskas was such a big part of my life, so loyal and with an amazing temperament, I can’t think of anything else. I guess it’s going to take time. Thanks again for your lovely message. X

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You did everything you could, and so much more than most. I agree in that there comes a time when inflicting more pain and stress on top of what is already there is unwarranted. There had to be a an end to the suffering. And there was suffering, you could see it in his change in routine, in his refusal to eat and bring on more pain into his world. In the ending of his playfulness and when the joy of living turns into existing. You found the compassion in your soul to end that suffering and a bleak future full of pain, more pain, and endless tests that prolong the inevitable.
Don't hold guilt over ending his pain, you would want no less if you were the first to go.The love you had for him gave you the strength to free him, and he knows that. The bond you have with him will be with you forever, it is forged from spiritual love and is eternal. It can never be taken from you as long as you have your precious memories to keep him alive in your heart. Use those memories to bring yourself comfort, and know he will always be near, tied to your very soul. He shared your life for a while and now he follows a new path. But it will always be parallel to your own.
You were so fortunate to have known him, to have loved him, and for him to love you back. You gained a treasure for the soul, don't let his leaving tarnish that treasure by having the sad memories take over the good. Celebrate the life and what he brought to your own, don't lose the joy in living because of the death, he would never want that for you and you know it.
Be gentle on yourself, we are legion and share your pain. We will help you through this, by glorifying the memories of Whiskas with you, by honoring his name through our own thoughts and prayers. Take care.......RIP precious Whiskas. You are held in a loving heart forever, you will be dearly missed. May teh good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
You did everything you could, and so much more than most. I agree in that there comes a time when inflicting more pain and stress on top of what is already there is unwarranted. There had to be a an end to the suffering. And there was suffering, you could see it in his change in routine, in his refusal to eat and bring on more pain into his world. In the ending of his playfulness and when the joy of living turns into existing. You found the compassion in your soul to end that suffering and a bleak future full of pain, more pain, and endless tests that prolong the inevitable.
Don't hold guilt over ending his pain, you would want no less if you were the first to go.The love you had for him gave you the strength to free him, and he knows that. The bond you have with him will be with you forever, it is forged from spiritual love and is eternal. It can never be taken from you as long as you have your precious memories to keep him alive in your heart. Use those memories to bring yourself comfort, and know he will always be near, tied to your very soul. He shared your life for a while and now he follows a new path. But it will always be parallel to your own.
You were so fortunate to have known him, to have loved him, and for him to love you back. You gained a treasure for the soul, don't let his leaving tarnish that treasure by having the sad memories take over the good. Celebrate the life and what he brought to your own, don't lose the joy in living because of the death, he would never want that for you and you know it.
Be gentle on yourself, we are legion and share your pain. We will help you through this, by glorifying the memories of Whiskas with you, by honoring his name through our own thoughts and prayers. Take care.......RIP precious Whiskas. You are held in a loving heart forever, you will be dearly missed. May teh good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
Thank you so much for your beautiful message, I really appreciate it. I definitely was so fortunate to have known him, he had such a great nature and character. He used to jump on my bed every morning and smother his mummy in kisses/licks, even when he was poorly. He really loved me. Thank you once more for you kind words and helping me get through this. RIP Beautiful Whiskas!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sweet Friend, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

No, don't question your decision. Chronic pancreatitis is a miserable, beastly disease, and very painful. YOU made the decision to put his good above your own, and he surely blesses you for that. He knew, and knows still, how much you love him, and what agony you went through, saying good-bye far, far too soon (although...it is always far, far too soon). Just as you love him still, he loves you still. Love never dies, it only changes form, and it abides.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
Rest you gentle, Sweet Friend, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

No, don't question your decision. Chronic pancreatitis is a miserable, beastly disease, and very painful. YOU made the decision to put his good above your own, and he surely blesses you for that. He knew, and knows still, how much you love him, and what agony you went through, saying good-bye far, far too soon (although...it is always far, far too soon). Just as you love him still, he loves you still. Love never dies, it only changes form, and it abides.
Thank you for your message, it is much appreciated. The pancreatitis was terribly miserable and I was so scared that it was going to keep on flaring up making my boy suffer more and more. When the vet told me that Whiskas also had severe ibd or possible lymphoma my heart broke and I kept asking myself how I hadn’t picked up on this much earlier. I am not sure if it was the ibd/possible lymphoma that caused the pancreatitis or the other way around. I’m just so sad that he was only 8 and a half, I had planned so much in my head for our future.

My husband is away a lot and Whiskas used to take his place in our bed and always rest his paw on my hand. I miss him!

