The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
The rain held off here until quite late in the afternoon, and allowed me to spot-seed nearly the entire lawn - the last of the small burns left by the drought two Summers past. When it did start raining, I thought I'd change the throws on all the sofas, since there was a stack of clean sheets ready to go. When I got to the I-ain't-got-no-Family-except-cats Room couch, I was stymied by this:


Puff: "Certainly you can change the sofa throws."

Scottiecat: "Yes - but not right now."

Nope; neither of them would budge. Ah, well - there's always tomorrow.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Thank you tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 & @foxxycat! It's only a tiny bit tender now so I can laugh! It stung last night! I smacked my forehead right on the corian counter top at my mothers once. I ended up calling the nurse line to see if I needed to be concerned about a concussion. I must be pretty hard headed. (Thanks Dad!)

Lari Lari :cloud9: I love that fresh-from-the-salon feeling! I only get my hair done once or maybe twice a year.

I took my kids to an indoor play place today. We met a friend and her kids and some other kids they know happened to be there. They had a great (exhausting! :woohoo: ) time and I got to have a conversation with an adult! :banana1:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Greatest excuse I've ever seen for not changing out the throws! :kneading::cutecat:

Shane Kent Shane Kent I love natural wood. I've heard cats do, too :winkcat:. Can't wait to see what that turns out to be!
Docs Mom Docs Mom ConCATulations and Roxie, feel all better very soon! :lovecat:

I've got my work done for the day. Now off to do a jigsaw puzzle or several, which I've just rediscovered is a passion of mine!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
The rhubarb crowns came in the mail yesterday so off I went to the garden today to do my last planting. Two of the rhubarb are almost naturalized to California, they've been growing them here for 100 years or more although now there are only some left in the backyards of some older homes, they are called Victoria and are red only at the bottom unlike the all-red that most people know, but they taste the same. The other two are called Crimson Red and I thought I'd try to see if they won't grow here as we have a micro-climate here in Laguna Woods that isn't as severely hot in the summer as the rest of Orange County. I want some strawberry-rhubarb pie and jam. Wish me luck.
I also planted seeds for more radishes, carrots, some lettuce, beets, parsnips and bush beans. I put a few seeds of pumpkins in the middle of the corn and I'm hoping that at least some of all of the seeds I planted will sprout as they are from last year.
The first radishes are already up but those take as few as 5 days to pop up. Two of the pole bean seeds have sprouted so that is promising. I'll have to wait at least another week before I start worrying that the other seeds are too old to germinate. The plants I bought are doing really well, so I will at least get tomatoes, peppers and zucchini squash from them.
I tried to dig up the volunteer fig tree but the root broke off when I tried to pull it up. So I cut off the green branches and put them in a bucket of water and waited if they will survive. At least two have popped up so I will leave them in the bucket and wait for them to sprout roots and eventually I will have a brand-new baby fig tree which will grow in a big pot. Figs grow really fast and if I water and feed it enough I might have figs this summer, at least enough to make some strawberry-fig jam which is just ever so tasty.
OOOH, there is just nothing as good as homemade stuff particularly when the ingredients come from one's own garden. When I open a jar of frozen or canned tomatoes on a dreary day in December all of a sudden I have summer in my kitchen and if that isn't positive I don't know what is.
@Norachan loves to do some work outside, well, I do too. When I'm done watering and fertilizing I sit on a bench outside my garden plot that a gardener neighbor has put up and listen to the wind in the trees and the birds, later on some crickets, and watch the lizards scampering around which are always welcome in my garden because they eat bugs and other creepy crawlies that I don't want in my garden. So far I have seen no evidence of field mice and/or voles although some people are complaining about rats allegedly eating their tomatoes, for some reason those critters don't seem to like my garden. Yeah. Who knows why but it's another positive thing.
I have two hummingbird feeders outside my patio and the birds have been very busy, entertaining my cats. I left two adjoining windows open and a bird flew in. Unfortunately it did not live very long as Panthera caught it, brought it inside and ate it. By the time I saw him with it he was almost done, he ate every bit of it, there wasn't even a feather left. He is a very good hunter but I will have to leave the windows open only so far so that birds don't fly in. I don't want the feeder to be an invitation for Panthera to go hunting but for entertainment. It's not that he is starving, his rotund belly says otherwise, lol.
It was totally overcast this morning but then the sun came out, there was a bit of wind and the temp never went above 65 so it was just right for working in the garden and working up a bit of a sweat. It's a really good day.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Good luck with the rhubarb segelkatt segelkatt ! I've been trying to get some rhubarb crowns going for the last few years. They came from my Grandparent's backyard in another state. Right now they are sprouting nicely! I might have to cover them a few of our upcoming nights. I really miss my Grandma's rhubarb and strawberry rhubarb pies! I found strawberry rhubarb butter at a local place the other day. It's AMAZING! I'm actually planning to have that on toast with maple almond butter as my dinner tonight. :yummy:

Looking at the forecast; I should be able to enjoy some of those relaxing on the patio after gardening days soon. That's always when my backyard feels like a little slice of Heaven. :cloud9:


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Hi there! Sophie here! :dancingblackcat:

I can think of something pawsitive today!! Mommy washed my blankie! Here I am snuggling with it in my tray.


