The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
@tallyollyopia, today when I was at CostCo I priced cashews: $19.99 for a big 2.5 pound jar. Just make sure you don't accidentally get the no-salt-added variety.

The Humane Society, or the ASPCA (they're two different organizations)?

Yep, you got that right.

segelkatt segelkatt , welcome back! Take care of yourself, and if the doctor and therapists all say that you need to gain some weight then you probably need to gain some weight.

The Humane Society


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I hear our local Humane Society ads on the radio all the time. They claim to be No Kill and that they have 100% adoption rate on all "adoptable" pets. I always wonder what happens to the "unadoptable" ones like ferals. Are they truly no kill? Do they think that ferals don't count?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I don't know much about how our HS operates. I do know that if animal control picks up a stray, if it is adoptable then it goes to the no kill shelter. Ferals also go there and the shelter will S/N and give them away as barn cats. If they are extremely aggressive, they go to the pound and get held for 3 days in case the owner claims them. Then euthanized.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I hear our local Humane Society ads on the radio all the time. They claim to be No Kill and that they have 100% adoption rate on all "adoptable" pets. I always wonder what happens to the "unadoptable" ones like ferals. Are they truly no kill? Do they think that ferals don't count?
It sure seemed that way to me. Obviously I cannot speak for all Humane Society locations but to the one closest to me, ferals do not count at all. When DD and I were training to be cat cuddlers, they gave us a folder containing papers with rules and such. There was one in there regarding how they handle ferals. I wish I had kept it. They put them down immediately and their attitude about it was very, "oh well- no big deal- it's just a feral". As I said earlier though, this was back in 2012 and it's entirely possible that this has changed since then but I doubt it.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
So Sirius and Remus had their first vet visit (since we adopted them) yesterday. Poor Sirius had Conjunctivitis and his little eyes looked horrible :( I felt so bad for him. Remus was a little sneezy so he went too. They both got examinations as well as FIV tests (because the shelter they came from doesnt do that anymore apparently :angryfire: ) . Both were negative though, thankfully.

Sirius had to have antibiotic eye drops and Remus has to take Clavamox. And they both have to take this medicine that comes in a pump (lysine I think?) Remus is really easy to medicate, Sirius is not that open to the whole process though haha.

This was them (and my Fiancé) at the vet yesterday:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
this is n
well I want a friend for Honeybee...maybe a stray kitty will show up at our place..since the Rooster that was around has found another home...I need to sit outside at night and see if any cats hang around my yard..and follow to where they nest..I want to get a kitten..I know I am crazy.

this is not really kitten season, by now most ferals will be several months old and maybe older than you want. If you do catch one please take it to the vet asap before it comes together with Honeybee and maybe infect her with something.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I found Honeybees award from her cat of the stickers fell off. I know its on a bureau somewhere here.OOk I am trying to upload photo and it keeps going off to sleep. Will try later. Honeybee won 6 out of 10 rings. HHP. Household pet. She hated it. Scared. Wouldn't play with the judge nor let them hold her. Kept trying to take off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
get better soon segelkatt segelkatt sounds like you have been through the ringer.

I didn't tell Jon about the wittle kitty out in IL yet. I did get some more clutter cleaned up, cleaned carpets, washed the kitchen floor, got some meat cooked up.

I am still mulling over the kitten I the time I go out to get her she will be 5 or 6 months old which is perfect in my book. I really hope I get the stuff done I need to get done-to get my house once and for all decluttered. I try to do an hour a day. Next Wed night going to take the bagged up clothes in the master bedroom to the thrift store in Barrington. I still have one more closet of clothes to purge. It's easy to purge clothes..books are if they could make ebooks as cheap as paperbacks=that would make life so much easier.

I got an email from an exworker who has kittens..I took one of his cats many years ago..she was 10 I think when I got her. Henrietta. A maine coon look alike-small. 8lbs. She loved Jon. Spread out on top of his chest. Slept on top of our frig. Climbed up on the cabinets. For an old girl she was quite sprung to get up that high. She didn't like Floey. Pumps ignored her.

