Yowling, vomiting, and hiding?

Marie love

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2023
Hi everyone! Cats are the most beautiful animal that anyone would be thankful to have the chance to love one or many. Funds are really tight too. I don’t have any credit cards my care credit got Decline. All the emergency vets make you pay up front all the services or no service. And all the discounted vets that we normally go to are booked or closed for vacation! I am going nuts and getting very depressed because Oreo she means the word to me and my family. Also to her other sister and brothers! We have 6 cats including her in the 6 and they are all so worried and concerned. It has been say 2 without much food or water and throwing up white foam not constantly but it’s happening every couple hours and it gets worse when she is stressed. She is hiding from us and refusing love . We are trying to at least show her love and pets where she is feeding most comfortable at which is the back room alone. The screaming she does beforehand breaks my heart into a million pieces. I just got a job after being jobless for a couple months unfortunately but I am sooooo excited to get my first paycheck on the 1st and yes I do need to caught up on bills but I am 100% willing to use the money on her but due to how bad she is doing and declining in heath so fast I don’t think she will make it the next 7 days! I need help please if anyone can help me I would be forever thankful and so would my Oreo cat. She is a beautiful callio cat. If you guys can’t I totally understand. So if I can’t find help by anyone. Because the vet even said ask for family for help with money. My family don’t even speak to me . Let alone give me money. I tried and got a no and I can’t stand to let my beautiful pure innocent cat suffer but I absolutely have no funds till the 1st and on the 1st it might not even be enough and maybe she won’t make it! Ugh! I’m sorry for the venting and long paragraph : i really hope someone can read this. 2014 is so long way a go

I wanted to give you a picture of my beautiful Oreo callio cat. She is one year old. If anyone would like to see pictures of her right now while she is not doing so well for proof to help me I will do anything! Please ask. I don’t want to make anyone sad by posting how sick she looks and how the throwing up is doing because I know for sure you went threw it and don’t want to bring up any bad memories


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles

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