The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You're close on the candy corn, but no cigar. Check the answer.

As for the pills, we may have some very strange vegetables soon!

Where did Tallyollyopia come from? It's most unusual.
It came from a story I wrote AWM for Mother's Day some time ago, called Awakening of Magic. (And I wrote it by hand, on notebook paper that I bound with rings so that she could have a real book to read. I have no idea where it is now.) Anyway, the main character found a magical artifact that came with a guardian, and the guardian was Tallyollyopia (Tally for short). I've just always liked the way the name rolls off the tongue (and I made it up myself). No deeper meaning.

I think I worded this wrong. I had to convince him to run the test for the blood being drawn. It really wasn't him I had to convince, it was the insurance. He had to come up with some bogus reason to run it, so I wouldn't get a major bill from the insurance denying it. I had to convince him it was necessary though. I could feel something is wrong. But he is correct, it could be the meds. In which case, I can't take my migraine meds anymore and we will just have to figure something else out.

Schrodinger's cat wasn't real. It was a theoretical thought experiment. So, how could it belong to his daughter?
I know that a lot of people believe Schrodinger's cat was merely a thought experiment. It wasn't. He actually took the cat, the box, and the little bottle of cyanide gas to his classroom (he was a teacher) put the cat and the capsule in the box (the wooden box, mind you) and then presented his "theoretical" observation to the class. (And, by the by, the cat was dead when they opened the box.) Problem with early psychiatry--very few of what we think were thought experiments were actually thought experiments--they were studied in brutal fashion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Some cats seem to be drawn to pregnancy. When my friend Michelle was pregnant their cat, IfYou ("I am Siamese if you please. I am Siamese if you don't please!"), who was primarily her husband's cat, took to sitting on Michelle's lap or next to her and purring to her belly. After the baby was born, IfYou took over the baby's early care and education. He watched over her while she slept. When she started crying in the middle of the night IfYou would go to the door of her parents' bedroom to urge them to hurry up and change the diaper. He taught the baby to purr!!! (Yes, I'm serious; she's now an adult woman but she's still the only human I've ever met who can do a credible purr.) Once she became a toddler IfYou taught her how to stalk mice (all right, toy mice), that the best place to nap was lying in the sun on the back of the couch (pulled up tight against the wall under the window, so she was in no danger), and that when you inevitably fall (safely, onto the sofa seat) you smooth your fur, draw your dignity about you, and explain "I meant to do that." IfYou eventually died in his sleep, after a long life and a busy day in the back yard, stretched across that young woman's bedroom threshold, which he still habitually guarded at night.

What a charming story! Love it!

kashmir64 kashmir64 Sorry to hear about the kidney and headache issues. What symptoms did you have that warranted the discussion with your doctor if you don't mind? Seems doctors don't listen to us. I hope your levels get back to normal.

Well we bought a ton of candy-I got 2 bags of snickers, he got peanut butter cups. I filled the bowl with candy=said it won't last least no rain today. Gonna sit on the porch in a chair since Jon is running the furnace now-don't want him to get cold and I prefer it cooler anyways. Honeybee will be ticked off to not go out later this afternoon. We will let her out for an hour in the morning to potty then when she comes back in the window will close. She's afraid of people so I doubt anyone could get close enough to cause trouble...

This morning it was chilly 37 degrees. Honeybee was stuffed into my right side again-her feeties were sticking out and I tickled them a few times-which caused the tail to slash around but she didn't take off. She loves being cuddled and pulled her blanket around her so her head was sticking out. I turned the furnace on when I got up. it was 63 in the house. Not too cold I didn't think but I knew Mr Jon would say "I'm freezing my b----s off!" :flail:

I don't know why that comment makes me laugh my :censored: off but it does. :devilish::nono:

So that was this morning joke...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I know that a lot of people believe Schrodinger's cat was merely a thought experiment. It wasn't. He actually took the cat, the box, and the little bottle of cyanide gas to his classroom (he was a teacher) put the cat and the capsule in the box (the wooden box, mind you) and then presented his "theoretical" observation to the class. (And, by the by, the cat was dead when they opened the box.) Problem with early psychiatry--very few of what we think were thought experiments were actually thought experiments--they were studied in brutal fashion.
I can't find that story online. I wonder if your teacher was messing with you :D. I think it would sort of ruin the thought experiment to have a definitely dead or definitely alive cat around. In his book he says he's using it as a ridiculous scenario to illustrate how you have to be able to think to understand quantum physics. And Schrodinger had nothing to do with psychology/psychiatry so now I'm wondering why it even came up in psychology/psychiatry classes, lol ;). Skinner maybe?