Thank you again for your message and helping me get through this.

RIP Whiskas



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
I am so sorry for your loss. He looks to be a gorgeous cat.
What you feel is very natural and most of us worry that it was too soon, some of us worry we waited too long. There is never a right time to say good bye. It's always so difficult. That was your baby!

I lost my Timmer in January to IBD and he also had all the tests run and the thickening of the walls and the whole deal. GI lymphoma was suspected but never confirmed. My regular vet told me that's very hard to diagnose. At the end, he could no longer pass stool. He was eating fine because of the prednisone I was giving him. The GI doctor had me giving him chemotherapy too. But his sweet little body never responded to any treatments.
Who is to say your little sweetheart with more treatment but is that right to our loved ones? I don't believe so. He had a lot going on, from what you say. He was probably in pain. In the end, it was so sad for me, and I couldn't stand to see Timmer suffer. About a month later I talked with my vet because I was still so distraught and he assured me that I did all I could.
I am sure you did too!

Grief is all over the map. There are no neat straight lines, no rules, no guidelines. You're sort of left adrift in the sea feeling like you have nothing to hang onto. That's because of the loss of love; the love you gave and the love you received. We never EVER forget them but our lives have to adjust to being without them.

It's been close to three months for me and I still cry sometimes. Timmer was my soulmate. Writing my feelings down in a journal helped me a lot and I still do write but not every day anymore. I don't write about illness. I write about the things I loved about him, so I won't ever forget. All kinds of things. And I do hope your photos bring you a smile when you look at them.

Just be kind to yourself. Come on here as much as you want and write your heart out and vent. There are great people on here.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
I am so sorry for your loss. He looks to be a gorgeous cat.
What you feel is very natural and most of us worry that it was too soon, some of us worry we waited too long. There is never a right time to say good bye. It's always so difficult. That was your baby!

I lost my Timmer in January to IBD and he also had all the tests run and the thickening of the walls and the whole deal. GI lymphoma was suspected but never confirmed. My regular vet told me that's very hard to diagnose. At the end, he could no longer pass stool. He was eating fine because of the prednisone I was giving him. The GI doctor had me giving him chemotherapy too. But his sweet little body never responded to any treatments.
Who is to say your little sweetheart with more treatment but is that right to our loved ones? I don't believe so. He had a lot going on, from what you say. He was probably in pain. In the end, it was so sad for me, and I couldn't stand to see Timmer suffer. About a month later I talked with my vet because I was still so distraught and he assured me that I did all I could.
I am sure you did too!

Grief is all over the map. There are no neat straight lines, no rules, no guidelines. You're sort of left adrift in the sea feeling like you have nothing to hang onto. That's because of the loss of love; the love you gave and the love you received. We never EVER forget them but our lives have to adjust to being without them.

It's been close to three months for me and I still cry sometimes. Timmer was my soulmate. Writing my feelings down in a journal helped me a lot and I still do write but not every day anymore. I don't write about illness. I write about the things I loved about him, so I won't ever forget. All kinds of things. And I do hope your photos bring you a smile when you look at them.

Just be kind to yourself. Come on here as much as you want and write your heart out and vent. There are great people on here.
I am sorry for your loss also, beautiful Timmer! It sounds like you tried so very hard for your baby boy. You are absolutely right in what you say that there is never a right time to say goodbye. I too got my vet to speak with me to try to reassure me about things as I was continually torturing myself. I think what you do by writing a journal with your feelings is wonderful, I must try that. The problem I have at the moment is that I still remember a lot of the ill times because it is still so fresh in my mind but I’m sure in time the bad memories will fade and the best times will take over.

Thank you for being here, you have made me feel so much better this evening.

RIP Sweet Boy Timmer xxx


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 9, 2015
I'm so sorry for loss of your Whiskas. I also just lost my beloved Gwennie on April 7, and I know exactly what you mean about how the house can feel so empty with one kitty gone. She was 7 pounds, but filled up our entire home with her personality.

You made the best decision you could with the info you had at the time. If he had intestinal lymphoma, his prognosis would've been poor. You can treat that with chemo, but he would not have gotten better. There is no cure for IBD. You might've had extra time with him, but at what cost in terms of his suffering?

My Gwennie had IBD since I adopted her in January 2016 (unbeknownst to the rescue). She had pancreatitis in May that year and was never the same after. It was difficult to manage the IBD. What works for one cat doesn't necessarily work for others. The steroids didn't work on her. Anti nausea meds worked until they didn't. Two different vets warned that it would probably turn into intestinal lymphoma. I thought that's what would take her life, but it ended up being acute kidney failure.