She looks pretty happy. The "tray" is a dishpan. I was at Dollar Tree looking for something to transport cookies to work in for a party and didn't want to use a container with a lid so they didn't get crushed. I found white solid dishpans and got those. As soon as I got home with the empty dishpans, I put them on top of the chest freezer. Well, Sophiesaurus claimed them very quickly by bunny hopping back and forth between them. The dishpans now reside in the living room and each one has a fleece blankie in it. The blankies are exactly the same because we don't want the kids arguing over who gets the "better" one. They love these little nests and use them all the time. :purr:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Well, even though it seems that I'm great at killing the plants I try to tend, my PAWSITIVE is that the plants I completely ignore look and smell amazing.
View attachment 225568
Can't win 'em all, I guess.
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer - Holy moly - that's just amazing! Pendant Dendrobium superbum, yes? What cultivar - anosmum?

The big pawsitive here is that so far our second high wind warning of the Spring season has managed only a 16 mph gust rather than the 60 - 65 mph predicted.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Well, even though it seems that I'm great at killing the plants I try to tend, my PAWSITIVE is that the plants I completely ignore look and smell amazing.
View attachment 225568
Can't win 'em all, I guess.
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer , the flowers are amazing! Thanks for the great photo!

A pawsitive for sure is that after a day of back-to-back naps, Speedy is fully energized to chase the imaginary creatures that are taunting her from every corner of the living room.;)


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
My pawsitive news this morning is a friend of mine just adopted an adorable mixed breed dog who has spent the last five years being kept outside in a yard. He has heart worm and tapeworms but is being treated and in spite of his past is thrilled to have found his new forever home. :bluepaw: Even better, their Siamese cat approves of the new family member. :thumbsup:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL LELIA !!! :lovecat: :celebrate: :bday: :celebrate: :dizzycat: Lari Lari . Of course, Speedy and R raysmyheart think Lelia is just one special cat since we have met her on TCS, but we want to let her know that again on her Special Day!! Speedy and I send our prayers and best wishes to you, Lelia and your mum, Lari Lari ! for many more special days like this one.

A pawsitive in Central Massachusetts this morning is that the slight fog and light rain seems to cast a peaceful mood.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Thank you R raysmyheart , but it's not until Friday!

We're just enjoying a relaxing morning.
View attachment 225609

I need to go to the gym today. It's positive that I have the time to do it this week!
Lari Lari - I'm pleased to add my birthday wishes to the beautiful Lelia as well, but honestly - The Price Is Right? I've always imagined Lelia as a PBS kind of gal!

The windstorm finally did materialise here, but our peak gust appears to have been only 44 mph - enough to spread approximately 241,509 pine cones across the front lawn, but not strong enough to cause any damage. A few moments ago, the wind began to subside, and the sun came out with a vengeance - and then it began raining like mad. Go figure!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Good luck with the rhubarb segelkatt segelkatt ! I've been trying to get some rhubarb crowns going for the last few years. They came from my Grandparent's backyard in another state. Right now they are sprouting nicely! I might have to cover them a few of our upcoming nights. I really miss my Grandma's rhubarb and strawberry rhubarb pies! I found strawberry rhubarb butter at a local place the other day. It's AMAZING! I'm actually planning to have that on toast with maple almond butter as my dinner tonight. :yummy:

Looking at the forecast; I should be able to enjoy some of those relaxing on the patio after gardening days soon. That's always when my backyard feels like a little slice of Heaven. :cloud9:
Rhubarb is hardy, it actually is native to Central China where it gets really cold (Kiwis are native to Northern China along the Yangtze River and the China East Coast!! Surprise, not New Zealand!) so you should not have to cover it because it's a little chilly at night. The Victoria kind of rhubarb has been adapted to California. Once rhubarb is established it will come back every year for decades, it just needs dividing every 5 years or so with a spade. It does need lots of water and plenty of fertilizer. When my daughter bought her house in Montana the yard was full of it and she hates rhubarb, so she pulled it all up, the house had been unoccupied for over a year so you can see that the rhubarb needed no care and still flourished. The reason mine died last fall is because I had been ill and the poor things did not get enough water, the person who was kind enough to water my garden at all did not know just how much water the rhubarb needed and so it dried up and died. This year I am putting in a drip system.
If you have been trying for several years to grow rhubarb I'd like to know what you are doing wrong as they are so hard to kill.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Kat0121 Kat0121 I am IN LOVE with SOPHIE! She's so beautiful. A clean, soft blankie is purr-fect for her to enjoy! *I've got to do a load of these, too. This is a PAWSitive reminder for me!*
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer What a beautiful pic you share with us. Is that jasmine in the background? Jasmine is a favorite of mine, in all its permutations.
Lari Lari -- an early *Happy PURRthday* to Lelia beauty and may she be able to binge watch her favorite show on her special Day! What a cute pic of her watching TPIR :kneading:

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine - Snowed in Ottawa last night but by the time I left for work it had turned to rain with slush everywhere. Rained all morning and most of it has melted away. Think we might get snow again on Friday. This February, March and so far April have been a weather roller-coaster full of ups and downs. I have a feeling this April is going to be very wet and my move to the cottage will be in May.

My pawsitive for the day is that instead of staying late to do carpentry work I will be leaving 15 minutes early to go home and snuggle with cats on this cold, damp day. :catrub:
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