Will my stray friend trust me again?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I live in Florida we don't have baseboard heaters or heat for that matter,lol. Just old fashioned baseboard moulding .... you must be referencing cords under throw carpets which I'd kill myself tripping over those .I have wall to wall with thick padding underneath and all cords were placed prior to installation ... so we have completely different type homes and since you've figured out the braided cord solved your problems it sounds like you're all set!

Glad you've got your issues resolved 👍
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  • #62


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 24, 2023
I had a kitten once who was fixated on my toes- the more I'd try to distract him the more he wanted those tootsies---- one day I thought why not spray the Scratch No on my toes- 2 or 3 times of him getting a wiff of that and tasting the bitter spray he decided toes were not very appealing. They do have 'cst proof" sleeves for electrical cords - I've personally never used them because my cords are very neatly tacked to the base boards,under carpets or hidden well but I hear they do the job

Hope that helps
That does help! I did see some of those protective sleeves on Amazon. I may have to invest in a few (dozen) 😂
Good idea about spraying your toes! Sounds like I need to look into getting a spray that's unpleasant to kitty noses.

It’s so nice to see him doing well and relaxed. He’s also getting used to lots of things and have become more confidence. Yes, a younger cat has more energy and therefore they keep you n your toes much longer. Just be stern with him when he plays with the electrical cords and toes. Tell him no firmly and remove him from the the cords and at the same time have a toy at hand to distract him. After a few times, he’ll probably get the idea and sometimes such things are just a passing and soon they focus on something else. As for the toys, you have to find out what kind of toys he likes and how he would like to play and interact.
He’ll calm down once he’s much settled in but cats being cats, they do what cats like to do.
I do raise my voice with a quick "hey" or "stop" when I catch him trying to get into things. That seems to help... usually 😂 As you said, cats do what they like to do.
Do you find the 3-3-3 rule to be true? I had read that at 3 weeks indoors behavior issues can start showing up, but at 3 months they are really settled in to their environment and routine. I can deal with weeks or months of him being kind of rambunctious...but the thought of it taking years seems daunting so hopefully that won't be the case. Of course, I don't expect him to not play at all. He's a cat and that's their nature. I just wasn't expecting this level of play out of him lol. I keep wondering if it's the change in hormones from his neutering. I've read it can take 1-2 months for the testosterone to bottom out, and we're just under a month since surgery.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
That does help! I did see some of those protective sleeves on Amazon. I may have to invest in a few (dozen) 😂
Good idea about spraying your toes! Sounds like I need to look into getting a spray that's unpleasant to kitty noses.

I do raise my voice with a quick "hey" or "stop" when I catch him trying to get into things. That seems to help... usually 😂 As you said, cats do what they like to do.
Do you find the 3-3-3 rule to be true? I had read that at 3 weeks indoors behavior issues can start showing up, but at 3 months they are really settled in to their environment and routine. I can deal with weeks or months of him being kind of rambunctious...but the thought of it taking years seems daunting so hopefully that won't be the case. Of course, I don't expect him to not play at all. He's a cat and that's their nature. I just wasn't expecting this level of play out of him lol. I keep wondering if it's the change in hormones from his neutering. I've read it can take 1-2 months for the testosterone to bottom out, and we're just under a month since surgery.
3--3-3? No idea who came up with thst one but personally after decades of working with hundreds and hundreds of cats in my experience there are no cookie cutter steadfast rules- in all honesty

Cats have individual personalities and will each move along at their own pace..... there is one constant rule though ,for success and thst is " be patient"

Also,after a cat is nuetered and his " main" source of producing testosterone has been surgically removed the time it takes more those testosterone levels to decrease to a level that their behaviors motivated by their hormones change can also take different amounts of time in different cats- because they can no longer reproduce doesn't mean they know it anytime real soon,lol I've seen cats calm down significantly within weeks yet others all the way up to 6 months because of raging hormones with high levels of testosterone ..... it varies from cat to cat

Most cats lose that kitten playfulness as they age and the rambunctious behavior wanes- how old is Ellwood,his photos when you first introduced him here looks like he's fully grown but young-,any idea?

