Young cat just went into labor help please

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  • #162


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Weights :rbheart: any tips now that they getting bigger to weigh them they moving around a lot on scale.

*****************8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2
Orange 1 ------11.4oz 12.0oz 12.1oz 13.2oz 13.4oz
Orange 2-------11oz. 11.5oz. 11.6oz. 12.3oz. 12.6oz
Orange 3-------9.5oz. 9.9oz. 10.3oz. 10.8oz. 11.2oz
Black -----------10.6oz.11.2oz. 11.5oz. 12.5oz. 13.0oz
Grey------------ 9.0oz. 9.3oz. 9.5oz 10.1oz 10.5oz

Additional Information
born August 14th

Weights August 26 and Aug 27
Orange 1. 10.2oz. 10.3oz
Orange 2. 9.7oz. 10.2
Orange 3. 8.3oz. 8.3oz. Same weight?
Black 9.5oz. 9.9oz
Grey 7.7oz. 8.3oz.

**************Aug 21 Aug 22. Aug 23. Aug 25

Orange1.****7.6oz. 8.0oz. 8.7oz 9.7oz
Orange 2.****7.1oz 7.7oz. 8.3oz. 9.5oz
Orange 3.****6.3oz. 6.6oz. 7.3oz. 7.8oz
Black ********7.1oz. 7.6oz. 8.3oz. 8.9oz
Grey*********5.9oz. 6.3oz. 6.8oz. 7.2oz.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Most kittens are ready to wean starting at 4 weeks, but they wean better and better through weeks five and six. It's a process. They continue to nurse mom for a few more weeks.

When weaning you mix pate-style wet food with KMR to make a mush. You can also wet kitten chow with KMR or water to soften it. And the kittens watching mom eat helps too.

When they begin weaning you will need to put a kitten-sized litter box nearby for them and put them in it before and after every meal.

Go ahead and get mom spayed in the next couple of weeks. That's on the early side, but since she wants to go out so badly, it's okay. The kittens will be weaning, and you'll need to keep mom in after her spay, so hopefully she'll calm down. Most cats can continue to nurse after a spay for awhile. Though she's anxious, she'll need to stay in for 7-10 days after her spay for healing, nursing, and calming down.

Cats are nocturnal, so she's up at night. She should calm down after she's spayed. It's rough in the meantime. Will mama play some with you to get tired out a little before bedtime?

The kittens will need to come out and play soon, under supervision.

The weights are good! You're doing a good job!

The earliest to re-home kittens is at 8 weeks old, preferably 12, but if you find good homes they can go at 8 weeks. Going in pairs is ideal if possible.
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  • #164


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Most kittens are ready to wean starting at 4 weeks, but they wean better and better through weeks five and six. It's a process. They continue to nurse mom for a few more weeks.

When weaning you mix pate-style wet food with KMR to make a mush. You can also wet kitten chow with KMR or water to soften it. And the kittens watching mom eat helps too.

When they begin weaning you will need to put a kitten-sized litter box nearby for them and put them in it before and after every meal.

Go ahead and get mom spayed in the next couple of weeks. That's on the early side, but since she wants to go out so badly, it's okay. The kittens will be weaning, and you'll need to keep mom in after her spay, so hopefully she'll calm down. Most cats can continue to nurse after a spay for awhile. Though she's anxious, she'll need to stay in for 7-10 days after her spay for healing, nursing, and calming down.

Cats are nocturnal, so she's up at night. She should calm down after she's spayed. It's rough in the meantime. Will mama play some with you to get tired out a little before bedtime?

The kittens will need to come out and play soon, under supervision.

The weights are good! You're doing a good job!

