Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
A quick update:
Artie did poops twice yesterday.. making up for 'lost time'.
One was only 3 inches and the next one was 8 inches. So he is ok.

This morning he gave me the run around, literally.
I am up early, for church. The alarm went off, I ended up sleeping through it. Artie jumped on the bed, to cuddle. I ended up waking up.

He ran down from the bed, came into the BR with me. As I was going around, shutting off the night lights, opening the drapes, scooping his box, Artie was hiding from me. Actually, he was hiding in wait!! He knows his medicine is next.

Today is not the day to fool around. I am up very early, and busy for church.

Artie decided to hide from me.. to play 'tuff'!!!

He ended up under my bed, several times.. about 5 times to be exact.. yes, the broom had to come out. It was me don my hands and knees several times. I would shoo him out, he went back in to another corner of the bed. Out of the room twice, and then back under the bed, in the corner of the room, behind a chair, broom again--again under the bed...... sigh.. I have hard time shutting the door, so I was stuck chasing him.

He even pushed aside my shower curtains, and hid in the tub!!
That is where I cornered him..

He was shouting the entire time, putting up a ruckus.. all because he did not want his morning meds....jeesh...

NO poop yet, although I did find a tiny 'gift' on his throw. Have to wash that today. It is time.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, poor Artie, being chased with the broom! I only do this when I must move cats out of a room (like when a painting crew was working on the trim and the windows had to be open, I had to get everyone out of the room and shut the door for their safety) and they HATE it. So I know how Artie must have felt! :sniffle:

And yeah, don't you just love their ESP or whatever it is, when they sense you are in a hurry and they seem to make more work for you right then?!! :sigh: I love when I am going to have company and someone pukes on the carpet and I discover it 5 minutes before the company is supposed to be here. Or when I have to go out right away. :(

Wishing you both a better day and evening! :catrub:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie is getting so frisky!! and so bad with his meds! Fighting me again!!
Yesterday he ate so well, over 1/2 cup.
and he pooped 8 inches!!

I am having such a hard time giving him miralax. I am increasing the lactulose just a tad. Up to 1.5 cc twice a day. His poops seem to be a bit thicker and a bit harder because of the lack of miralax.

I am lucky if I can get 1/4 tsp in him daily. I try for 1/2 but....

This morning, I had to get up very early because my car was going in the shop for preventative maintenance and a full once over. It is almost 10 years old, and does not have much mileage on it. I would rather spend money now, rather than waiting until something breaks. At that point it could cost me more money, effort, energy...sigh..

Artie was cuddling with me in bed.. He is funny, as soon as I move from his side, as in turning over, he jumps down.

He wanted to play so early! I was still drinking my coffee, when I saw a ball come my way!! He wanted to play! Of course, I had to accommodate him.

He then pooped!! another 8 inches, a bit harder to come out.. but he pooped..

Artie was very good with his sub-q's but I had an issue with the needle going in. sigh.. either went through his skin, and I kept hitting some scar tissue.. He did let out a tiny cry..poor baby.. but he did not move. He was so good.. my good little boy...

Artie is sleeping now.. curled up on his newly washed pillow bed.

I am waiting for a ride so I can get a loaner car from the dealership. My car may take until tomorrow to get done!! least I will have a car. After this year, my extended 10 year warranty will be done, so I can go to my own mechanic..

Cars are so expensive...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Artie is getting so frisky!! and so bad with his meds! Fighting me again!!
Yesterday he ate so well, over 1/2 cup.
and he pooped 8 inches!!

I am having such a hard time giving him miralax. I am increasing the lactulose just a tad. Up to 1.5 cc twice a day. His poops seem to be a bit thicker and a bit harder because of the lack of miralax.

I am lucky if I can get 1/4 tsp in him daily. I try for 1/2 but....

This morning, I had to get up very early because my car was going in the shop for preventative maintenance and a full once over. It is almost 10 years old, and does not have much mileage on it. I would rather spend money now, rather than waiting until something breaks. At that point it could cost me more money, effort, energy...sigh..

Artie was cuddling with me in bed.. He is funny, as soon as I move from his side, as in turning over, he jumps down.

He wanted to play so early! I was still drinking my coffee, when I saw a ball come my way!! He wanted to play! Of course, I had to accommodate him.