Is it true that early scientists engaged in a lot of casual cruelty---to animals, children, the mentally ill, etc.---so the basic concept is duly noted.

Brrr, it's cold here! I think we got spoiled by the nice weather. I even saw a snowflake yesterday :(. Well I guess we couldn't have warm weather forever. . .
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Last week we had temps up to 106 F and very dry, now it's not even going up to 70 F and there is a forecast of 30% chance of rain, it has been overcast all day for the last 3 days with humidity up to 75 %. Weird weather, that's certain. There is a forecast for "very wet winter" like last year which would be nice and finally fill up the aquifers again. On the other hand, the fires all over have denuded the hillsides and heavy rains will cause landslides and floods: more disasters, we've seen whole neighborhoods destroyed by mudslides in the past.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Don't forget to all Coast listeners.....Tonight is Ghost to Ghost.

What symptoms did you have that warranted the discussion with your doctor if you don't mind?
It started some time ago. It was like a bladder infection, but it only lasted while the meds were in my system, so about 12 hours, then it was gone. The first doctor decided (without blood work) that I had Syphilis and tried to give me a drug for this. Excuse me? Don't I at least have to have a partner who has this, or any partner?
Changed doctors. Second one gave me a blood test and found the levels were off. Put me on cranberry fruit and continued blood test until the levels went back down. Then he retired.
Now I'm on the third doctor. I have been doing my best to stay away from the meds (as much as possible), because of the mass burning when I pee. However, it's now not only when I take the meds, but all the time. I've been after him to give me a blood test for over 2 years now, but he didn't seem to think I needed one. Since I don't take opioids for my migraines, there was nothing to check for. Once I convinced him to do it, we had to come up with a reason so the insurance would pay for that test. He did say I was fully hydrated so it was definitely not a misreading from dehydration.
He said that if this continues the way it is, ie. taking the meds, then it will progress into stage 4. I won't go on dialysis. I would rather be dead than do that. So, I am a little concerned.
For now, I'm off the meds and overdosing on cranberry fruit.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
She typed it in, highlighted it, and selected the color of the highlighted text as white, I believe. For another way to handle it, click on the spoiler button below:
Just click on the + (Insert) button in the Rich Text editor and select Spoiler. Then type your text between the markers. Or type the text, highlight it, and select + and Spoiler.[/SP,

OH COOL! I'll try to do that and see if it works! Did it work? Highlight for answer! YEP!

The answer trick I learned the hard way from my friend, Harrigan.
You really, REALLY need to write a book about Harrigan! I'll buy it, but I want an autographed copy!

First of all, my real name isn't Tallyollyopia
That's kinda sad, but not really. You'd have caught grief with it growing up, but I love the name. LOL, I say it out loud every time I see it. Hekitty thinks I've lost my mind...which is nothing new.

Gots to finish up here and go get my Samhain dinner going. I'm doing a pork roast, green beans, baked sweet potato, and an apple-spice cake. Got the trick or treat candy already in the plastic cauldron, so I'm just about ready for it all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I know that a lot of people believe Schrodinger's cat was merely a thought experiment. It wasn't. He actually took the cat, the box, and the little bottle of cyanide gas to his classroom (he was a teacher) put the cat and the capsule in the box (the wooden box, mind you) and then presented his "theoretical" observation to the class. (And, by the by, the cat was dead when they opened the box.) Problem with early psychiatry--very few of what we think were thought experiments were actually thought experiments--they were studied in brutal fashion.
Reference, please? It's not just "a lot of people" believing this; it's in every explanation of the experiment that I've ever read, mostly by respected scientists, that this is only a thought experiment, it didn't actually happen.

Schrodinger's cat wasn't real. It was a theoretical thought experiment. So, how could it belong to his daughter?
It was, IMO, a deeply flawed theoretical thought experiment.
  • By its very nature it can't be tested. An "experiment" that can't give you results is totally useless.
  • It is dependent on the lack of observer inside the box (this is the reason that it can't be tested), and yet it ignores the presence of the cat inside the box. The observer need not be sapient (self-aware, the primary thing that theoretically separates humans from animals though I would argue that a lot of animals are sapient), merely sentient (possessing senses, frequently used incorrectly to mean "sapient"). So, does the cat know whether it heard a bottle break and then smelled bitter almond? Well, duh.
This is one of the reasons I doubt that anyone has ever actually done this "experiment"; no one could figure out a way to get any actual results from it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Don't forget to all Coast listeners.....Tonight is Ghost to Ghost.