My Max is 2 and his playfulness has not worn down,he gets his crazy zoomy bursts ,wants to play with everyone and will do a Indy 500 run across the kitchen table,,over the couch,up the cat condo & through the entire house once a day but like all cats he spends many hours sleeping and gets a little crazy in between-not so bad

May I ask what he does that is so rambunctious and daunting for you?Might be some ideas we can figure out if we know exactly what your referring to

Also,I agree with tabbytom tabbytom 100% that it's all the ",newness " too and he'll likely settle in and down in a bit ..it's a big adjustment for him(& you)- it's wonderful to hear he sounds like he's very content
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Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I do raise my voice with a quick "hey" or "stop" when I catch him trying to get into things. That seems to help... usually 😂 As you said, cats do what they like to do.
Do you find the 3-3-3 rule to be true? I had read that at 3 weeks indoors behavior issues can start showing up, but at 3 months they are really settled in to their environment and routine. I can deal with weeks or months of him being kind of rambunctious...but the thought of it taking years seems daunting so hopefully that won't be the case. Of course, I don't expect him to not play at all. He's a cat and that's their nature. I just wasn't expecting this level of play out of him lol. I keep wondering if it's the change in hormones from his neutering. I've read it can take 1-2 months for the testosterone to bottom out, and we're just under a month since surgery.
Yea, once he understand the word no, stop it or hey or certain sounds that sounds like no, you don't have to raise your voice anymore. He'll understand that it is a no.

I've not heard of the 3-3-3 rule as all cats are different and some cats don't need the 3-3-3 rule as they settle in quite quickly and some takes longer than the 3-3-3 rule.

As for the neutering part, it takes about 6 - 8 weeks for the testosterones to leave the system and the surgery part takes around 1 - 2 weeks to subside due to the swelling which is filled with blood.
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  • #65


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2023

This is the gist of the 333 rule that I've seen. Of course, keeping in mind that all cats are different and the timeline is approximate.

3--3-3? No idea who came up with thst one but personally after decades of working with hundreds and hundreds of cats in my experience there are no cookie cutter steadfast rules- in all honesty

Cats have individual personalities and will each move along at their own pace..... there is one constant rule though ,for success and thst is " be patient"

Also,after a cat is nuetered and his " main" source of producing testosterone has been surgically removed the time it takes more those testosterone levels to decrease to a level that their behaviors motivated by their hormones change can also take different amounts of time in different cats- because they can no longer reproduce doesn't mean they know it anytime real soon,lol I've seen cats calm down significantly within weeks yet others all the way up to 6 months because of raging hormones with high levels of testosterone ..... it varies from cat to cat

Most cats lose that kitten playfulness as they age and the rambunctious behavior wanes- how old is Ellwood,his photos when you first introduced him here looks like he's fully grown but young-,any idea?

My Max is 2 and his playfulness has not worn down,he gets his crazy zoomy bursts ,wants to play with everyone and will do a Indy 500 run across the kitchen table,,over the couch,up the cat condo & through the entire house once a day but like all cats he spends many hours sleeping and gets a little crazy in between-not so bad

May I ask what he does that is so rambunctious and daunting for you?Might be some ideas we can figure out if we know exactly what your referring to

Also,I agree with tabbytom tabbytom 100% that it's all the ",newness " too and he'll likely settle in and down in a bit ..it's a big adjustment for him(& you)- it's wonderful to hear he sounds like he's very content
The vet estimated Elwood to be around 2 years.
I guess rambunctious might not be the best word... energetic and curious would be better maybe. When he was outside, I would take toys out there to play with him, but he seemed scared of them. So I thought maybe he just wasn't a super playful cat. But he most certainly is! I guess I just feel like I'm having to keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he's not getting into things he shouldn't. After having a senior cat for so long, and then taking a year break from pets, I guess I just got out of that habit and it's an adjustment for me to get back into it.