She passed away New Years morning in my arms-we just went to er vet and they told me to put her down-I couldn't do it..I thought she had asthma..she was panting. Very ill. Her chest xray was horrible. I had xrays done on her when I got her that first week-the vet said he doesn't know how she's alive-it was white cloudy-no black-but she wasn't showing symptoms..she was living in a dirty nasty basement-those people are morons when it comes to home cleanliness-the cat had no cat box or food or water-he said take her home-I know you will take better care of her-blamed it on the wife..typical nonsense...

so I still can't stand to think she suffered from my lack of knowledge. I will never let a cat die at home again. She was panting all day and by midnight I couldn't stand it-took her in, Jon said don't put her down=but neither of us understood how bad it really was. I honestly thought it was asthma and thought we could put her on an was I dumb. The vet must have been so mad at me. I called up an hour later crying that she died in my arms and wish I listened. Jon was in tears when this happened..I screamed and was so was horrible. I never ever want this to happen to anyone I pay too much attention to their breathing and worry..but at least I learned..I only hope I don't have to live through that again...

I had flashbacks for months fact I am still shedding a few tears at how horrible her life ended when she already suffered enough before I got her. But she was happy with us. Loved laying on the deck in the sunshine. Loved not having beasty dogs annoying her. That was my first senior cat I had and I was hooked afterwards.

I still have a hard time with after that I never trusted myself again. But I am slowly coming around. To understanding what it means when people say you have to live experiences in order to understand.

On another note-a happier one= something really neat happens every morning. I pick up Pumps to carry to the kitchen to give her pred/dasquin and I let honeybee sniff her foot as I am holding Pumps-and Honeybee always gives her foot 4 good licks. I am hoping if I can do this every morning as part of a routine that Pumps will start to trust Honeybee. She doesn't shake. Doesn't growl. She tenses up as if expecting the cat to bite her because in the past Honeybee licks her tail then chomps on it like the brat that she is. So yesterday I saw them touching noses on the couch. I hope they will get along better. And if we add a kitten I think Pumps will feel better knowing that Honeybee will leave her alone...let's hope this kitten gets along with them....because I really want Honeybee to have a friend. I think Honeybee is now 6..I thought she was 4 but we got her in 2013. and here it is 2017. So I don't know how old Honeybee really is but she still plays and horses around like a kitten..she looks the same to me..Pumpkin is looking longer in face like they get when they get into the high senior years but her fur is still soft and sweet looking-still nice body condition except for weight-

Oh speaking of weight=I have now measured out 2/3 cup of dry and told Jon that's all they get for the day. There's two dishes-so each dish gets half of that in the morning and half at night-in a month I will just fill it once a day but for now-they don't get mad as long as there's a few pieces of food in the dish...neither will eat wet food..I know people will say I need to feed wet...sadly they bury it and turn the bowl upside down.....and I wrote a book again.
Be careful with rapid weight loss for your kitties. It can lead to liver failure. Be sure to talk to your vet about it first.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@segalkatt - I'm glad to see you back again.:clap2: I hope you are totally recovered from being so sick! :crossfingers:
thank you. Not feeling the greatest yet, still quite weak but I did manage to wash my bedding (pillows and 2 skinny down comforters) as I found that I apparently had wet them during the two days and nights that I slept through and then kicked them off the bed. When I picked them up today (nothing got picked up while I was so sick) I saw these stains, smelled them and oh phew, I knew they had to get washed asap. I've washed them before and knew that as long as they were thoroughly dry they would be ok.
I've had several people come over, cleaned my home including litter boxes and messes left on the tiles when the cats found the boxes to be too gross to use, brought me prepared food and just came to keep me company for a while. This when you find out who your true friends are when you don't have family living close enough to visit.
Have been reading all these pages from 150 on.

Thank you to everybody who sent me good wishes.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Now I am exhausted from sitting here typing for so long and will take a nap. Woke up at 2 and could not go back to sleep, so now it's 4:15 a.m so I should be able to sleep. Maybe tomorrow I will read all those pages from 150 on to 163 which is this page.[/QUOTE
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@tallyollyopia, today when I was at CostCo I priced cashews: $19.99 for a big 2.5 pound jar. Just make sure you don't accidentally get the no-salt-added variety.

The Humane Society, or the ASPCA (they're two different organizations)?

Yep, you got that right.

segelkatt segelkatt , welcome back! Take care of yourself, and if the doctor and therapists all say that you need to gain some weight then you probably need to gain some weight.