The earliest to re-home kittens is at 8 weeks old, preferably 12, but if you find good homes they can go at 8 weeks. Going in pairs is ideal if possible.
Hi thank you so much!
Because there are 5 kittens how many low dishes do I need for feeding? 5 low dishes? Or can 2 or 3 eat from one dish? how much does each kitten get and how many times a day? Water introduced at same time to them? How many kitten litter boxes do I need. Do they go in separate or 2 at a time. Do I need 5 kitten litter boxes. I

Friday will be 3 weeks since Simba gave birth how many more weeks to getting fixed? I really need her to get fixed because she is acting crazy and I am doing a lot to make her comfortable. The feliway diffuser can be near the kittens? I bought some more toys for her she doesn't seem amused doesn't want to play. I guess once you go outside and the nature of outdoors that's more fun then toys. I also would like to get toys or balls for the kittens if you recommend any so they will be fully social with others. I started sitting with them and petting and talking to them they are so cute. She likes them confined so when i am with them I open up and they walk around. I don't know why she wants them so confined. They are behind in corner of a big Xmas. Tree cardboard box I had for them but she never wanted them there so she moved them behind it. At some point I need to open the space up whether she likes it or not. They have room to walk a little but they love to really walk around.

Do I need to start a news thread with kitten care or can everything be under Simba because everything you are telling me is so informative and would love others to be able to gain this knowledge also. There's so many people with zero experience like me. I really want other people that are going thru this to be educated like I am by you. :rbheart:Thank you again.
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  • #165


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Things are going beautifully!

Continue watching orange 3 and little grey for weight gains, they are still fragile and we don't want any slips, just big gains every day!!
Great job :))

Hi I posted up to date weights and also some questions and concerns I have especially moving forward with the kittens and exactly what they need can you read lmy last 2 posts I'd appreciate feedback. I want to be prepared coming up with food water litter boxes. There are 5 kittens so I don't know if I need 5 plates and 5 litter boxes, thank you In advance :rbheart:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
No new thread necessary - everything stays under Simba.

You can even put 5 little mounds around one paper plate initially. Kittens tend to need to put their paws on the plate and get messy when learning to eat. They'll need mush offered every 3-4 hours. I would leave a dish of kitten chow down 24/7. They will learn to nibble it. You should always leave fresh water down. They may take a few more weeks before drinking water since they are still nursing, but they will figure out the water bowl eventually. As they get bigger you can use two paper plates or transition to dishes.

Two kitten litter pans should be sufficient. I have found that mine tended to want to jump in together, but I usually put two in at a time while the others watched or got in anyway. They are little, and their deposits will be tiny, and you can easily scoop it, so two pans should be fine when you start.

Kittens love toys - play mice and balls. Simba will hopefully begin to play with her kittens soon. Mama kitties get nervous when their babies begin exploring, but they get used to it because it has to happen!

You can get Simba spayed at six weeks. I mentioned this above. Eight weeks is better, but if she's making you crazy you can do it sooner.

I hope I answered your questions :).
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Tmrw they are 3 weeks old.

Weights look okay, orange 3 and grey could be bigger but steady gains which says alot.

Without going back through the thread to find out if they are confined or not, this is the best time to confine them.

They are about to start getting quite messy, it also trains them younger and really well to be faithful box users, as the boxes need to literally be right under their noses for a few weeks until they mature and can control it better.

NON CLUMPING cheap clay litter only. At least until they are over 6 weeks. They tend to taste the litter at first and clumping is dangerous.

3 1/2 weeks you can start the weaning, however this works good on bottle fed kids, not going to be as young with kittens who are nursing, they prefer that over anything and will resist for another couple weeks or more.
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  • #168


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
No new thread necessary - everything stays under Simba.

You can even put 5 little mounds around one paper plate initially. Kittens tend to need to put their paws on the plate and get messy when learning to eat. They'll need mush offered every 3-4 hours. I would leave a dish of kitten chow down 24/7. They will learn to nibble it. You should always leave fresh water down. They may take a few more weeks before drinking water since they are still nursing, but they will figure out the water bowl eventually. As they get bigger you can use two paper plates or transition to dishes.

Two kitten litter pans should be sufficient. I have found that mine tended to want to jump in together, but I usually put two in at a time while the others watched or got in anyway. They are little, and their deposits will be tiny, and you can easily scoop it, so two pans should be fine when you start.

