Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
IDK if this would be useful or not, but I rely heavily on a Bissell SpotBot Pet for "accidents" on carpet.  It doesn't sound as if you have carpet or issues with him on it, so maybe not.  But it is a very good robotic spot rug shampooer that you can operate robotically or manually, with the cleaners that sell with it.  It really works for those extra messy messes, when nothing else does.

*PRAYERS* for Artie and for you! May you both have better days and nights now. 
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  • #322


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I know the constant cleaning is making you a little crazy, but I am also so encouraged by the small weight gain!  The diarrhea seems to just be a part of this.  God bless and keep both you and Artie.  I know he repays your care in love, but you really have been going above and beyond.  You inspire me.
Thank you... me, inspire YOU!!! No Way... I just love Artie too much to let him go. I guess you could say that I am kind of selfish...but he is suck a good boy.. so sweet. I really lucked out when God gave him to me-- not medically wise, but I did luck out with his personality...

He has eaten so good today.. despite the diarrhea.. each movement or passage of gas, he poops some stuff out....He sites down to eat, and the floor is smeared..poor thing...
I've read this entire thread, but now I honestly can't remember what's what. 

What would happen if you put Artie on a very bland diet for a couple of days to let his digestive system just "rest".  I'm thinking of this thread where LDG talks about how to control explosive diarrhea, but really it just gives everything in the digestive tract a break and chance to reset.  Of course, if you considered this, you would probably want to run it by one of your Vets.  But just a thought.  Then you could regroup and start over with some of the stuff. 

But I'm scared of what will happen if you don't give him ANY Miralax today
   He seems to go so quickly from diarrhea to impacted
Thanks, It is a very confusing thread.. Artie is very confusing.. and I can ramble a lot..

If I could put him on a bland diet of chicken and bone broth, that would be awesome, but I cannot do that. Artie is allergic to chicken.. Chicken is in everything...or broth, or some kind of meat ....

The only other thing would be to get some ground pork or ground beef from the butcher.. but I do not think Artie would eat it.. He is so darn fussy on food...He will literally starve himself before he eats something he does not like...

I will review the link you sent..

Yes, I am also afraid of what could happen if I stop all miralax. I am only giving him 1/4 teaspoon twice today..once in morning, once at night.. it is too bad that I cannot see immediate results from the dosage, instead of waiting 3-4 days for transit time... I am now logging when I give how much and when I see a difference; perhaps I can then see a trend...

Well, I am home, not working, so what else do I have to do?? except to worry and take care of Artie...

He is not just a 'pet' to me.. 
IDK if this would be useful or not, but I rely heavily on a Bissell SpotBot Pet for "accidents" on carpet.  It doesn't sound as if you have carpet or issues with him on it, so maybe not.  But it is a very good robotic spot rug shampooer that you can operate robotically or manually, with the cleaners that sell with it.  It really works for those extra messy messes, when nothing else does.

*PRAYERS* for Artie and for you! May you both have better days and nights now. 
I do have wall to wall carpeting in the bedrooms.. laminate in the great room and cheap ceramic tile in bathrooms and kitchen.

A friend/neighbor has a Bissell carpet cleaner. When/if this ever gets resolved, I plan on borrowing it from her.. she said I could. In the mean time, I have Natures Miracle, spot cleaning what I find .... and my Bissell Symphony Steamer for the floors....


Artie did yowl for me the he needed to poop! and he also yowled at me because he wanted a new can of food opened.. he wanted fresh...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Ah, good that you have the steamer! 

All my life, cats have been family, never "pets".  So I absolutely empathize! You don't abandon your family member when they're sick.  At least, no caring person would.  Artie is so sweet-looking and, being feline, of course I love him, too.  Keep up the good work.  (Maybe you could reduce the Miralax more, from 1/4 to 1/8 tsp.?)
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  • #326


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I had a very busy day today.. lots of stops for things..

Artie ate good last night--- 1 1/2 cans or so.. I am still adding the prescription with the Pride rabbit...

Artie was not bad. He did not eat as much as he usual.. but still good--still taking the cypro for his appetite. 

Yes, he did have 2 small poops.. one diarrhea and one very very soft, but very tiny poops... I know he has a lot of gas. This afternoon,  I did catch a lump before it smeared on things. He was lying on my bed, on top of a towel. I went over to give him a kiss. I picked up his tail and saw the poop.. ready to fall off, so I did wipe him....