He then pooped!! another 8 inches, a bit harder to come out.. but he pooped..

Artie was very good with his sub-q's but I had an issue with the needle going in. sigh.. either went through his skin, and I kept hitting some scar tissue.. He did let out a tiny cry..poor baby.. but he did not move. He was so good.. my good little boy...

Artie is sleeping now.. curled up on his newly washed pillow bed.

I am waiting for a ride so I can get a loaner car from the dealership. My car may take until tomorrow to get done!! least I will have a car. After this year, my extended 10 year warranty will be done, so I can go to my own mechanic..

Cars are so expensive...
Yeah, I remember having some issues like that sometimes with Moti, with the sub-Q, and she also was so patient and good with me. She knew I was trying to help her, and she endured it. With daily sub-Q, you're bound to have this happen from time to time. I think it hurts us almost worse than it does them, because speaking for myself at least, I would rather endure it 1,000 times than have my loved one have to go through it once.

I agree 100% about the maintence! I don't have a car now, but when I was married, my then-husband always got the vehicles maintained regularly -- it's good economy to do so. And in my family, 10 years would be like a new car :lol: My husband always bought new or almost new, but my father bought used, and then, reluctantly. He always worked on his cars himself, too, and I have so many tools and much heavy equipment he used in this maintenance. When everything became computerized, of course, he wasn't able to do everything, and he didn't like that. I know he'd really hate the new cars with GPS and the full tech array.

Good on brave man Artie! and wishing you both a wonderful day and evening.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I love these days, when Artie is doing so well, and there are now far more of the good days than the bad ones! You unending patience, determination and unconditional love have so paid off with Artie! Not discounting having (FINALLY) an excellent team of vets on your side, but the WORK has been yours! WELL DONE, DARLIN'!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie is still plyaful like a kitten, God bless him!
Your're doing a wonderful job with him, it's a hard job but very rewarding!
Hugs :)
Yeah, I remember having some issues like that sometimes with Moti, with the sub-Q, and she also was so patient and good with me. She knew I was trying to help her, and she endured it. With daily sub-Q, you're bound to have this happen from time to time. I think it hurts us almost worse than it does them, because speaking for myself at least, I would rather endure it 1,000 times than have my loved one have to go through it once.

I agree 100% about the maintence! I don't have a car now, but when I was married, my then-husband always got the vehicles maintained regularly -- it's good economy to do so. And in my family, 10 years would be like a new car :lol: My husband always bought new or almost new, but my father bought used, and then, reluctantly. He always worked on his cars himself, too, and I have so many tools and much heavy equipment he used in this maintenance. When everything became computerized, of course, he wasn't able to do everything, and he didn't like that. I know he'd really hate the new cars with GPS and the full tech array.

Good on brave man Artie! and wishing you both a wonderful day and evening.
I love these days, when Artie is doing so well, and there are now far more of the good days than the bad ones! You unending patience, determination and unconditional love have so paid off with Artie! Not discounting having (FINALLY) an excellent team of vets on your side, but the WORK has been yours! WELL DONE, DARLIN'!
Thank all of you.. but I cannot take the credit. I honestly do not know what I would have done without the support of this group, and for LTS3 LTS3 .... she is the one responsible for Artie getting an awesome NVet.

I do not want to get lazy or congratulate Artie on improving, because things could turn on a dime.. any time, in the blink of an eye. I am trying to be cautiously optimistic, at this point. One day at a time..

Artie has to share his bathroom with me. I had to call the super in to do some stuff to the toilet. I have caulking in there, setting. My BR door is closed. Artie has not seen it yet. He will go crazy when he sees the closed door. Hopefully, he will not keep me up, trying to get in.

Yes, the car was ridiculously expensive. But it is all preventative. A lot of things were caught early, before serious problems could happen.
The car is 10 years old, Honda Accord, with only 48,000 miles... no rust.. several nicks, small dents on it, scratches.. but nothing major. A lot of the work was done just because of the age of the car and it was time to do it, instead of waiting until there is a problem.
They also found a nail in a tire!!! so they plugged that up for me. Did not even lose air. Around here, there is so much construction, so I am not surprised. They are lazy about picking up after themselves...and messy..