Yea, once he understand the word no, stop it or hey or certain sounds that sounds like no, you don't have to raise your voice anymore. He'll understand that it is a no.

I've not heard of the 3-3-3 rule as all cats are different and some cats don't need the 3-3-3 rule as they settle in quite quickly and some takes longer than the 3-3-3 rule.

As for the neutering part, it takes about 6 - 8 weeks for the testosterones to leave the system and the surgery part takes around 1 - 2 weeks to subside due to the swelling which is filled with blood.
That's good to know about the testosterone and lines up with what I've read. We just reached the 4 week mark, so it'll be interesting to see if he settles down any more in the next few weeks. He does still look out the window a lot. Not that that's a problem, but I just wonder how much he still wants to roam at the moment.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
View attachment 461611

This is the gist of the 333 rule that I've seen. Of course, keeping in mind that all cats are different and the timeline is approximate.

The vet estimated Elwood to be around 2 years.
I guess rambunctious might not be the best word... energetic and curious would be better maybe. When he was outside, I would take toys out there to play with him, but he seemed scared of them. So I thought maybe he just wasn't a super playful cat. But he most certainly is! I guess I just feel like I'm having to keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he's not getting into things he shouldn't. After having a senior cat for so long, and then taking a year break from pets, I guess I just got out of that habit and it's an adjustment for me to get back into it.

That's good to know about the testosterone and lines up with what I've read. We just reached the 4 week mark, so it'll be interesting to see if he settles down any more in the next few weeks. He does still look out the window a lot. Not that that's a problem, but I just wonder how much he still wants to roam at the moment.
Thanks for posting that - I see now but you have to understand that timeline is a general outline for adopting a kitty ( probably from a shelter) and not from the street( ferals,semis and strays)

That little 333 rule is a pretty decent estimate to use as an ' on the average "guide to help understand the process of a pet adjusting to a new home .... thanks for sharing

Ellwood has had a couple of things to overcome as a stray and he's doing FANTASTIC!!!!! And btw,strays & ferals have no clue what toys are....Timmy was pretty terrified of toys at first,then after he realized they were no threat he was totally uninterested - about 3months later he knocked into a ball that jingles,he watched it roll & then would give it a little nudge to watch it roll some more.....he watched the others play with wand feather toy,the laser pointer and NOTHING,catnip- NOTHING ....then tabbytom tabbytom recommended a wonderful brand of catnip and I dip a toy on it and hrs having a great time.... It's a process

Keep at it with the toys,he'll soon discover they have a purpose
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  • #67


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 24, 2023
Thanks for posting that - I see now but you have to understand that timeline is a general outline for adopting a kitty ( probably from a shelter) and not from the street( ferals,semis and strays)

That little 333 rule is a pretty decent estimate to use as an ' on the average "guide to help understand the process of a pet adjusting to a new home .... thanks for sharing

Ellwood has had a couple of things to overcome as a stray and he's doing FANTASTIC!!!!! And btw,strays & ferals have no clue what toys are....Timmy was pretty terrified of toys at first,then after he realized they were no threat he was totally uninterested - about 3months later he knocked into a ball that jingles,he watched it roll & then would give it a little nudge to watch it roll some more.....he watched the others play with wand feather toy,the laser pointer and NOTHING,catnip- NOTHING ....then tabbytom tabbytom recommended a wonderful brand of catnip and I dip a toy on it and hrs having a great time.... It's a process