We do the best we can, and we give them all our love. They know it. And that's what matters. ❤❤❤ I hope you and I both find peace soon.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 20, 2018
Fayetteville, NC
You absolutely made the best decision for Whiskas. In my past experiences with this, I've had the same thoughts. My cat Chloe crossed over 3 years ago from complications with diabetes. And when I boil it down to "my cat would not have wanted a feeding tube, my cat did not want to go back and forth to the vet constantly", I find peace in knowing that she's resting without having to do any of the things that she hated so much and caused her agony.

We all do the best we can; never feel like you didn't. You will find peace. Sending love.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
I'm so sorry for loss of your Whiskas. I also just lost my beloved Gwennie on April 7, and I know exactly what you mean about how the house can feel so empty with one kitty gone. She was 7 pounds, but filled up our entire home with her personality.

You made the best decision you could with the info you had at the time. If he had intestinal lymphoma, his prognosis would've been poor. You can treat that with chemo, but he would not have gotten better. There is no cure for IBD. You might've had extra time with him, but at what cost in terms of his suffering?

My Gwennie had IBD since I adopted her in January 2016 (unbeknownst to the rescue). She had pancreatitis in May that year and was never the same after. It was difficult to manage the IBD. What works for one cat doesn't necessarily work for others. The steroids didn't work on her. Anti nausea meds worked until they didn't. Two different vets warned that it would probably turn into intestinal lymphoma. I thought that's what would take her life, but it ended up being acute kidney failure.

We do the best we can, and we give them all our love. They know it. And that's what matters. ❤❤❤ I hope you and I both find peace soon.

I am so thankful to have come across this site, there are truly wonderful people on here and I am grateful for your message.

I am very sorry to hear about Gwennie, it sounds like you tried so hard and I can’t believe she ended up with acute kidney failure ontop of everything else. RIP Dear Gwennie.

I had a terrible weekend torturing myself, yet again, that I should have at least tried the steroids, he may have wanted to still be here. I keep feeling like this when I hear of success stories but I will keep telling myself because it is true, just as you mentioned, what works for one cat doesn’t always for another. My vet wrote to me and told me that even if we had proceeded with biopsies to find out exactly what it was, there would still be no guarantee that he would have got better.

Whiskas was first diagnosed with pancreatitis last August at just 8 years old and just like Gwennie, he was never the same again. I don’t know if it was the pancreatitis that caused the IBD (possible lymphoma) or the other way around but I was terrified that in time other organs would start to suffer. I used to block my ears if he was vomiting and panic. I don’t think I would ever have coped giving medication everyday and continuing the rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. I have much respect for people who do go through this.

I too hope that we both find peace soon and I feel so much better for having read your message. I thank you again for being here, it’s a great help to know that I am not alone.

All the best x
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
You absolutely made the best decision for Whiskas. In my past experiences with this, I've had the same thoughts. My cat Chloe crossed over 3 years ago from complications with diabetes. And when I boil it down to "my cat would not have wanted a feeding tube, my cat did not want to go back and forth to the vet constantly", I find peace in knowing that she's resting without having to do any of the things that she hated so much and caused her agony.

We all do the best we can; never feel like you didn't. You will find peace. Sending love.
Thank you so much for your kind message and I am so sorry you lost Chloe. I hope things have got easier after 3 years, I currently feel like I am never going to feel better.

Whiskas used to hate the car journey to the vets, meowing all the way, and all the waiting around to be seen with dogs barking and people in and out. He hated taking pills and having pain killers squirted into his mouth at home and I had to do it so much on and off in the last 7 months. I too should find peace knowing that he never needs to do any of those things he hated so very much ever again.

Thank you.

Kind regards and all the best x
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
I am so sorry for your loss. He looks to be a gorgeous cat.
What you feel is very natural and most of us worry that it was too soon, some of us worry we waited too long. There is never a right time to say good bye. It's always so difficult. That was your baby!

I lost my Timmer in January to IBD and he also had all the tests run and the thickening of the walls and the whole deal. GI lymphoma was suspected but never confirmed. My regular vet told me that's very hard to diagnose. At the end, he could no longer pass stool. He was eating fine because of the prednisone I was giving him. The GI doctor had me giving him chemotherapy too. But his sweet little body never responded to any treatments.
Who is to say your little sweetheart with more treatment but is that right to our loved ones? I don't believe so. He had a lot going on, from what you say. He was probably in pain. In the end, it was so sad for me, and I couldn't stand to see Timmer suffer. About a month later I talked with my vet because I was still so distraught and he assured me that I did all I could.
I am sure you did too!

