The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
You can't really tell in this picture, but the border around the black scarf is teal, and in person it looks great. (Yeah, the pink ones took a while. I have nothing against pink as a color mind you, but I don't like working with it too much.) I also have a box of Godiva chocolate bars (long story, but they weren't a present), so I was thinking of giving two of my coworkers a bar each, just so everyone can have something. (PS:, the border around he purple scarf is the color I was going to make scarf number eight, but Wal-Mart stopped carrying it! 
) Do you think that would work, or would it look like a cop-out? 
I don't get it.  What could possibly be a cop-out?  The fact that you're not giving the same thing to everyone?  So what?  Why should you give the same thing to everyone?  Just pick the biggest chocoholics to give the Godiva to.  The people who get scarves will feel special because you made them yourself and the people who get chocolate will be too ecstatic over the chocolate to care that you didn't make it yourself.

This didn't seem to fit in the funny pictures and memes thread, because it's more adorable than funny.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
As a card carrying chocoholic who knows how delicious Godiva is, I can confirm.  If I was offered the choice between the Godiva and the scarf, I wouldn't have a clue what to choose.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I don't get it.  What could possibly be a cop-out?  The fact that you're not giving the same thing to everyone?  So what?  Why should you give the same thing to everyone?  Just pick the biggest chocoholics to give the Godiva to.  The people who get scarves will feel special because you made them yourself and the people who get chocolate will be too ecstatic over the chocolate to care that you didn't make it yourself.

This didn't seem to fit in the funny pictures and memes thread, because it's more adorable than funny.

 I remember when our kitties were that small, and watching those two kittens battle for milk reminded me of the time Ra plastered himself against Rose's belly so that none  of the other kits could drink, and Princess kicked his butt. The relationship between the two of them was established in that very moment. 
As a card carrying chocoholic who knows how delicious Godiva is, I can confirm.  If I was offered the choice between the Godiva and the scarf, I wouldn't have a clue what to choose.
Here's the thing: I don't know if either  of them is a chocoholic or anything. All I know, for certain, is that we work for the same place and that one of them has purple as a favorite color. (I work third alone; on a normal day the only people I see is the last person on second and the manager in the morning, and neither of them work second. The last time I saw them was at the store meeting, back on Halloween, if that helps give context.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
You're killing me.  I'm already suffering from a severe case of baby fever - which is being tamped down because now is REALLY not the right time - and now you're giving me kitten fever on top of it.  "MOM!  I don't want a bath.  You're embarrassing me in front of my friends!"

I'm totally using that as part of my bedtime routine for the foreseeable future.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Well looks like I have a new cat hanging around here. It is gray + black. I have named it Moochy. He is far more feral than Smokey + Smokey is feral. What he does is waits till Smokey eats + he eats left overs. I now put extra food so he can get enough. I need a trap badly to TNR. Yes I will not let a cat freeze nor go without food. That means I have no choice but to adopt. Today is my 60th birthday + He came around again for the 3rd time. HE IS MINE !!!
It seems the universe sent you a kitty for a birthday present!  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, I just finished wrapping the scarves (and chocolate bars) that I have done. It might be a little premature, but I've got other stuff to wrap later and wrapping it all at the same time gets overwhelming. Ra sulked when I wouldn't let him attack the wrapping paper roll, so he demanded to be let outside. Same with Spot. Princess took up a watching station so she could enjoy the sight of me wrapping paper, as if I staged it all for her amusement! 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I don't understand why anyone would be offended over receiving a gift.
You've never met anyone like my parents. They get offended if someone gives them gifts and cards, even being treated out to a meal


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Well, I just finished wrapping the scarves (and chocolate bars) that I have done. It might be a little premature, but I've got other stuff to wrap later and wrapping it all at the same time gets overwhelming. Ra sulked when I wouldn't let him attack the wrapping paper roll, so he demanded to be let outside. Same with Spot. Princess took up a watching station so she could enjoy the sight of me wrapping paper, as if I staged it all for her amusement! 
Well, didn't you?  Princess knows the score! 