Artie is still sleeping!! In his quilt/tent. He got up to pee and went back to sleep.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thank all of you.. but I cannot take the credit. I honestly do not know what I would have done without the support of this group, and for LTS3 LTS3 .... she is the one responsible for Artie getting an awesome NVet.

I do not want to get lazy or congratulate Artie on improving, because things could turn on a dime.. any time, in the blink of an eye. I am trying to be cautiously optimistic, at this point. One day at a time..

Artie has to share his bathroom with me. I had to call the super in to do some stuff to the toilet. I have caulking in there, setting. My BR door is closed. Artie has not seen it yet. He will go crazy when he sees the closed door. Hopefully, he will not keep me up, trying to get in.

Yes, the car was ridiculously expensive. But it is all preventative. A lot of things were caught early, before serious problems could happen.
The car is 10 years old, Honda Accord, with only 48,000 miles... no rust.. several nicks, small dents on it, scratches.. but nothing major. A lot of the work was done just because of the age of the car and it was time to do it, instead of waiting until there is a problem.
They also found a nail in a tire!!! so they plugged that up for me. Did not even lose air. Around here, there is so much construction, so I am not surprised. They are lazy about picking up after themselves...and messy..

Artie is still sleeping!! In his quilt/tent. He got up to pee and went back to sleep.
Good on ya for getting car maintenanced. See? So good you took it in and they found that nail so it wasn't a problem/even more expensive! We had a lot of nails out in the Mojave and it was an occupational hazard driving out there, where they were banging up houses as fast as they could (right before the housing bubble burst).

Hondas are great vehicles, one of the most dependable on the market. I loved our little Honda.

Oh, that's great about the caulking -- a job I should do but haven't. You'll just have to keep Artie entertained until it sets up :winkcat: And I know what you mean about his health -- my own feeling, from my life experiences, is that no one should ever be smug about such things, because anyone, at any time, can have things happen. But on the other hand, Artie is doing really well. That's something to be very grateful about, yes? :cutecat:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yes, I am very grateful for all the good things that have happened...I keep thanking the 'Above" for everything...I cannot take credit for any of it.

This is my second Honda.. from the same dealership. My first one was a 1991 Accord. I traded it in in 2008!!! I ended up taking it to a private mechanic who really did not maintain it. I kind of did a number on them. I did not have that car with me when I asked for the trade in. They 'guaranteed' (if I believe them) a certain amount, because I told them that this car had service at the dealership.. in actually, I did not lie. It did have service there for a long time, until I decided that they wanted me to buy a new car.. I think the trade in was at least $1,500---sight unseen, based on low mileage.
I was using my dad's car at the time. My Honda was just sitting there; so I was not in any danger.

Little did they know that the crack case was cracked with rain water coming into the driver's feet, needing new tires, battery, struts, ball joints, CV Joints, tires.. When they saw the car, I had the manager and the salesman, both tell me that I got a great deal on the trade-in.. and they did not know about the leak!!

This time, i am keeping up with the maintenance. The dealership is 'catching' a lot of things.. sometimes I feel I should not take it there, but with all the scheduled maintenances, nothing seems to be missed. I have only had to put in a new battery and set of tires,, and of course brakes.. those are bad on Hondas.

yes, they are 'renovating' a lot of apartments in this building. The workers, including my super are sloppy at picking up after themselves.
And you have a lot of people moving in and out.. things are bound to happen. I park near the entrance and across from my super and some of the construction people. Glad they caught the nail...

enough for tonight.. watching that show..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yes, I am very grateful for all the good things that have happened...I keep thanking the 'Above" for everything...I cannot take credit for any of it.

This is my second Honda.. from the same dealership. My first one was a 1991 Accord. I traded it in in 2008!!! I ended up taking it to a private mechanic who really did not maintain it. I kind of did a number on them. I did not have that car with me when I asked for the trade in. They 'guaranteed' (if I believe them) a certain amount, because I told them that this car had service at the dealership.. in actually, I did not lie. It did have service there for a long time, until I decided that they wanted me to buy a new car.. I think the trade in was at least $1,500---sight unseen, based on low mileage.
I was using my dad's car at the time. My Honda was just sitting there; so I was not in any danger.