During the night, he did smear the bed cover sheet...what can you do... and next to his placemat was a bunch of smear... lysol scrubber wipes..

Artie is very talkative. He is letting me know, with  yowls, what he wants... food, scoop litter box, telling me he has to poop. He follows me around all day. He acts as if he hates me to wipe his bummy with a baby wipe, but deep down, I think he knows I am helping him...I get most of it off..and he washes off the rest..if he does not, I go after him again...

still tons of spots on the floor... sigh.. have to wash it later this week.

I have given him just 1/4 tsp of Miralax yesterday and today.. so we will see what happens.. that is a lot less than I have been giving him.. I did not weigh or brush him today.

I had to pick up some groceries, go to the hospital to pick up a couple scripts for him, go to Trader Joes for a few things, and then to the R Vet for the Lactated Ringers IV solution and a new line. I have enough for a few more sub-q's, but I do not want to cut it close. I would rather have it on hand. I can prime it myself.. no big deal..

I have to look around for a cheaper place to buy them. It is $10 less at my R Vet  than it is at the S Vet Hospital.. rip off...

But I do not want to order a case, until I am certain I will be using it...I am spending over $200 a month on his meds.. that is a huge amount of money.. I have to find them cheaper somewhere else... I am on a limited income.. so all of this is coming out of my limited savings.. thank goodness I do not have vices.. well a cocktail or 2, but not smoking, not socializing, not going out .. pretty much a stay at home person.. I may not buy things on sale, but I am not frivolous..not frugal at all, but not frivolous..

His R Vet did not speak to me last night. I left a message about the IV bag and line.. she had Sarah (Vet tech who helped with the sub-q's)  return my call.. I am not upset.. I take it that the R vet was busy, or she does not want to get caught in the middle of anything...keeping it professional.. I do not blame her.. so I am not taking it badly...

Artie was alone most of the day.. sleeping.. and nibbling.. 

right now he is in his quilt tent.. I have puppy pads everywhere.. I feel bad because he cannot knead the puppy pads.. a bit too hard for him.. they are soft, but not like cloth or fleece...but they work.. I threw on away this morning.. had some smears on it..

I am staying home tomorrow.. it is another Sub-Q day... fingers crossed...I put up a couple more hooks near my bed, (to hang the IV bag)....wherever Artie is comfortable.. that seems to work the best for him..It will also be a rainy day around here. I may go to noon Mass, or I may not.. depends on when I wake up...but Artie gets me up around 7:30 or so...and how fast I do things..I have to wash 2 loads of my towels and wash the bathroom...and of course, steam the laminate floor in the great room. 

All in all, a good 'cat' day for him....

He is my special boy.. Artie is really a good cat. He is very bad on food by being so fussy, but all in all, he is a good cat...that is the worst..his food. Artie is good for his meds--does not fight me anymore, he is a bit rambunctious for his nail clipping, but he is not that bad, at least not with me.. he is a good boy. Artie keeps me company.. he talks to me all the time--telling me off...he gives me love.. When I am sick, he is right there with me.. when I am upset, again, he is right there with me..I have only had him for 5 years but it seems like a lifetime.. he just grew into my heart..

We have conversations all the time.. now, because of his appetite stimulant, it is because of food-- and how fast I can get it ready for him...

Artie is always following me around!! To the bathroom, to the bedroom, to the windows--to open the blinds, to the kitchen, to the living area.. always following me.. I call him "My Follow"!! 

He knows it is bedtime.. he follows me into the bedroom. All I have to do is tell him,and he knows.. he is too smart...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I am so glad the situation is evening out for you. I have one who follows me around like Artie. They are such good companions. I also think it's a good idea to reduce the Miramax a little, as long as the stools don't get hard again. Give him hugs and kisses for me.


TCS Member
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Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Only one comment to make here:  @Artiemom, I'm not much for going out myself, but it's not a vice.  If you want to go out occasionally, you should.  You don't have to be with Artie (except when getting supplies and going to Mass) 24/7.  Considering how much sleep cats get, he probably won't even miss you if you occasionally have an evening with friends.

Regarding my comment that Jasmine also complains when I don't open a fresh can for her at every meal, but she still eats the leftovers -- that was not meant to imply that you shouldn't open a fresh can when Artie insists on it.  Jasmine isn't starving (much as she would like me to think she is -- "Time for second breakfast!"  "You took a nap!  Now that you're awake again it must be time for third breakfast!"  "What do you mean you already gave me breakfast?  Not since your nap you didn't!").