Kittens love toys - play mice and balls. Simba will hopefully begin to play with her kittens soon. Mama kitties get nervous when their babies begin exploring, but they get used to it because it has to happen!

You can get Simba spayed at six weeks. I mentioned this above. Eight weeks is better, but if she's making you crazy you can do it sooner.

I hope I answered your questions :).

Hi thank you so much. You are the best as always helping me :-)
Okay I should start the day of week 4 or can I start them sooner then 4 weeks on the mush. They turned 3 weeks last Friday.
When They start the soft food do I start litter training that day. For the first week they are eating soft food and yes I will have water and kitten hard food for them 24/7 how do I time it right with Simba nursing them still. I noticed now at over 3 weeks she isn't nursing as much as when they were born. If mush has to be offered every 3-4 hours what about times they are sleeping do I just leave it at same time and what about if I'm sleeping or I have to leave house and they miss one of their mush feedings. Or if Simba eats there food even though she has her own. I don't know what time to start the mush and how it works with simbas milk nursing schedule. Sorry if that's confusing.
For litter training if I put them in and if they want to leave the litter box do I put them back In? I don't want to force them in litter if they don't want to be there. How do I know what's enough time. I put them In after eating?
The big orange had a urine spell today so much from a kitten I didn't say anything I just cleaned it up. Simba came and was trying to lick it but it was a lot. This is when they were playing. So far no interest in the toys I bought the balls and mice. They play with each other and are very active.
I have no windows and no light coming in naturally. They are mostly not in pitch dark but In dark. I started putting the light on a few times a day when they play and opening up the space and they are walking and doing so great. I also play a movie on tv for them to hear. I am trying to socialize and play with them. I live In a studio basement and the only window had to be boarded up because that's how Simba escaped. And even after babies tried to escape. There was a small hole made and had to redo cardboard. I am taking her in backyard on lease 2 times a day. Do they need more light should i leave light on more. She likes the quiet and darkish place they are in when she nurses. Remember she has very bad nervousness and anxiety so keeping her happy is always my priority. I also been noticing she has been eating even more from when she was during pregnancy. Before she was pregnant she never had an appetite then during pregnant extremely and now she is eating so much 4 to 5 cans of 3 oz fancy feast a day with her hard adult food and water and treats 2 times a day. Is this because she is nursing.
I will post weights also. Any more information and advice so much appreciated. Thank you so much.
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  • #169


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Tmrw they are 3 weeks old.
Weights look okay, orange 3 and grey could be bigger but steady gains which says alot.

Without going back through the thread to find out if they are confined or not, this is the best time to confine them.
They are about to start getting quite messy, it also trains them younger and really well to be faithful box users, as the boxes need to literally be right under their noses for a few weeks until they mature and can control it better.

NON CLUMPING cheap clay litter only. At least until they are over 6 weeks. They tend to taste the litter at first and clumping is dangerous.

3 1/2 weeks you can start the weaning, however this works good on bottle fed kids, not going to be as young with kittens who are nursing, they prefer that over anything and will resist for another couple weeks or more.

Hi thank you so much. Because there are nursing should I just wait for the 4th week. They turned 3 weeks last Friday and 4 weeks will be This Friday.

I bought the non clumping litter just need to get litter boxes for them I been searching but they are quite big. I read to build a ramp but don't know how. I also when Simba had the babies changed her litter to nonclumping because i read sometimes the mom cat will have her babies in the litter. And the time she moved the kittens she moved one into the litter box. If Simba use the litter box of the babies is that okay? Litter box training start at 4 weeks? The big orange went urine after playing today.

There feeding schedule I am a little confused about if they still nursing then when is the soft food mush put down. I'll be using the 3oz can of fancy feast kitten turkey I don't know how much to give each feeding for 5. How to measure it. I know 5 clumps around a plate but how many cans per feeding since the cans are 3oz. I wan to make sure they eating proper amounts.

I noticed Simba is eating a lot of food. Much more then when she was pregnant. She eats nonstop a little concerning. But thought due to nursing.

I will post their weights please take a look.