You've never met anyone like my parents. They get offended if someone gives them gifts and cards, even being treated out to a meal
Ah, sounds like my ex.  I remember when he actually threw the pants I'd gotten him for his birthday on the floor and jumped up and down on them because he thought they'd be too small!  

Since your parents are offended by gifts, cards and free meals, does this mean you are off the hook when it comes to presents and other treats?  Or are they still expecting you to find the perfect thing? 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Okay, I need some help here. RB is an RPG (currently he's playing something called Force of Will) obsessed, techno-geek (who thinks that Best Buy's Geek Squad is a bunch of hacks taking advantage of people who aren't as knowledgeable about technology as they should be), and I still need to get him something for Christmas! 
 My problem: everything on his list is subject to becoming technologically obsolete at any moment, or he's already bought it for himself. (Yes, I know, but it happens every birthday/Christmas.) Does anyone have any suggestions?
In cases like that, I really think it perfectly permissible to give a gift card to his favorite tech store.  That way he can get exactly what he wants/needs at the moment.  I also give cash to my granddaughter.  I apologized the first time and her response was, "I love getting cash.  The color looks good on EVERYONE, and it always fits perfectly!  Don't think of it as impersonal, think of it as the gift of possibilities!"
Isn't it peculiar that religious people usually want to convert you to their way of thinking but atheists don't give a hoot what you think and just leave you to whatever delusions they think you have? I've never heard of an atheist trying to "convert" you, just trying to show that your logic is somehow full of holes.
That said, I've had my share of rabid atheists ranting and spraying spittle in my face over my belief in deities.  And trying to change someone's mind about their beliefs is the definition of trying to convert.   Every religion AND atheists have their radical, rabid fringe.  Without exception.  I will readily admit that atheists have far fewer of that vein, but they do have some.  I don't recall ever discussing my beliefs unless directly asked, or unless religious beliefs were the topic of a general discussion, and NEVER with an eye toward conversion.  My path is NOT for most.

Still figuring a way to make a Sneaky Shelter for Little Bit, and last night I had a brainstorm.  I've been thinking that I needed to get a square of plywood and put some feet on it to lift the cat bed off of the concrete of the patio, since it gets wet during rainfalls.  Nope.  I'm going to buy a litterbox and put the bed in that, and the whole thing under the table/shelter.  The plastic sides will give added protection to the bed.  NOW I just have to find one of those inexpensive flat-pack occasional tables that Walmart and such sell for under $20.  If any of you have decent computer search skills, PLEASE SEND LINKS!  So far, I'm batting a big fat 0 on it.  My fault. 

Cold and wet today.  Stuck my nose out for about a New York minute just before noon, and came in for the day. 

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.  The CARTS bus will pick me  up at 7:20 for my 10:45 appointment, then picks me up for the return trip at 1:30, drops me at WalMart for my monthly shopping, and I'll cab home.  I have no idea if I will get here tomorrow or not.  It's gonna be a busy day!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
Well this is my second day of me having another cat. Been around snooping to see if someone owns it. Nope it is another drop ff at the park or born wild. I think born wild is more likely. Looks like it sleeps in Roy's boat. He lives across from me. He has an awning and a carport. His boat is kept there. Roy says he does not care if Moochy sleeps there. It has cushions. I will make a warm spot for him so when he is ready he can move himself. In the meantime I will try to TNR him. Milda is up at her farm + that cat up there ran up to when she arrived. She says it stop about ten feet from her. So this past week two cats got a home. Sprinkles and Moochy. I could not have a better birthday than I did.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
In cases like that, I really think it perfectly permissible to give a gift card to his favorite tech store.  That way he can get exactly what he wants/needs at the moment.  I also give cash to my granddaughter.  I apologized the first time and her response was, "I love getting cash.  The color looks good on EVERYONE, and it always fits perfectly!  Don't think of it as impersonal, think of it as the gift of possibilities!"

That said, I've had my share of rabid atheists ranting and spraying spittle in my face over my belief in deities.  And trying to change someone's mind about their beliefs is the definition of trying to convert.   Every religion AND atheists have their radical, rabid fringe.  Without exception.  I will readily admit that atheists have far fewer of that vein, but they do have some.  I don't recall ever discussing my beliefs unless directly asked, or unless religious beliefs were the topic of a general discussion, and NEVER with an eye toward conversion.  My path is NOT for most.