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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Great update. It sounds like things are settling down, or balancing out a bit.
Prayers that they continue, & stay that way.
Artie is a smart boy. Those ginger boys always are. I know Angel was too.
I think when it's just the two of you, you do talk to them a lot, & I think because of that, they do start to understand. [emoji]128571[/emoji]
I remember a thread we had a while back, on how many words do your cats know/ understand.
I counted all the words I was sure, to pretty sure Angel knew, & counting things like the kitty that used to be next door's name, grandma, & grampa, it was like 20! I was surprised, but not at the same time.[emoji]128522[/emoji]

Smooches to Artie!!! [emoji]128536[/emoji]
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I'm kind of wondering how you can tell when a cat is lethargic.  What does "lethargic" even mean in an animal that spends two thirds or more of its life sleeping, even when healthy?

I would advise caution when starting Artie on cannabis, if you decide to go that route.  We've had a good deal of experience with it here in Colorado (where it's been legal even for recreational use for several years now), and there have been a lot of reports of dogs who died from ingesting marijuana butts that they found lying on the sidewalks when out for a walk with their humans.

This does not mean that I believe there are no legitimate uses of marijuana for pets.  There very well may be.  I'm merely advising caution.

They have cannabis that is specifically for pets. If I remember correctly, there is no THC is it. I know someone that gives it to her kitty with CKD/IBD without a problem - she uses Canna Companion, specifically.
Yes, I do understand that, and I, too, suspect that the THC is at fault in the deaths I've mentioned.  I'm just not sure how much research has been done into pet safety.  Considering the dangers of innocuous (for humans) things like caffeine, theobromine (the active ingredient in chocolate, related to caffeine) and aspirin for pets, I just wonder.  When it comes to drugs, I'm extremely conservative (although I did vote to legalize marijuana, I don't use it, though I would if I had cancer or AIDS, where there is good research proving its safety and value).



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Yes, I do understand that, and I, too, suspect that the THC is at fault in the deaths I've mentioned.  I'm just not sure how much research has been done into pet safety.  Considering the dangers of innocuous (for humans) things like caffeine, theobromine (the active ingredient in chocolate, related to caffeine) and aspirin for pets, I just wonder.  When it comes to drugs, I'm extremely conservative (although I did vote to legalize marijuana, I don't use it, though I would if I had cancer or AIDS, where there is good research proving its safety and value).

I have a lot of conservative views, too, but I'm also in the "legalize marijuana" camp.  I couldn't care less for personal use, but I think there a lot of points in favor of it.  For one, it has a lot of medical uses.  Two, the tax revenue would do A LOT of good.  Third, it would take a lot of wind out of the "drug trade sails."  I mean, yeah, there are a lot of other illicit drugs out there, but from what I've read, gangs and whatnot get a lot of their money from the pot trade.  Make it legal and they lose all that.  Just my thoughts.
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  • #333


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I am not about to try the cannabis without a Vets approval. I just do not feel comfortable doing so...but it is still there, as an option....

Artie did not eat very much yesterday.. even with the appetite stimulant.. 

I left one can out. He is getting spoiled and tired of having the prescription food mixed into the Pride rabbit. He refused it while I was up, but had to eat it when I was in bed, sleeping..he had no choice at all.

Artie woke me up this morning.. Man, did he ever!!! He would not allow me to even turn over.. He kept poking me, yowling at me.. and does he yowl.. kept getting louder and more insistent.. I had to get up!! 

He did lick his bowl clean.. a couple of smears of poop, and a messy food area...but over one can eaten during the night.

No poops in the litter box, no dirty puppy pads. I have not checked out the bed cover sheet. I will do that soon. 

Artie is so so so funny. He had 2 pee clumps in the litter box. As soon as I scooped them out, he jumped in to poop... he wanted a clean box!! Is that why he was so persistent in waking me up?? I go to the litter box, during my morning wake-up routine. 

He pooped a tiny soft poop... not really enough to clean himself out, but he has been having so much diarrhea, so how much can really be inside of him??

I give him plain Pride Rabbit for the first meal. He gobbled down 1/2 of a can. I picked it up to add some of the prescription food to the rest of the can.. Artie was waiting for more food. As soon as he sniffed the prescription food in there, he walked away.. darn cat.. getting spoiled while on his medications!!

Artie has been all over me for some people food--cheese.. I think I created a monster! 

