Young Cat Won't Leave Older Cat Alone


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2016
I've had this 2 year old(M) for about 3 months now. He was never supposed to be a permanent resident as I took him from a coworker(who lied to me about his behavior btw).I took him so he wouldn't have to go to a shelter and planned to find someone else to take him. Well now i'm kinda stuck with him because no one wants a cat around here. The main problem right now though is no matter what I've tried he won't leave my poor older cat 11(F) alone. He will stalk her, pounce on her and try to fight with her no matter what. I have tried the feli-away collar and spray. Yelling when he gets near her and a water gun, but he is relentless and wont leave her be. Now I have to keep them separated at nearly all times, because when he notices I'm not paying attention he lunges at her. Then she just starts this awful screaming just wanting to be left alone. I try to play with him and wear him out, but it doesn't work either. What can I try? They are both fixed. I'm very close to just giving him up to a shelter myself now. Tried to do a nice thing, but got lied to and feeling burned by a coworker.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Sounds like the youngster is just trying to play, which is normal, and the older cat wants none of it and is highly stressed by it, which is also normal. These things generally get better with time, but it is sometimes slow and they may never be friends. Yelling and water guns won't work -- wanting to play with another cat is too deeply hard wired in young cats. Calming products may help the older cat some. Adding a big cat tree for the older cat to chill on might help some. But mostly just time.

The good news is that your coworker may have not lied to you at all. You may just have a normal 2 year old cat. That is what it sounds like to me anyway. Doesn't help much vis-a-vis the older cat, but at least you can give the cat away in good conscience -- would likely be fine with another young active cat or as an only cat.

A take away is that your 11 year old is not adaptable enough to adjust easily to a young cat. If you succeed in giving the 2 year old away, never adopt a young active cat, will just be the same thing.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry this has taken this turn.
Have you talked to a vet about a calming med? He sounds over-the-top. If you haven't, it might not be a bad idea to have him checked out anyway.

There have been a couple of recent threads where the focus was to get the victim cat more confident, with more play time, lots of loving, basically special treatment and attention.
Also try some music, it's known to help relax cats and she definitely needs that.

This post of mine contains info you can hopefully utilize
Artie And Kaylee’s Fighting Ended In Bloodshed
And here's another from that same thread
Artie And Kaylee’s Fighting Ended In Bloodshed
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