They don't say I need to gain weight, just that I need to eat. During the worst part of the illness and up to last week I kept loosing too much weight too fast I had just beaten the 200 lb before I got sick, now I weigh 187, having lost 3 lbs in the last week. So they want me not to loose any until I am well and that is only going to happen if I eat. The problem is that I get tired just chewing and then I feel full and don't want to eat any more. A lot of things I used to love I don't want anymore, at least not now. I'm on the scale every morning hoping I am still the same as the day before, it does not happen every day but mostly. Once I am well all the way I can go back to what I was doing before I got sick.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
They don't say I need to gain weight, just that I need to eat. During the worst part of the illness and up to last week I kept loosing too much weight too fast I had just beaten the 200 lb before I got sick, now I weigh 187, having lost 3 lbs in the last week. So they want me not to loose any until I am well and that is only going to happen if I eat. The problem is that I get tired just chewing and then I feel full and don't want to eat any more. A lot of things I used to love I don't want anymore, at least not now. I'm on the scale every morning hoping I am still the same as the day before, it does not happen every day but mostly. Once I am well all the way I can go back to what I was doing before I got sick.
My husband got a UTI after getting bitten by Darwin (he didn't mean to bite. He was just focused on a strange cat and Robert picked him up). He was in the hospital for three days from the bite infection. About two weeks later he got the UTI and like you, didn't want to eat. Like you said, things just didn't taste good and it was too much of an effort to eat. He lost nearly 40 pounds as he developed severe depression and anxiety attacks. It's been a really tough row to hoe, but the doctor put him on Paxil, which stimulated his appetite. Now he's eating pretty normally. The meds are helping a lot with the depression and anxiety. We still have a long way to go, but he's stopped losing weight.

UTIs are nasty things. He had hot-flash quality sweats and chills. He was extremely lethargic, too. He had a reaction to the Cipro used to treat the infection and we think that may have triggered the depression and anxiety. Because he had to stop the Cipro early, (it seems the UTI was gone) he developed another one a week or so later, but it was caught early. The meds he got for it seem to be doing OK.

Perhaps the Paxil would help you. You might check with your doctor.

I'll keep you in my thoughts.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Segalkat..the vet said Pumps has to loose weight. shes now 13.3 up from 12.3. She is normally 10lbs but she eats because Honeybee stresses her out.
Vet said cut back 10%. I am working on Jon not filling the dish full which measures 2 cups. I am giving them 2/3 cup each dish and still feeding tuna snack in morning. They pick at it all day. So far they are ok. I will put some down tonight.

Pumps pred got increased to 2.5mg and waiting for gaba in tablet form. Liquid is very hard to give. She doesnt mind being pilled. Butter and pill popper work wonders.

Tonight pumps puked up a huge 1/2" hunk of grass sections she ate hopefully she isn't blocked up. The vet didnt really palpate that I remember. I have thurs with Honeybee...i may bring them both and have an xray done to make sure. Or do u think I am overreacting?? I am going to ask about pepcid too incase pred bothers her stomach. See this is when I second guess myself...:/

Ok lets see if this photo did!
Honeybee the Ham Feline Adventures
Cat show in Rutland Vermont in 2014 I think...that was when she had a crazy dignose after the cat show from not eating...thats another chapter..idiot vets telling misinformation to get $$$$ out of me and I fell for it.

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Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
Kitten season has been bizarre and oddly timed this year. Right now our shelter is bursting with kittens and we have multiple mother cats still nursing. It's like everyone decided to squeeze in one last litter before the cold weather. They get adopted fast, but there are definitely still baby kittens around this year, at least in my area!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
segelkatt segelkatt , antibiotics can do strange things to your sense of taste (in my experience). You may want to take some probiotics for a while.

The shelter I work at never euthanizes an animal to clear space or because they have stayed too long. Once we take responsibility for an animal, our primary goal is to do as well by that individual animal as we can, and that means we will work for as long as it takes to find them a home, and in the very rare cases we can't, they stay with us until the natural end of their lives.

In some situations we do have to euthanize an animal for humane reasons, though. If an animal is so aggressive that they are a danger to staff and to the public so they would not be getting any interaction, we will have to have that animal put down. If an animal is so sick that we cannot offer them a meaningful recovery (based on evaluation by a vet,) they will also be put to sleep because we feel that is more kind than dragging out their suffering. Basically, if we cannot offer a reasonable quality of life, we would have to have that animal euthanized.
The "No kill" cat shelter near us is not run by any national organization that I know of, and the reason I put "No kill" in quotes is that they themselves dispute that designation. They will euthanize cats, for the same reasons that we would: basically, if a cat is a threat to itself or others or if it's too sick to have a good quality of life and is incurable.

I am worried about my boys. It's like Shadow's death triggered something.