Thank you again so much.
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  • #170


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Weights are in for 5 precious kittens :rbheart: They will be 4 weeks this friday :-)
Sept 3. Sept 4. Sept 6.

Orange 1. 13.8oz 14.2oz. 15.5oz
Orange 2. 13.0oz 13.9oz. 15.3oz
Orange 3. 11.4oz 11.7oz. 13.6oz
Black. 13.7oz. 13.8oz. 15.0oz
Grey. 11.0oz 11.4oz. 12.7oz

Post #162 has more weights from previous days
Born August 14
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
They are ready to begin using a box, it is fine for mom to use the same one if she wants to.

Just need to use a cardboard carton that the canned food comes on in the stores, I use the fancy feast ones when I first start them off, since they are small and low.

Line with newspaper first or you will have damp cardboard.

The older they get, mom will not be willing to nusre as often, which is when you want them to turn to wet food.

If they are able to get to moms canned food now, then let them, they will watch and copy her eating it.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Weights look great, the 2 are still behind but will likely stay this way for some time now.

About 4 weeks old they will usually be 1 pound, so they're doing well :)
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  • #173


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
They are ready to begin using a box, it is fine for mom to use the same one if she wants to.
Just need to use a cardboard carton that the canned food comes on in the stores, I use the fancy feast ones when I first start them off, since they are small and low.
Line with newspaper first or you will have damp cardboard.

The older they get, mom will not be willing to nusre as often, which is when you want them to turn to wet food.
If they are able to get to moms canned food now, then let them, they will watch and copy her eating it.

The area she has them In has no room for litter box or bowls so I will have to open it up a little.
Her food and water is separate because they are behind the cardboard box I had wanted them to be put in. I can open up the space a little but when I do it gets Simba very nervous.

With starting to test out the soft food does it matter the time to start and because they are not 4 weeks do I offer the soft food every 3 to 4 hours or less because they are still nursing. I'm confused about the time gap of mom nursing and them eating the soft food. When should I put down the kitten nibble and water?

I did notice Simba is eating more but nursing less. Do you know how much to give each feeding because there are 5 of them and I want to measure. Those kitten cans are small 3oz so do you know how many I will need per feeding.

Ps great idea I have saved 2 cartons from the fancy feast cases. Thanks. I posted weights.

Thank you so much. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
You will know depending on how eagerly they eat it or not, it varies depending on how much she has cut back on nursing them.

Just put a paper plate down with 1 can on it spread around well enough so that each can eat if they want.

Anytime, even now if you wanted. Some will start eating before others. If they eat it well then offer another can later on in the day.

You will see how messy this stage is, they get all in it and all over their faces, etc. but they don't care, and mom likes cleaning it off too!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
mommyofsimba mommyofsimba

Simba is eating lots because she is working hard nursing five babies. Down the road when she is done nursing and has been spayed, her appetite will diminish.

You can introduce mush anytime now. See if any of them are interested. You can always leave kitten chow down if you need to be gone. They still have mom's milk too for now. If they are not interested just keep trying every so often. If one or two show interest, feed them and the others will catch on eventually. Feed Simba her food when you show the kittens theirs so Simba will hopefully not eat theirs. This can be a struggle, but hopefully she won't care for the mush.

You can begin putting the kittens in the litter box anytime now too. Just put them in and let them check it out. One or two at a time. Eventually they will watch each other and figure it out. But just putting them in and even taking a little paw and showing them how to "dig" gives them the idea.

Then you just begin putting them in here and there in the morning when you get up, at night before bed, and various times during the day, especially after they eat, will help. It may take a little time, but they will eventually learn. They won't have formed poops until they eat the mush, but it does sound like they have more pee - probably because they are drinking so much milk!

When they are sleeping you don't have to wake them up for mush. They will eat mush and continue to nurse, but they will slowly begin to eat more solids and nurse less. You can leave the mush down for awhile and let them sniff it and come back to it while they are learning.