Keep at it with the toys,he'll soon discover they have a purpose
Oh I agree, overall Elwood is doing really well and has come a long way in such a short time. It's probably more me needing to get used to having a young cat again. It also doesn't help that my husband isn't really a pet person and had a couple of "non-negotiables" when I first brought up adopting Elwood. So I just feel on edge a lot, worrying if Elwood is ok with everything, and then worrying if my husband is also ok with everything. It's all just going to take time, and I know that. I just hate not knowing how long lol.
As for toys, he does play really well with toys now. It didn't take long for him to understand what they were and what to do with them. Dahlia was always super picky about toys and had her favorites. But Elwood plays with his and the ones she never cared about lol.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Oh I agree, overall Elwood is doing really well and has come a long way in such a short time. It's probably more me needing to get used to having a young cat again. It also doesn't help that my husband isn't really a pet person and had a couple of "non-negotiables" when I first brought up adopting Elwood. So I just feel on edge a lot, worrying if Elwood is ok with everything, and then worrying if my husband is also ok with everything. It's all just going to take time, and I know that. I just hate not knowing how long lol.
As for toys, he does play really well with toys now. It didn't take long for him to understand what they were and what to do with them. Dahlia was always super picky about toys and had her favorites. But Elwood plays with his and the ones she never cared about lol.
Awww-,so cute how some like toys others could care no less about..... My beloved Cheech passed away 7 yrs ago- his favorite toy has sat in one of the toy boxes ever since- each of my 4 after him didn't even look at it-I gave it to Timmy ,he takes it to bed,links it- lays his head on it..... so cute,he has a favorite toy

I can imagine how you feel with hubby n all- but he loves you so I'm sure it'll all be fine'-I do understand though,we can drive ourselves crazy ,lol I know your just anxious to get past every hurdle..... too bad we can't just snap our fingers ' poof' ,huh?

Hugs to you❤


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
We just reached the 4 week mark, so it'll be interesting to see if he settles down any more in the next few weeks. He does still look out the window a lot. Not that that's a problem, but I just wonder how much he still wants to roam at the moment.
Windows are cat tv. It's interesting out there and most cats like watching the outside. We really do not know if Elwood still wants to roam at the moment. The window is not like the door. It has an opened view but is closed and no one walks in and out of it and so it won't strike him to follow or get him curious why the hooman is going in through the door and disappears. Observe him and see if like he has the urge to get outside from the window.

As for toys, different cats like different toys. Not all store bought toys are great for cats. Example, I bought lots of toys for my boy the very day I brought him home and he does not play with most of the toys I got him. End up, I found out what his favorites are and he is still playing with them till this day.
Here's a thread that may interest you :- Your top three toys?
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  • #71


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 24, 2023
Hey tabbytom!
Elwood is still settling in nicely. He's still very playful, but love his snuggle time. He's very loving. He still loves looking out windows, and I've started opening the window (with a screen to keep him from going out) when the weather is nice so he can smell the air. We're able to go in and out doors without worrying that he'll try to dart out. I've been able to keep his bathroom issues at bay by switching him to limited ingredient food. Seems maybe the fillers in other foods was upsetting his stomach and causing gas. Something tells me the Christmas tree is going to be a very tempting plaything for him, so I still haven't decided if I want to put one up this year or not.
Overall, we're all still adjusting but he seems very happy here.
Thanks so much for checking in on him 😊


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hey tabbytom!
Elwood is still settling in nicely. He's still very playful, but love his snuggle time. He's very loving. He still loves looking out windows, and I've started opening the window (with a screen to keep him from going out) when the weather is nice so he can smell the air. We're able to go in and out doors without worrying that he'll try to dart out. I've been able to keep his bathroom issues at bay by switching him to limited ingredient food. Seems maybe the fillers in other foods was upsetting his stomach and causing gas. Something tells me the Christmas tree is going to be a very tempting plaything for him, so I still haven't decided if I want to put one up this year or not.
Overall, we're all still adjusting but he seems very happy here.
Thanks so much for checking in on him 😊
This is wonderful news! Such a sweet smiling sleeping photo of Elwood! :hearthrob::redheartpump:

Great to hear that he has settled in well.