It started some time ago. It was like a bladder infection, but it only lasted while the meds were in my system, so about 12 hours, then it was gone. The first doctor decided (without blood work) that I had Syphilis and tried to give me a drug for this. Excuse me? Don't I at least have to have a partner who has this, or any partner?
Changed doctors. Second one gave me a blood test and found the levels were off. Put me on cranberry fruit and continued blood test until the levels went back down. Then he retired.
Now I'm on the third doctor. I have been doing my best to stay away from the meds (as much as possible), because of the mass burning when I pee. However, it's now not only when I take the meds, but all the time. I've been after him to give me a blood test for over 2 years now, but he didn't seem to think I needed one. Since I don't take opioids for my migraines, there was nothing to check for. Once I convinced him to do it, we had to come up with a reason so the insurance would pay for that test. He did say I was fully hydrated so it was definitely not a misreading from dehydration.
He said that if this continues the way it is, ie. taking the meds, then it will progress into stage 4. I won't go on dialysis. I would rather be dead than do that. So, I am a little concerned.
For now, I'm off the meds and overdosing on cranberry fruit.
The love of my life was on dialysis for 18 years (that was in the bad old days before there were transplants) and he lived a full although somewhat restricted life. He received a university degree and became a successful artist and writer. He also was an accomplished small sailboat racer winning many trophies. Although he had a rather rare blood type he still got a transplant and his life was better for it. When he started on dialysis he had to do it every day, just before he got his new kidney he had to have it only once a week for a few hours during which time he caught up with his reading. Being on dialysis is not a death sentence and these days people live pretty much the same as before if not better. I don't know what you have heard about dialysis but don't let it scare you. Dying from kidney disease is no walk in the park, it is a very miserable way to die.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
The story about IfYou was so adorable! I won't be letting the cats sleep in the same room as the baby in the beginning. I have no concerns that they'll intentionally harm the baby - I'm sure they'll be excellent big brothers and I don't think Marcy will care either way - but they're such cuddle bugs, I'm concerned they'll get too close to his face and he won't be able to breathe. So no kitties while he sleeps until he has full head control and can turn away if he needs to.
They've been extra attention since before I even took the positive test, but they've just really amped it up. I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment today, but she had to go perform an emergency c-section so they moved me to Thursday. Which is better anyway - John is off work and can go with me.
I don't think I'd ever want to be on dialysis, either. Hopefully you can avoid it.
Last night, John brought me a delicious chocolate muffin from work. Casey's is mainly a gas station. However, they also sell donuts, muffins, and cookies that they bake daily in store and they have the best pizza. It's my absolute favorite pizza and, oddly enough, it comes from a gas station! LOL. I always have been and always will be a chocoholic. I have no desire to change that. And if he keeps bringing me muffins, I might not smother him in his sleep for snoring. LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
The love of my life was on dialysis for 18 years (that was in the bad old days before there were transplants) and he lived a full although somewhat restricted life. He received a university degree and became a successful artist and writer. He also was an accomplished small sailboat racer winning many trophies. Although he had a rather rare blood type he still got a transplant and his life was better for it. When he started on dialysis he had to do it every day, just before he got his new kidney he had to have it only once a week for a few hours during which time he caught up with his reading. Being on dialysis is not a death sentence and these days people live pretty much the same as before if not better. I don't know what you have heard about dialysis but don't let it scare you. Dying from kidney disease is no walk in the park, it is a very miserable way to die.
Hemodialysis (if you've ever seen it done) looks scary, because of the size of the needles. But, according to my husband who's been getting it three times a week for a lo-o-ong time now, it's not that bad. You have to be careful to avoid infection, and you have to watch your diet and which drugs you take (i.e. no drugs that can't be removed from the bloodstream by dialysis, and avoid foods high in potassium), but beyond that it's not so bad. It's a lot better than dying from accumulated poisons.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Hemodialysis (if you've ever seen it done) looks scary, because of the size of the needles. But, according to my husband who's been getting it three times a week for a lo-o-ong time now, it's not that bad. You have to be careful to avoid infection, and you have to watch your diet and which drugs you take (i.e. no drugs that can't be removed from the bloodstream by dialysis, and avoid foods high in potassium), but beyond that it's not so bad. It's a lot better than dying from accumulated poisons.