Little did they know that the crack case was cracked with rain water coming into the driver's feet, needing new tires, battery, struts, ball joints, CV Joints, tires.. When they saw the car, I had the manager and the salesman, both tell me that I got a great deal on the trade-in.. and they did not know about the leak!!

This time, i am keeping up with the maintenance. The dealership is 'catching' a lot of things.. sometimes I feel I should not take it there, but with all the scheduled maintenances, nothing seems to be missed. I have only had to put in a new battery and set of tires,, and of course brakes.. those are bad on Hondas.

yes, they are 'renovating' a lot of apartments in this building. The workers, including my super are sloppy at picking up after themselves.
And you have a lot of people moving in and out.. things are bound to happen. I park near the entrance and across from my super and some of the construction people. Glad they caught the nail...

enough for tonight.. watching that show..
Yeah, properly maintained, Hondas will go on forever, just about. Sounds like you need a set of those tires they advertise on tv that are guaranteed to go for 50 miles on a puncture. The name escapes me, but you may know the one I'm talking about?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Perhaps we should start a thread about cars! :lol:

After Roger totaled his old Toyota Echo last year he replaced it with a used Honda Accord, which he really likes. I'm not that fond of it. For starters, the seats are extremely hard, not enough padding. And when we wanted a second key we had to pay the dealership $70 for it, because it's engraved so a regular key grinder won't work (and that was with a deal because we went to the dealership -- at the hardware store it would have been $80-$100)!

Then yesterday Roger managed to lose his key, so I have loaned him mine, temporarily. I just know that he'll end up having to get another made, immediately after which the lost key will magically reappear. Oh, well; at least it will give us a bit of a cushion on keys. Having just one key is really not tolerable.

artiemom artiemom , I agree. The referral to the new vet did come from LTS3 LTS3 , who gets full credit for that, and we're all very grateful. But you're the one who posted here, which resulted in LTS3 LTS3 getting that referral for you. You're the one who takes Artie to the vet, and gives him his SubQs and all the other medications he's on, and keeps a careful record of his poops, and buys the expensive food and medicines for him, and, most importantly, you're the one who absolutely refused to give up in the face of near total obstruction from the S Vet. So, no, of course you don't want to assume that everything is now okay and nothing bad will ever happen, because that would be false. But by the same token, you should be giving yourself credit for everything you've done and the wonderful results that you've achieved to date.

Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Perhaps we should start a thread about cars! :lol:

After Roger totaled his old Toyota Echo last year he replaced it with a used Honda Accord, which he really likes. I'm not that fond of it. For starters, the seats are extremely hard, not enough padding. And when we wanted a second key we had to pay the dealership $70 for it, because it's engraved so a regular key grinder won't work (and that was with a deal because we went to the dealership -- at the hardware store it would have been $80-$100)!

Then yesterday Roger managed to lose his key, so I have loaned him mine, temporarily. I just know that he'll end up having to get another made, immediately after which the lost key will magically reappear. Oh, well; at least it will give us a bit of a cushion on keys. Having just one key is really not tolerable.

Yeah, car keys are highly individualized, as IMHO they should be! and it's good you'll have another one, especially if they have a tendency to get misplaced.
I just looked at the paperwork for our little Civic wagon -- miss that car! It was cute, not "station wagony" at all, but it was like a small SUV in that it could hold a lot of stuff, which is why we bought it. It was a great little car! Served us well.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I second what Margret Margret just said! Don't sell yourself short, Darlin. You've done wonderfully well with our boy! He is always on my "candle list." I know how quickly things could go south, but OH I am enjoying this time of well-being with him!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Perhaps we should start a thread about cars! :lol:

After Roger totaled his old Toyota Echo last year he replaced it with a used Honda Accord, which he really likes. I'm not that fond of it. For starters, the seats are extremely hard, not enough padding. And when we wanted a second key we had to pay the dealership $70 for it, because it's engraved so a regular key grinder won't work (and that was with a deal because we went to the dealership -- at the hardware store it would have been $80-$100)!