You can put the lights on, or at least lamps, during the day. Light is good for everyone, even if it is just low lighting. There is plenty of dark when you are sleeping. TV is good noise for them. Some cats even like looking at the screen! (Mine do)

I hope I covered your questions. I think you're doing a great job!
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  • #176


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
You will know depending on how eagerly they eat it or not, it varies depending on how much she has cut back on nursing them.
Just put a paper plate down with 1 can on it spread around well enough so that each can eat if they want.

Anytime, even now if you wanted. Some will start eating before others. If they eat it well then offer another can later on in the day.

You will see how messy this stage is, they get all in it and all over their faces, etc. but they don't care, and mom likes cleaning it off too!
Hi thank you. I tried tonight when I noticed simba didn't nurse them most of all day. They slept most of day. I opened up the space now. Still bwhind cardboard box but morw room. I have a small liter box a bowl of water and a paper plate of kitty nibble. I did 2 paper plates of soft food. Simba is still eating kitten feast turkey so I fed her and then the 2nd plate had the soft with water mush. Simba also has her hard food her soft food and water on other side. I do have the born free it's like kmr but didn't know if I should mix it in so juse used water. Simba had a field day eating her plate the kittens and the kittens hard stuff. I put on my finger for all 5 to eat a little mush the only one who ate it was the black and then the black saw simba eating and she went to the plate. So proud of her. The rest were not so interested. One orange went to litter and I noticed was nibbling it. I didn't remove her from litter because I know they need to explore but just cleaned of the litter from face 1 or 2 pieces. They were all moving around but there were 2 urine opps. One I cleaned up and the other simba cleaned it up I didn't intervene. I'm hoping she won't move them because I opened space. She was eating the mush also. They are sleeping. Hopefully they learn from her to eat and I'll help also. For the litter when they woke up I put 2 at a time inside litter but none of them went to bathroom. My worst nightmare is if they slept in their own urine so I been cleaning and changed towels. I also put 2nd pet bed I purchased this smaller inside the space but they like the towel. They do climb on it. I lined the cardboard box litter box with a wee wee pad. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I'm worried about the smaller 2 but the smallest the grey I hope will be okay. She did nurse them 1 time quick and the other time longer tonight. But definitely has cut down nursing them. The black one when she was eating off finger I felt teeth so it might be that their teeth hurt her. Any tips for litter training other then just putting them in after food or sleep. I hope they will eat the mush I put down. I'll try a few times a day. I kept the mush down for a few hours I didn't take it away but don't want them to eat spoiled food either. For the kitten hard chow can I leave it out or do I need to mix it up with water for easier to eat. I have it dry. They really didn't make a mess I was surprised. Maybe they are still too young. I just want them not to be hungry. Thanks for listening and helping :-)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I gave you a longer answer to most of your questions above, but it sounds like it was a good first try. They are a little on the young side, so it will probably take a couple of weeks, but I think you should keep trying since Simba is not nursing them as much.

I do think it would be good if you mixed in some of the Born Free instead of water. You can also soften the kitten chow with it if you'd like. It's easier for the kittens to eat.

Do you have weights yet?
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  • #178


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
mommyofsimba mommyofsimba

Simba is eating lots because she is working hard nursing five babies. Down the road when she is done nursing and has been spayed, her appetite will diminish.

You can introduce mush anytime now. See if any of them are interested. You can always leave kitten chow down if you need to be gone. They still have mom's milk too for now. If they are not interested just keep trying every so often. If one or two show interest, feed them and the others will catch on eventually. Feed Simba her food when you show the kittens theirs so Simba will hopefully not eat theirs. This can be a struggle, but hopefully she won't care for the mush.

You can begin putting the kittens in the litter box anytime now too. Just put them in and let them check it out. One or two at a time. Eventually they will watch each other and figure it out. But just putting them in and even taking a little paw and showing them how to "dig" gives them the idea.

Then you just begin putting them in here and there in the morning when you get up, at night before bed, and various times during the day, especially after they eat, will help. It may take a little time, but they will eventually learn. They won't have formed poops until they eat the mush, but it does sound like they have more pee - probably because they are drinking so much milk!

When they are sleeping you don't have to wake them up for mush. They will eat mush and continue to nurse, but they will slowly begin to eat more solids and nurse less. You can leave the mush down for awhile and let them sniff it and come back to it while they are learning.

