Younger Male Cat Attacks Older Female Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 27, 2018

I have 3 cats - 12-year old Cody (male), 8-year-old Lilly (female), and 2-year-old Hunter (male). All were neutered/spayed when young and none are declawed. Cody and Lilly get along great. Cody and Hunter get along fine (some rough playing every once in awhile, but nothing too serious). Hunter, however, has been aggressive towards Lilly since the day we got him and he was just a kitten. She is a tiny cat, weighing about 7 pounds and he is now large, around 13 pounds. If she walks by, he will chase her up the stairs and pin her to the ground and bite and scratch her. She'll let out blood-curdling screams. If I'm around, I can tell when he's about to do it and will distract him, but sometimes I'm too far away and I just hear it happening. He doesn't ever attack her if they are sharing a common interest, however. If I feed them, they will co-exist peacefully at food bowls right next to each other. If I use the laser pointer, they'll both play with it together with no issue.

I've tried separating them, but when they come back together it just starts all over again. I've tried squirting Hunter with a water bottle when he starts being aggressive towards her to get him to stop. He'll stop, but then he'll start up again shortly after. I've tried positive reinforcement by petting him and giving him treats when he is in her vicinity and approaches her WITHOUT attacking her. I've tried Feliway diffusers. I've tried playing with him for an hour at night to tire him out. Nothing has been a permanent solution. I'm not sure what else I can do! Lilly is still a happy cat, but I just feel so badly when she has to deal with this from him. I've gotten so I make sure she's never left alone in a room with him when I'm home. I'll pick her up and carry her with me to reduce the chances he'll attack her (which she loves, she's a huge cuddle-bug and wants to be near me 24/7).

Another oddity with him...when he attacks her, my husband will often point to him and say a stern "NO" to make him realize what he did was bad. Hunter will instantly roll over in submission and act like he truly knows he was wrong. If I do the same exact thing, Hunter will launch at me and try to attack me the same way he does Lilly. It appears Hunter is not a fan of females, whether feline OR human. If I'm not talking sternly with him, he acts completely normal around me, it's not like he hates me all the time.

I'm open to any advice anyone may have, as I'm at my wits end!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. The first thought that came to my mind was to record your husband's voice saying his stern "No", and replaying it when Hunter goes after Lily. Even though it is coming from you, he is going to hear your husband's "No" and maybe, just maybe, react as he does when your husband is around.

I am sure other members will see your post soon and have some other suggestions for you too!