Here's an idea for Christmas tree :lol:




Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hey tabbytom!
Elwood is still settling in nicely. He's still very playful, but love his snuggle time. He's very loving. He still loves looking out windows, and I've started opening the window (with a screen to keep him from going out) when the weather is nice so he can smell the air. We're able to go in and out doors without worrying that he'll try to dart out. I've been able to keep his bathroom issues at bay by switching him to limited ingredient food. Seems maybe the fillers in other foods was upsetting his stomach and causing gas. Something tells me the Christmas tree is going to be a very tempting plaything for him, so I still haven't decided if I want to put one up this year or not.
Overall, we're all still adjusting but he seems very happy here.
Thanks so much for checking in on him 😊
View attachment 464390
Adorable- so happy Elwood is doing well,one picture is worth 1000 words- he sure looks Comfy❤

Nice to hear from you and that you've got things sorted for him and his tummy
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  • #74


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 24, 2023
I haven't posted here in a while because things have been going really well for Elwood. But this morning I went outside to feed the birds and as I was coming back in Elwood slipped out the door before I could shut it all the way. He stayed close for a little while, but seemed hesitant to come over to me. There were two times I coaxed him over but he would run every time I reached down to grab him. He ended up heading into the woods behind our house and I lost sight of where he went. I haven't seen him since. It's been almost 4 hours. I'm worried sick. I've posted on my neighborhood FB page, sent out an alert with his microchip company and even contacted a trusted pet medium. She advised me to put out his food, water and something that smelled like him or me. So I did all of that. But I have neighbors telling me not to put out food and water, just items that smell like us. So now I'm not sure what to do. I'm beside myself and miss him so much 😥💔
Pictures for attention



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 7, 2023
I haven't posted here in a while because things have been going really well for Elwood. But this morning I went outside to feed the birds and as I was coming back in Elwood slipped out the door before I could shut it all the way. He stayed close for a little while, but seemed hesitant to come over to me. There were two times I coaxed him over but he would run every time I reached down to grab him. He ended up heading into the woods behind our house and I lost sight of where he went. I haven't seen him since. It's been almost 4 hours. I'm worried sick. I've posted on my neighborhood FB page, sent out an alert with his microchip company and even contacted a trusted pet medium. She advised me to put out his food, water and something that smelled like him or me. So I did all of that. But I have neighbors telling me not to put out food and water, just items that smell like us. So now I'm not sure what to do. I'm beside myself and miss him so much 😥💔
Pictures for attention
I Was in a similar situation last week. The little girl I adopted in December was exploring the house freely while I locked up my two boys. My food order ended up coming but the guy was fumbling around and taking his time to give it to me and she bolted right through the small crack and took off like a bat out of hell. There was no way I was going to catch up to her, she was gone in an instant. Running through every feeling imaginable, I figured this would be the last time I see her, and even if I do it would be very hard to get her back in. A few hours passed and I heard the neighbors dog chasing something around outside so I hurried outside to look. I didnt see anything originally but I started calling her name and she ended up running over to me. I made sure not to make too many fast movements just incase it startles her, but as soon as I was able to get my hands close enough I snatched her up quickly and got her back inside. Shes actually been really affectionate since then, probably realizing how easy life has been since shes been adopted off the streets.

All in all, dont give up hope and go outside often and call the cats name, he might just be around the area.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Elwood slipped out the door before I could shut it all the way. He stayed close for a little while, but seemed hesitant to come over to me. There were two times I coaxed him over but he would run every time I reached down to grab him.
Oh dear. I guess he is not far away as where he went is not new to him so he'll be taking cover nearby as he is also afraid.

Bring torch with you and shine it under covers as the light from the torch will light up the cat's eyes. You can bring food along when you go look for him and back and put with the food.

One thing you have to be quick on grabbing him, cats like this will sense being caught and they bolt of like lightning.

I hope he won't be far and will come back when he's hungry. Hope he come back soon.