When he was so sick and not eating, I gave him a bit of cheese.. He loved it.. now when I have anything with cheese, he is crawling all over me to get some.. Even Parmesan cheese in the pasta.. he literally crawls into my lap, his face in my dish...

This morning, I felt like a bagel with cream cheese.. no other way to eat one, as far as I am concerned. I also take my morning meds along with some vitamins. I put those in a small cup.. I was sitting down, with my coffee, bagel (cream cheese) and meds... Artie was all over me!! and all over the food... He wanted the cream cheese!! I did not give him any.. telling him, "NO< NO! Go Away!, Boo-boo food".. he was even crawling into my food.. and my lap...

At one point, he even put his paw into the tiny cup with my meds and vitamins!! He did it twice.. what a crazy cat...

last night, somewhere around 10 minutes after I went to bed.. Artie followed me ...well, I suddenly heard a  Loud CRASH.... Jumping out of bed, saying, "What did you do??" I saw Artie coming out of the kitchen with his ears down.. I peeked in, and saw the hand lotion, which I keep on top of the refrigerator, on the floor... 

Yes, Artie jumped on the counter, walked through the dish drainer, jumped on top of the refrigerator, looking for food or investigating, and knocked the hand lotion off the top of the refrigerator... 

He had refused his Pride Rabbit/prescription food mix, so he was on the hunt for more food..

Yes, he is feeling better, but I am really going broke with all his medications. I have to find someplace less expensive.. do I trust the mail order compounding pharmacies?? My mail man is very unreliable...

will the S Vet comply with prescriptions for them?  Will I be able to get the IV Solution cheaper at Walgreens or Rite Aid?   so much running around...but I need to save some money..

Wish me luck again, for the Sub-Q's is The Day... I put up a couple more hooks in above my bed...just in case. I think I want to do it when Artie is drowsy.. and not on the cat tree...


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
I agree about the marijuana issue, while there are some studies supporting its use, or anecdotal info, my friend at ASPCA poison control says they routinely get calls about cats who have become very sick after ingesting it.


TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
Please be careful about giving him cheese.  I know they love cheese, in fact it is in many canned foods.  My point is that cheese can be binding, constipating for humans, so imagine the same for pets.  The little bit in canned foods though can't hurt him.  He will have the cheese taste without the side effect of possible constipation. 
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  • #336


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I agree about the marijuana issue, while there are some studies supporting its use, or anecdotal info, my friend at ASPCA poison control says they routinely get calls about cats who have become very sick after ingesting it.
The cannabis we have been talking about is for animals... the hallucinogenic aspect has been reduced or just distilled out.. I do not know how they can do that, but .....I am not going to tempt fate by trying it.. unless the Vet approves of it..

I would never try street weed... never... 
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  • #337


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Please be careful about giving him cheese.  I know they love cheese, in fact it is in many canned foods.  My point is that cheese can be binding, constipating for humans, so imagine the same for pets.  The little bit in canned foods though can't hurt him.  He will have the cheese taste without the side effect of possible constipation. 
no problem... thanks for replying.. I am careful with cheese.. and with all people food... 

It is good to know that he loves cheese, just in case I have to use it to give him a pill or something.. 

a tiny taste will not harm him.. I mean just a tiny finger tip.. or tiny piece...

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Please be careful about giving him cheese.  I know they love cheese, in fact it is in many canned foods.  My point is that cheese can be binding, constipating for humans, so imagine the same for pets.  The little bit in canned foods though can't hurt him.  He will have the cheese taste without the side effect of possible constipation. 

Actually, most cats & dogs are naturally lactose imtollerant, so would do the opposite. Although very small amounts are fine, I'm sure.
As to why they put it in pet foods, I don't know. It's irritating to me that companies that are making food for pets should know this!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
Good to hear Artie is feeling better. Talking to you is a good sign he must be feeling better. Are the meds he is taking for humans or are they all compounded? Do you have a Costco nearby?
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  • #340


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I just called around to different pharmacies looking for the price of Lactated Ringers solution. I found one small pharmacy in the next town which charges $6.25 a bag!! but you have to buy a minimum of 12....I put an order in... that is such a good price... I was paying over $30 at the Hospital and over $20 at the R Vets... just have to buy the tubing on line.. I can pick it up tomorrow....

 I will just sell any extras or donate them to someone who needs them.. 

finally a break somewhere.. now to store them...

I do not have to worry about wasting any... thank God...
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