You can put the lights on, or at least lamps, during the day. Light is good for everyone, even if it is just low lighting. There is plenty of dark when you are sleeping. TV is good noise for them. Some cats even like looking at the screen! (Mine do)

I hope I covered your questions. I think you're doing a great job!
Hi thank you for such wonderful help and answers. I did try before the mush and then again just now because they woke up. I am right in same room and a very light sleeper hence not so much sleep since they been born. :) I put them each in litter box but no goers. The black one ate again from my finger and then the plate. Even walked to litter box by self but nothing came out. Should I be concerned for ones tasting the litter box nonclumping litter.? I saw this again and took them to the food. I don't know if that was correct but I am scared of them getting poisoned. I left water and one of the orange drank a little so cute. Right now there's the 2 small litter boxes I will get a real one I'm using cardboard fancy feast carton it came in and another small box. Simba I hope won't move them now that the space is bigger still cardboard box is protecting them all. But there is room for the paper plates of kitten chow a plate of mush I mixed with water not kmr hope that was ok and a small water bowl then a little away is the litter and more away is there towel they sleep on, they don't like soft pet bed I also have in there. Simba just went to feed them now this is the 3rd time I saw quick earlier like a minute then a real nursing and now but the whole day she didmt really nurse them maybe trying to make them independent. In morning when I get up if they are sleeping do I wake them up and put them in litter box or no? Sorry if these sound like dumb questions but I don't know at all. I know you said don't wake them up for mush but for bathroom would that be the same. That is so cute your kitties watch tv. There's no tv where they are but they hear it. I been putting on netflix movies happy movies with some music. I will work on getting a lamp because the light is very strong and all day might annoy them. Simba has so much anxiety that she likes to nurse in dark I noticed or dim light. I know this doesn't happen over night with eating and litter training. Anything I should look out for. I feel bad for the ill grey as lil grey is the smallest he's active but was waiting as soon as Simba came back over to get fed. I tried putting food on finger like with all of them but didn't eat it. I guess it will take time. I will weigh them tomorrow if there is no weight gain should I bottle lil grey or any of them. Or they are old enough now. They will be 4 weeks friday. You have been such a lifesaver :-) so thankful. I also ordered 10 cases of the fancy feast turkey to be ready for them. :rbheart:
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  • #179


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
I gave you a longer answer to most of your questions above, but it sounds like it was a good first try. They are a little on the young side, so it will probably take a couple of weeks, but I think you should keep trying since Simba is not nursing them as much.

I do think it would be good if you mixed in some of the Born Free instead of water. You can also soften the kitten chow with it if you'd like. It's easier for the kittens to eat.

Do you have weights yet?

Hi okay I will do the born free tomorrow maybe that will work better. I was just worried for kitten chow to be mixed because it might spoil sooner so I didn't even put water but tomorrow I will do the born free for both. Simba has been eating their food even though she has her own but they are hopefully seeing that and can mimic like the little black one. Hopefully more interest. Sorry I didn't refresh the browser so didn't see your responses to what I wrote. If I repeated anything in this or before I'm sorry.
Last weight was sept 6th I will do tomorrow sept 8th. I didn't want to overwhelm them because now that they are getting bigger it's hard to weigh them because they move a lot and not so happy to get on scale. Hopefully when I report weights they will have some good weigh gains! ;) :rbheart: thank you so much


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
No, do not wake them up to use the litter pan.

I think you should offer the little gray baby a bottle. He really seems to need it.

They are very young still, so you may need to coax Simba into nursing more. Of my four kittens, 2 took to mush at 5 weeks, and the other two at six weeks. So you can see that it's a process. Simba needs to keep nursing more than once a day. You may need to put her in with her babies, or bring the babies to her, to get her nursing more for a couple more weeks.

When you see the kittens trying to eat the litter you should stop them. Even though it's non-clumping they do not need to eat it.

It's great your black kitten is already going for the food plate! They all will eventually.

Keep up the nice job!