Grief is all over the map. There are no neat straight lines, no rules, no guidelines. You're sort of left adrift in the sea feeling like you have nothing to hang onto. That's because of the loss of love; the love you gave and the love you received. We never EVER forget them but our lives have to adjust to being without them.

It's been close to three months for me and I still cry sometimes. Timmer was my soulmate. Writing my feelings down in a journal helped me a lot and I still do write but not every day anymore. I don't write about illness. I write about the things I loved about him, so I won't ever forget. All kinds of things. And I do hope your photos bring you a smile when you look at them.

Just be kind to yourself. Come on here as much as you want and write your heart out and vent. There are great people on here.
I hope things are getting easier for you??? I seem to have alternate good days and bad days. Still crying a lot.

I wish to thank you for the journal idea, I have been writing my fond memories of Whiskas in a note book when they pop into my head. This helps a lot. I’m still finding it painful to look at photos of him, especially the ones where he is looking straight ahead.

For some comfort I have been sleeping with his favourite soft toy and it still smells of him (I will never wash it!). He used to carry it up the stairs to me in the middle of the night. I was always happy for all of his gifts, even if they were mice (dead and alive!).

In his last few months he had licked a whole load of his fur off of the end of his tail, it looked so thin on the end. I think this might have been to distract him from pain and wondered if you experienced anything like this with Timmer?

In my thoughts and sending love x


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Thank you! So kind of you.
Many many years ago I moved to my current location to go to art school. After I graduated I never did much in terms of art.
Just recently I cleaned out my home office, got my paints and brushes out and started doing wonderful paintings of Timmer! They make me feel close to him when I work on them.
Even so, it still hurts me.
In past times I had always ran out and gotten another cat, but then I never dealt with the pain. This time is different. Current cat probably wouldn't tolerate a new cat in the house and I really don't think I am ready anyway.
I hope it gets better for you too. I can look at photos now and smile. I wonder why the journaling helps us so much? It really is a great thing. I love that you sleep with your kitty's toys. I am thankful for the small things of his I have. When he was cremated, they inked his front paw and made a print for me in a card. I cherish that!!!! I have some of his fur.
Miss him. :bawling2:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I hope things are getting easier for you??? I seem to have alternate good days and bad days. Still crying a lot.

I wish to thank you for the journal idea, I have been writing my fond memories of Whiskas in a note book when they pop into my head. This helps a lot. I’m still finding it painful to look at photos of him, especially the ones where he is looking straight ahead.

For some comfort I have been sleeping with his favourite soft toy and it still smells of him (I will never wash it!). He used to carry it up the stairs to me in the middle of the night. I was always happy for all of his gifts, even if they were mice (dead and alive!).

In his last few months he had licked a whole load of his fur off of the end of his tail, it looked so thin on the end. I think this might have been to distract him from pain and wondered if you experienced anything like this with Timmer?

In my thoughts and sending love x
The notebook idea is fantastic. Write them down as they come, I've done this. What I've done later (once the tears are replaced with laughter and fond memories that make me smile) is organize those memories as chronologically as possible and create a small scrap-book for them, just for them, with memories and pictures.
I had a cat die 8 years and 3 months ago. The last thing he willingly ate was a pouched food, after that he faded and I had to make the decision to end that suffering. I got home, rooted that empty food pouch out of the bin, washed it out with soap and water, air-dried it, ensured it was cleaned/sterilized, and kept it. I still have it. I don't know why.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 7, 2018
Southampton, England
The notebook idea is fantastic. Write them down as they come, I've done this. What I've done later (once the tears are replaced with laughter and fond memories that make me smile) is organize those memories as chronologically as possible and create a small scrap-book for them, just for them, with memories and pictures.
I had a cat die 8 years and 3 months ago. The last thing he willingly ate was a pouched food, after that he faded and I had to make the decision to end that suffering. I got home, rooted that empty food pouch out of the bin, washed it out with soap and water, air-dried it, ensured it was cleaned/sterilized, and kept it. I still have it. I don't know why.
The scrap-book sounds great, I like this idea!

I think it’s great that you kept the food pouch and you did this because you loved your cat very much. When I came across loose whiskers on the floor, I would save them. I started doing this when Whiskas was a kitten and I have found 96 whiskers which are treasured in a little trinket box. I don’t know why I started collecting them but I’m glad I did. Not sure what I am going to do with them.

Thank you for your message, it is comforting.