Then yesterday Roger managed to lose his key, so I have loaned him mine, temporarily. I just know that he'll end up having to get another made, immediately after which the lost key will magically reappear. Oh, well; at least it will give us a bit of a cushion on keys. Having just one key is really not tolerable.

artiemom artiemom , I agree. The referral to the new vet did come from LTS3 LTS3 , who gets full credit for that, and we're all very grateful. But you're the one who posted here, which resulted in LTS3 LTS3 getting that referral for you. You're the one who takes Artie to the vet, and gives him his SubQs and all the other medications he's on, and keeps a careful record of his poops, and buys the expensive food and medicines for him, and, most importantly, you're the one who absolutely refused to give up in the face of near total obstruction from the S Vet. So, no, of course you don't want to assume that everything is now okay and nothing bad will ever happen, because that would be false. But by the same token, you should be giving yourself credit for everything you've done and the wonderful results that you've achieved to date.


thank you...


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I second what Margret Margret just said! Don't sell yourself short, Darlin. You've done wonderfully well with our boy! He is always on my "candle list." I know how quickly things could go south, but OH I am enjoying this time of well-being with him!
Thank you!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today's update:

Wel, it really begins last night. Artie pooped again! In total of the 2 episodes, it was 14 inches!!! OMG!!!

I woke up feeling all nice, cozy, and warm on my legs. Yup, Artie was curled right up against them. He id want me to get up early, in the 6 o'clock hour. I said no, and went back to bed for another 45 minutes. He was waiting on the rug, next to the bed...

After I gave Artie his meds, and was having my breakfast, I saw a ball come sliding towards me!! Artie was batting a ball around, Again!!
Of course, I had to help him play! It was not long, but he was jumping up, batting the ball as it bounced, and running after it. This made me so happy! It did not last long, but still.. a glimmer of kittenhood!! and of how we used to play when I adopted him. :redheartpump:

He took his sub-q's really well today. I used a smaller needle.

I think I ordered the wrong gauge needles. I tried to get the Terumo Ultra thin walled, 20 gauge from Thriving Pets. They stated that Terumo is not making the 20 ga needles anymore. I can't believe that, it is in such high demand for sub-q's. They did suggest a Nipron(?) 20 gauge instead. I think they just ran out of their supply of Terumo's .

Not familiar with this needle, I ordered a 21 gauge Terumo. I have the 18 gauge, which goes in so fast, but I think it is leaving more scar tissue.

The 20's that I have, someone was so wonderful to send me a bunch of stuff... thank you @betsygee :hearthrob: :angel3: ~~ they take a lot longer for the fluids to go in. I cannot imagine how long the 21's will take.

I am not trying to overload on needles and not waste my money on stuff I do not care for, but I have to buy a box of 100.. sigh

I think I will end up either buying the Nipro 20 ga or the Terumo 19... sigh..

or I will drive myself crazy, searching the web for other sites where I can buy them..

Artie woke up, actually, I scared him awake. I had a bad coughing fit from my asthma. I was actually swallowing some water when it hit, so it was really bad~~ could not catch my breathe.
Artie was so scared. I looked over at him, his eyes were so wide, watching me. As soon as I caught my breathe, (still coughing a bit) he jumped down and went into 'his' room...

He came out of there, walked around, even into his litter box. I think he will poop later. Right now, I can hear him eating..
He puts his paw in, moves a piece out of the flat dish, onto the placemat, and then eats it.. one at a time!! so cute. I can hear the plunking..

:thanks: to all....:redheartpump:


These are blurry. I had to catch him in action and could not focus. This is when he was transitioning to all dry. I also got him a new placemat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Today's update:

Wel, it really begins last night. Artie pooped again! In total of the 2 episodes, it was 14 inches!!! OMG!!!

I woke up feeling all nice, cozy, and warm on my legs. Yup, Artie was curled right up against them. He id want me to get up early, in the 6 o'clock hour. I said no, and went back to bed for another 45 minutes. He was waiting on the rug, next to the bed...

After I gave Artie his meds, and was having my breakfast, I saw a ball come sliding towards me!! Artie was batting a ball around, Again!!
Of course, I had to help him play! It was not long, but he was jumping up, batting the ball as it bounced, and running after it. This made me so happy! It did not last long, but still.. a glimmer of kittenhood!! and of how we used to play when I adopted him. :redheartpump:

He took his sub-q's really well today. I used a smaller needle.