Still figuring a way to make a Sneaky Shelter for Little Bit, and last night I had a brainstorm.  I've been thinking that I needed to get a square of plywood and put some feet on it to lift the cat bed off of the concrete of the patio, since it gets wet during rainfalls.  Nope.  I'm going to buy a litterbox and put the bed in that, and the whole thing under the table/shelter.  The plastic sides will give added protection to the bed.  NOW I just have to find one of those inexpensive flat-pack occasional tables that Walmart and such sell for under $20.  If any of you have decent computer search skills, PLEASE SEND LINKS!  So far, I'm batting a big fat 0 on it.  My fault. 

Cold and wet today.  Stuck my nose out for about a New York minute just before noon, and came in for the day. 

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.  The CARTS bus will pick me  up at 7:20 for my 10:45 appointment, then picks me up for the return trip at 1:30, drops me at WalMart for my monthly shopping, and I'll cab home.  I have no idea if I will get here tomorrow or not.  It's gonna be a busy day!
I'm not sure what a flat-pack occasional table is.  I started trying to search for you but all of a sudden everything  came back in pounds instead of dollars - even amazon.  
    It seems a lot of different kinds of table call themselves "flat-pack" but I didn't find any below £40.00.  Are you looking for a particular shape and material?

Hope everything goes well at the doctor and that all your groceries are in stock and on sale!  
Extra vibes for short lines and a quickly appearing taxi!  

As for proselytizing atheists, I've never met one, possibly because I'm an agnostic myself.  To be honest, even the Christians who have tried to save my soul have been pretty respectful with the exception of an ex-boyfriend who drove me absolutely nuts and back into the delights of being single.  

Well this is my second day of me having another cat. Been around snooping to see if someone owns it. Nope it is another drop ff at the park or born wild. I think born wild is more likely. Looks like it sleeps in Roy's boat. He lives across from me. He has an awning and a carport. His boat is kept there. Roy says he does not care if Moochy sleeps there. It has cushions. I will make a warm spot for him so when he is ready he can move himself. In the meantime I will try to TNR him. Milda is up at her farm + that cat up there ran up to when she arrived. She says it stop about ten feet from her. So this past week two cats got a home. Sprinkles and Moochy. I could not have a better birthday than I did.
You're earning your angel wings ensuring that these precious little beings have shelter and food, and eventually The Operation.  [emoji]128519[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Response from my boss:


We realize you are working on some heath issues. Please know that we must ensure that employees are follow the work rules and project specification at all times while they are online.

If you feel you cannot consistently comply we can offer you a Personal Leave. We would require that you conduct yourself professionally while online and if unable to and yawning continues, additional corrective action would occur.

John is making me a pot of coffee.  I start work in an hour and 16 minutes.  I'm gonna try to drink as much of the pot as I am able.  I feel wide awake - more awake than I have in a long time.  But every time the thought of work crosses my mind, I yawn because I'm so stressed about it.  Shoot me, please.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Not to toot my own horn, but I just made and ate the most delicious breakfast burrito ever.  Well, it would have been better with bacon, but I don't have any bacon.  Breakfast is the most delicious meal ever.  I would eat it 3 times a day if I could but people would think I was weird.  Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, cheddar cheese, and garlic salt.  On a tortilla covered with half an inch of sour cream.

And this is where John looks at me and asks how I haven't had a heart attack yet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
It's official.  I no longer give a fig.  If they want to fire me, let them fire me.  I'll just file for unemployment until I find another job.