Yes, some people are "potassium-hoarders" and have to watch what they eat like oranges and tomatoes, but there are also those who are "potassium-wasters", they can't get enough of it. I've known both of them, they were friends from way back and had a transplant within a year of each other and kept comparing notes.
I think most people with kidney failure get an implant where their veins are easily accessible (I had one in my arm for chemo) so you don't have to get a stick every time. Infections can be avoided, my Gordon in all the 18 years NEVER had an infection at the site no matter what kind of dialysis he had during all that time. (Yes, there are different kinds, although most people are only aware of the kind where all of your blood runs out of your arm and into a machine that takes all the poisons out). In any case, dying because of waste in one's blood should not even be an option, it's a painful way to die.
And @alicia: nobody WANTS to be on dialysis but if your kidneys go on the blink you won't have much of a choice. You go on a list for a transplant and hope one comes along (usually due to someone dying in an accident) that matches you in a relatively short time. Also be sure to register as an organ donor, it could make someones life a lot easier.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
My MIL was on home dialysis. Doing it at home seemed to be far easier on her.

Now for something cute. This has to be one of the most chilled cats I've ever seen. If I did that to the boys, they'd skip going for the jugular and go straight for the carotid.



Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Wow, just wow. I don't often watch or read the news unless tipped off to something major. I didn't know about the NYC thing until I checked the bike forum.

I hope no one else dies.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I can't find that story online. I wonder if your teacher was messing with you :D. I think it would sort of ruin the thought experiment to have a definitely dead or definitely alive cat around. In his book he says he's using it as a ridiculous scenario to illustrate how you have to be able to think to understand quantum physics. And Schrodinger had nothing to do with psychology/psychiatry so now I'm wondering why it even came up in psychology/psychiatry classes, lol ;). Skinner maybe?

Is it true that early scientists engaged in a lot of casual cruelty---to animals, children, the mentally ill, etc.---so the basic concept is duly noted.

Brrr, it's cold here! I think we got spoiled by the nice weather. I even saw a snowflake yesterday :(. Well I guess we couldn't have warm weather forever. . .
It wasn't a story--it was a newspaper article that posted in the textbook. I had to sell the textbook back (you think the mafia is a racket, you should look at the people responsible for college textbooks) or I'd post the picture of it for you. My teacher didn't bring it up at all. In the article he said he didn't have a lesson plan for the day until he saw his daughter's cat on the table that morning. :mad:

Last week we had temps up to 106 F and very dry, now it's not even going up to 70 F and there is a forecast of 30% chance of rain, it has been overcast all day for the last 3 days with humidity up to 75 %. Weird weather, that's certain. There is a forecast for "very wet winter" like last year which would be nice and finally fill up the aquifers again. On the other hand, the fires all over have denuded the hillsides and heavy rains will cause landslides and floods: more disasters, we've seen whole neighborhoods destroyed by mudslides in the past.
:alright: Mudslides are a pain to clean up after. I hope no one gets hurt when they do happen.

Don't forget to all Coast listeners.....Tonight is Ghost to Ghost.

It started some time ago. It was like a bladder infection, but it only lasted while the meds were in my system, so about 12 hours, then it was gone. The first doctor decided (without blood work) that I had Syphilis and tried to give me a drug for this. Excuse me? Don't I at least have to have a partner who has this, or any partner?
Changed doctors. Second one gave me a blood test and found the levels were off. Put me on cranberry fruit and continued blood test until the levels went back down. Then he retired.
Now I'm on the third doctor. I have been doing my best to stay away from the meds (as much as possible), because of the mass burning when I pee. However, it's now not only when I take the meds, but all the time. I've been after him to give me a blood test for over 2 years now, but he didn't seem to think I needed one. Since I don't take opioids for my migraines, there was nothing to check for. Once I convinced him to do it, we had to come up with a reason so the insurance would pay for that test. He did say I was fully hydrated so it was definitely not a misreading from dehydration.
He said that if this continues the way it is, ie. taking the meds, then it will progress into stage 4. I won't go on dialysis. I would rather be dead than do that. So, I am a little concerned.
For now, I'm off the meds and overdosing on cranberry fruit.
Now hold on--I've also heard those symptoms can be the start of ovarian cancer, which can give a false positive on a kidney test. Is there any way to test for that?