I think I ordered the wrong gauge needles. I tried to get the Terumo Ultra thin walled, 20 gauge from Thriving Pets. They stated that Terumo is not making the 20 ga needles anymore. I can't believe that, it is in such high demand for sub-q's. They did suggest a Nipron(?) 20 gauge instead. I think they just ran out of their supply of Terumo's .

Not familiar with this needle, I ordered a 21 gauge Terumo. I have the 18 gauge, which goes in so fast, but I think it is leaving more scar tissue.

The 20's that I have, someone was so wonderful to send me a bunch of stuff... thank you @betsygee :hearthrob: :angel3: ~~ they take a lot longer for the fluids to go in. I cannot imagine how long the 21's will take.

I am not trying to overload on needles and not waste my money on stuff I do not care for, but I have to buy a box of 100.. sigh

I think I will end up either buying the Nipro 20 ga or the Terumo 19... sigh..

or I will drive myself crazy, searching the web for other sites where I can buy them..

Artie woke up, actually, I scared him awake. I had a bad coughing fit from my asthma. I was actually swallowing some water when it hit, so it was really bad~~ could not catch my breathe.
Artie was so scared. I looked over at him, his eyes were so wide, watching me. As soon as I caught my breathe, (still coughing a bit) he jumped down and went into 'his' room...

He came out of there, walked around, even into his litter box. I think he will poop later. Right now, I can hear him eating..
He puts his paw in, moves a piece out of the flat dish, onto the placemat, and then eats it.. one at a time!! so cute. I can hear the plunking..

:thanks: to all....:redheartpump:

View attachment 182392 View attachment 182393

These are blurry. I had to catch him in action and could not focus. This is when he was transitioning to all dry. I also got him a new placemat.
So cute, though! Kittenish! Thanks for sharing!

I googled "Terumo 20 gauge needles" and of course there are dozens of links. Here's one:

needles 20 gauge x 1 in

They don't ship to quite a few states, and yours may be one, though. From what I read, the Terumo 20 is the preferred one for many because of their construction and their virtual painlessness for the patient. Unfortunately, Drs. Foster & Smith carry another brand :sigh: But I hope you can find them online!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I think I ordered the wrong gauge needles. I tried to get the Terumo Ultra thin walled, 20 gauge from Thriving Pets. They stated that Terumo is not making the 20 ga needles anymore. I can't believe that, it is in such high demand for sub-q's. They did suggest a Nipron(?) 20 gauge instead. I think they just ran out of their supply of Terumo's .

Not familiar with this needle, I ordered a 21 gauge Terumo. I have the 18 gauge, which goes in so fast, but I think it is leaving more scar tissue.

The 20's that I have, someone was so wonderful to send me a bunch of stuff... thank you @betsygee :hearthrob: :angel3: ~~ they take a lot longer for the fluids to go in. I cannot imagine how long the 21's will take.

I am not trying to overload on needles and not waste my money on stuff I do not care for, but I have to buy a box of 100.. sigh

I think I will end up either buying the Nipro 20 ga or the Terumo 19... sigh..

or I will drive myself crazy, searching the web for other sites where I can buy them..
Terumo still makes the 20 gauge needles. They just don't sell it in the US anymore, only in Canada and through US / Canada veterinary suppliers. Terumo Medical Products

I found this supplier for Terumo needles from the board: NEEDLE,20 X 1 1/2, TERUMO, 100/BX


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Thank all of you.. but I cannot take the credit. I honestly do not know what I would have done without the support of this group, and for LTS3 LTS3 .... she is the one responsible for Artie getting an awesome NVet.
Oh c'mon. Don't minimize the care you have been giving to Artie. :nono: Many wouldn't do what you have been doing for Artie. Kudos do go to LTS3 LTS3 as well. Look what a difference one small act of kindness has made in someone's life. It's something we should all remember.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Oh c'mon. Don't minimize the care you have been giving to Artie. :nono: Many wouldn't do what you have been doing for Artie. Kudos do go to LTS3 LTS3 as well. Look what a difference one small act of kindness has made in someone's life. It's something we should all remember.
*Agree 100%, AbbysMom AbbysMom -- and adding that while "many wouldn't...", ALL SHOULD. Family is for LIFE and cats are FAMILY. They should be loved and cared for no less than human family members.* :lovecat4:
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