Montressor can't completely jump on the bed anymore. It's like how Shadow was, before she just quit jumping on the bed and started climbing up. His front feet make it but his back feet hit about 3-4 inches below the top and he pushes off to completely get on the bed. On top of that, he's stopped staying on the bed all night. Usually he and I would fight over pillow space but once we finally hit a compromise he stays. Now somewhere around 4 or 5 in the morning I wake up and he's no longer there. Sometimes we find him on the floor by the bed, sometimes he's in the kid's room, but it's different. Beside the bed worries me, as he's always been super clingy to us. That's a physical distance from his people he never would have willingly done in the past.

Midway is now sleeping downstairs. He had been sleeping at the top of the stairs, I was never sure if it was a territory dominance thing (because Montressor had to walk by him to get to the litter box at night) or if the upstairs was too hot and that's the coolest place he found. Now he stays downstairs at night. He'll go up during the day when people are up there or when he's ready for us to get up in the morning, but not at night. He also snoozes on the spider that Shadow often snoozed on every time he wants a nap. And the yowling has increased a lot whenever we are not in view. I'm worried this is a cognitive change and he's actually lost us, not just unhappy that we aren't in the room of his choosing. He was always independent but he's becoming clingy during daylight hours.

My husband isn't concerned. He's noticed some of it, but he says he thinks it's just adjusting to Shadow's death, like the spider napping. I can't say it's getting worse, it does seem to be holding steady, but it's odd. However we still aren't caught up on bills when we had to spend the rent money on Shadow's last day, so a vet visit over an odd feeling really isn't in the cards.

I'm 44 years old and this is the first time in my adult life I've had to put an animal down. Does this sound like the usual mourning for companion cats? Or should I be concerned?
It sounds like Midway is grieving, and adjusting to the household changes. Montressor is more worrisome. As someone else has already suggested, keep a record of what's going on with him, because it sounds likely that there's a physical cause and you should probably plan to get him to the vet once you have the money to do so. The likeliest explanation is that he's begun suffering from some arthritis, but a vet should be able to tell for sure. You'll want to note whether he's limping when walking and whether he still gets the occasional bout of zoomies.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
It sure seemed that way to me. Obviously I cannot speak for all Humane Society locations but to the one closest to me, ferals do not count at all. When DD and I were training to be cat cuddlers, they gave us a folder containing papers with rules and such. There was one in there regarding how they handle ferals. I wish I had kept it. They put them down immediately and their attitude about it was very, "oh well- no big deal- it's just a feral". As I said earlier though, this was back in 2012 and it's entirely possible that this has changed since then but I doubt it.
In San Diego there is the most marvelous shelter run by the Humane Society. Every animal has not a cage but a real room according to its size with real furniture (chair, pet bed, small table). I saw a huge dog in a room with glass all around on 2 sides which must have measured 8 by 10 ft, the dog could look down two different corridors. Some cat rooms had several cats and kittens in it, again with glass from floor to ceiling. New cats had their own quarters. The shelter was built specifically to the Humane Society's specifications and it is huge. There are meeting rooms, educational displays, a gift shop with things for animal and human uses etc and plenty of room outside where dogs can run or be walked and socialize with other dogs. They are strictly "no kill" and no animal will be put to sleep unless there is no hope for it and the animal is in pain and has no quality of life. A volunteer or other animal-loving person will be there holding it. This is the way that shelters should be set up but I realize that few places have the money to do so.
In Irvine, CA there is also one much smaller. There cats are mostly housed in 2-room "condos" with one side open to the public behind glass which faces a big space with grass where dogs are walked. There is also a community room for the cats so they can be socialized and played with. Visitors are always welcome. I have not been to the part where dogs are kept but I do know that the cats cannot hear the dogs barking. If a feral is brought in it is TNRed to the closest place from where it is known to be from. Feral kittens are socialized and put up for adoption.They also have ducks, bunnies, goats, pigeons or doves, chickens and some little pigs that people keep as pets. New cats are kept in large cages away from the outside where they will be kept until either someone claims them (10 days) or that they are prepared for adoption and put in a "condo". If a "found" cat strikes your fancy you can put your name on the waiting list for it in case it is not claimed. When there a few empty spots (not often) the spot will be filled with a "third chance" cat from another shelter, usually one that is scheduled for euthanasia because the cat has not found a forever parent but is otherwise quite adoptable. "Senior" cats (any over 8), have their adoption fee reduced, and if a senior person adopts a senior cat then the adoption fee is waived. I got a "third chance" cat from there once who looked like a Russian Blue (Sascha Blue, MServant has declared he had a better profile than his Mouse who is purebred), and he lived a long happy life with me. Panthera looks like Sascha Blue in a black coat.
I find both of these shelters to be prime examples of a really good shelter.
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