The story about IfYou was so adorable! I won't be letting the cats sleep in the same room as the baby in the beginning. I have no concerns that they'll intentionally harm the baby - I'm sure they'll be excellent big brothers and I don't think Marcy will care either way - but they're such cuddle bugs, I'm concerned they'll get too close to his face and he won't be able to breathe. So no kitties while he sleeps until he has full head control and can turn away if he needs to.
They've been extra attention since before I even took the positive test, but they've just really amped it up. I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment today, but she had to go perform an emergency c-section so they moved me to Thursday. Which is better anyway - John is off work and can go with me.
I don't think I'd ever want to be on dialysis, either. Hopefully you can avoid it.
Last night, John brought me a delicious chocolate muffin from work. Casey's is mainly a gas station. However, they also sell donuts, muffins, and cookies that they bake daily in store and they have the best pizza. It's my absolute favorite pizza and, oddly enough, it comes from a gas station! LOL. I always have been and always will be a chocoholic. I have no desire to change that. And if he keeps bringing me muffins, I might not smother him in his sleep for snoring. LOL
Are they chocolate muffins? Don't kill the muffin man--you'll never get them again! :crackup:

Wow, just wow. I don't often watch or read the news unless tipped off to something major. I didn't know about the NYC thing until I checked the bike forum.

I hope no one else dies.
What happened in NYC?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
About my Halloween (and Happy Halloween to everyone here): back on Saturday I got a letter in the mail (it actually came Friday, but I don't check the mail until I get home in the morning, so I got it on Saturday) from the hospital saying that I owed them over seven-hundred dollars. How was that possible? I thought. After all, I was awarded financial aid that paid it off and I have the paper to prove it. So, today I went to the hospital to find out I was hit with something called a reverse charity that revoked my financial aid, so I owe the money again. I asked why this happened and they didn't know--just told me to call the number on the form I was sent in the mail (because they have third party billing and the office is in Virginia), so I did. Turns out a number got put in wrong somewhere, and they thought that I had applied for the financial aid to pay my insurance deductible. I pointed out that it was for an actual hospital bill, sent by the hospital, that I have the itemized list to prove it (I kept expecting to have to go to Staples and fax copies of my paperwork) and that the hospital bill has nothing to do with paying my deductible (which was something I had to prove on the paperwork I used to apply). The person I talked to said she could see all this information in her system, but didn't have the authority to change it, so she put me on hold. After being on hold for almost an hour and a half I figured that she forgot I was on the line, hung up, called back, and discovered that my case is now being reviewed (again) and that there's a note in my file that I'll be called back within two to four business days. Really? Kind of hard to call me back when I'm still on hold! :angryfire: That being said, I don't think they actually plan on calling me back, but I'm going to be a thorn in their side until this is fixed!


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
tallyollyopia tallyollyopia I use two internet fax services and a pdf creator to send and receive faxes. I use to turn scans into pdf files. Then I use to send faxes for free. And allows you to have a free account, which gives you a dedicated fax number and the ability to receive something like 5 faxes a month, sent to your email as an attached file.

Now for NYC....and LA....and North Korea.

Today, Halloween day, a tunnel at the nuclear testing site in North Korea collapsed, killing about 100 people. Then there was a secondary collapse as rescuers were trying to pull people out, killing another 100. There is some leakage of radiation, and concerns that there will be a total collapse which will leak a lot of radiation. Oh, and Russia and the US are having "routine" bomber flybys near there.

Also today, Halloween day, in LA an angry parent has decided to take a teacher hostage. He is armed, and at last report is not responding to police. They are barricaded in a classroom together.

And finally today, Halloween day, in NYC someone got hold of a Home Depot rental truck and drove down a bike path, mowing people down. Last report 8 dead, 15 wounded. Then he hit a school bus. And then he jumped out of the truck with prop weapons (airsoft and a bb gun), shouted something in Arabic, maybe God is great, and threatened police with the prop weapons so they shot him. He's still alive, no report on how life-threatening his injuries are. This is being treated as a terrorist attack based on what he yelled as he left the vehicle.

Edit: I'm flipping back and forth between Halloween sequels, Freddy Kreuger sequels and Chucky sequels since they are downright humorous when compared against today's reality.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
If you get tired of the cranberries you can get the same effect with large doses of vitamin C.
I despise cranberries, so it's in a pill. But I'll remember that.
Now hold on--I've also heard those symptoms can be the start of ovarian cancer, which can give a false positive on a kidney test. Is there any way to test for that?
Had a wellness not long ago. I'm good there. But that info is nice to know.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I despise cranberries, so it's in a pill. But I'll remember that.

Had a wellness not long ago. I'm good there. But that info is nice to know.
Problem is that gyn exams often can't catch ovarian cancer until it is stage 3 or 4. The current sucky method of looking for it is feeling the stomach for enlargements.
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