I just got an e-mail chastising me after my first call of the day.  Why?  Oh, this is fun.  The name on the screen was spelled Tesera.  So, I pronounced it as it was spelled.  The woman corrected me and said, "It's Teresa."  Cleary a typo.  I apologized, she accepted, and we got on with the survey.  So, the supervisor e-mailed me saying common sense would dictate me figuring out that it was a typo and calling her Teresa to begin with.  Really?  The world is full of unusual names.  I actually think Tesera would be a cute name.  I love unusual names.  So, my give a damn isn't just busted - it's been disintegrated.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Since your parents are offended by gifts, cards and free meals, does this mean you are off the hook when it comes to presents and other treats?  Or are they still expecting you to find the perfect thing? 
We don't celebrate Christmas or even birthdays so, no, gifts are not expected or even wanted
. It was so embarassing growing up watching my parents argue with relatives or neighbors when gifts are given  or over who pays the restaurant bill and tip
We used to have relatives in another country send musical birthday cards and the occasional box of homemade goodies but that stopped some time ago. My Dad would call the relatives up and yell at them for wasting their money to send us all this stuff and blah blah blah.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Response from my boss:


We realize you are working on some heath issues. Please know that we must ensure that employees are follow the work rules and project specification at all times while they are online.

If you feel you cannot consistently comply we can offer you a Personal Leave. We would require that you conduct yourself professionally while online and if unable to and yawning continues, additional corrective action would occur.

John is making me a pot of coffee.  I start work in an hour and 16 minutes.  I'm gonna try to drink as much of the pot as I am able.  I feel wide awake - more awake than I have in a long time.  But every time the thought of work crosses my mind, I yawn because I'm so stressed about it.  Shoot me, please.
Unfortunately, just the mere thought of the word "yawn" can set people off into yawn attacks.  It's really an insidious problem - kind of self perpetuating.   I don't suppose that Personal Leave she offered is paid by any chance?
It's official.  I no longer give a fig.  If they want to fire me, let them fire me.  I'll just file for unemployment until I find another job.

I just got an e-mail chastising me after my first call of the day.  Why?  Oh, this is fun.  The name on the screen was spelled Tesera.  So, I pronounced it as it was spelled.  The woman corrected me and said, "It's Teresa."  Cleary a typo.  I apologized, she accepted, and we got on with the survey.  So, the supervisor e-mailed me saying common sense would dictate me figuring out that it was a typo and calling her Teresa to begin with.  Really?  The world is full of unusual names.  I actually think Tesera would be a cute name.  I love unusual names.  So, my give a damn isn't just busted - it's been disintegrated.
OMG.  That is truly ridiculous.  I have an unusual last name that is butchered regularly by customer service reps who are trying to sound it out phonetically.  Now I'm worried I'm leaving a trail of customer service reps with written warnings in my wake.    Besides which, Tesera is actually a legitimate name - at least some businesses out there think so.  And besides that, people make up their own names and spellings all the time.  Your supervisor is nuts.  

On another note:  how many weeks of unemployment can you get?  


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
We don't celebrate Christmas or even birthdays so, no, gifts are not expected or even wanted
. It was so embarassing growing up watching my parents argue with relatives or neighbors when gifts are given  or over who pays the restaurant bill and tip
We used to have relatives in another country send musical birthday cards and the occasional box of homemade goodies but that stopped some time ago. My Dad would call the relatives up and yell at them for wasting their money to send us all this stuff and blah blah blah.
Isn't it strange when the kids understand more about the way the world works than the parents?   So sad that they couldn't understand what you could grasp intuitively.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
No, not paid leave.  That would just be way too easy.

I have no idea how many weeks of unemployment I can get.  I don't know how that works at all - I've never been on employment or even applied for it.  No one ever pronounces my name correctly.  Most people call me Uh-leesh-uh or Uh-lees-ee-uh.  It's actually pronounced Uh-lish-uh.  Guess how upset I get when people pronounce it wrong?  I don't!  I don't give a fig!  The spelling of my name is fairly common, but the pronunciation my parents used usually does not accompany the spelling.

They didn't mark me below or write me up.  They called it a "verbal warning."  Yet we are repeatedly told that we must read the script and all the pat responses ver batim.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but ver batim means word for word, correct?  Meaning, I need to read to the names ver batim as well, right?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
At this point it sounds like they're harrassing you to make you quit :/. Lots of companies do it---they don't have to pay unemployment if you quit. If the company has an HR department you should contact them.
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