Young Cat Has Stopped Eating Moist And Occasionally Eats Dry.

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  • #21

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Its Wednesday night and the vet is closed with no test results. I called twice and was told they would call if the results came in.
Of course I have been anxious all day and can only think the worst. He is eating more. I gave him more tuna water and noticed he ate some of his bigger dry food. I know I should not give him tuna but I gave him less than spoonful twice. Tonight I found a moist cat food in a packet I had never heard of so I tried it. Fresh fish and he liked it but did not eat much. I did notice he turned his head when he was chewing the fish. Maybe the bad tooth cause him to do that. He likes biting me however when we play.
We also played a lot. He likes to "bait" me so I'll chase him and then he rolls on his back and wiggles. He hardly slept during the day
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  • #22

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Thursday morning. The blood/urine test results are in and the numbers are perfect except for a very slight elevation in the kidney enzymes which for now is not worth worrying about.
I have booked an appointment for dental on October 4. Thank you all for listening to me and my anxieties.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Well, at least the results are normal for the most part, which is good news, although I just hate it when we know something is wrong and can't figure out what :sigh:. Happens all the time with humans too. Hoping it's just the sore mouth that's bothering him. I don't know what else it could be at this point.
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  • #24

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
But he is not the same. He is not eating and drinking less. I thought I might try a pain killer to see if its his mouth and the vet can get me 5 days worth of Buprenorphine for a mere $75. Can you believe the price.
He is also crying more and today I forced a bit of moist cat food into his mouth but he fought like crazy. The nice thing about cats is if they have food on their faces they like it off.
I even found a pure tuna cat food but he won't touch it. I don't know what to do. Do we have a problem or am I just obsessed.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Did the Vet check to make sure he isn't dehydrated? I'm guessing so, as that's usually one thing they always check for, but you mentioned he isn't drinking as much. As long as he's eating enough to sustain, (which means 2/3 his normal calories), then he should be fine long term. (meaning he shouldn't develop the dreaded liver issues associated with not eating enough)

I'll tell you, recently one of my cats went COMPLETELY off his food for a couple of days, so we rushed him in since he's our cat that normally eats any and everything, and everything was perfect with his bloodwork, and no blockages, etc. Our only option was to try to force feed him, which was a nightmare as he fought tooth and claw, and he's a pretty big cat, so we ended up wearing more of his food than he did. Anyway, we kept trying to get food in him (because we HAVE had another cat with Hepatic Lipidosis and never want to go thru that again) and finally I guess he got so fed up with us coming at him with the syringe that he just started eating again. I'll admit I tempted him with every topper I could think of, so maybe it was some of those. I don't know what else to advise you to try. You've tried tuna juice...have you tried using FortiFlora as a topper to his wet food? Or crushed treats of any kind? Or parmesan cheese (from the green can) Have you tried slightly warming the stinkiest canned food you can find, which would probably be some fish flavored one? He may be meowing more because he's hungry and trying to tell you so. Or maybe get some Nutrical and rub it on his paw and hope he licks it off rather that shakes his paw and it end up all over the house. OR, try making his wet food as soupy as you can to make licking it as easy as possible. Maybe use KMR to thin it out rather than water, because you don't want him to full up with water rather than nutrients. Maybe, just maybe, once he starts eating again, he'll continue eating. That's what my guy did.
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  • #26

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
No he is hydrated. He does drink but not as much as yesterday. He is still active but obviously hungry. No matter what I put down he walks away. At the moment there are 8 bowls on the floor.
I do heat the food and add water making it into a mush. I tried to feed him by putting food between his teeth and that was partly successful. I did not think of using a syringe which I will do after I write this.
He has had a very small amount of tuna (which I do not want to give him but...) and tuna water. I even grind his dry food into a powder but nothing seems to work.
I called the clinic and left a message saying he was crying and would not eat. But never heard back.
I am really lost on this.
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  • #27

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Further. I went to my files and dug out a dental estimate from about 18 months ago. The low was $600 and the high cost would be $1200 and that included blood work. The estimate I got this week was $1200 low and $1600 high. And I had paid $400 for blood work!
I inquired why such a big difference. Answers were as expected such as overhead increased, drugs more expensive and his teeth are BIGGER!
I gave him a dose of buprenorphine and he will have 3 all told today. I also bought a can of Hill's A/D and he ate a good chunk of it. He is eating dry food but likes it best when I throw it and he finds it. Yes he IS blind!
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  • #28

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
He has had 3 doses of buprenorphine over yesterday and this morning. Last night he just sat on the floor and would not sit with me which is rare. He had no more moist food but some dry.
Later in the evening we played for a good 20 minutes with a string and a toy. he was running and jumping and rolling on the floor.
He has not touched moist food this morning and in fact runs from it when I offer it.
Still very frustrated. I hate the unknown.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
As long as he's eating the dry, he'll be ok for now, but it is frustrating, I know. And curious too, as if a dental issue, you'd think the wet food would be much more appealing to him :dunno:.

One of mine is kind of off his wet food right now too. He will eat his freezed dried raw, but only "dry", which I normally serve only as treats. But he completely refused both his lunch and dinner last night, and then this morning only ate his breakfast begrudgingly after I handed him a couple of the freeze dried raw treats, then crumbled a couple on top of his wet food. But I swear it took him at least an hour of messing around before he finally finished. And I can't leave his food down without monitoring it, otherwise his brother swoops in and polishes it off. I knew my guy was hungry, because he kept coming in and sniffing, then walking away. The goof. But he just had his semi-annual exam less than a month ago and everything was fine, so think he's just being picky

:vibes::vibes::vibes:for your little man. $1600 for a dental. And I thought WE paid a lot at $750. Guess I won't complain anymore :wink:
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  • #30

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
From what I heard the moist food juices will go between the teeth and cause pain. Dry food for the most part is just chugged intact.
I gave him a half cc of A/D in a slurry and he has been picking at his dry. But he is so active its unreal. I can hear him jumping down from window sills and running along the hardwood floor.
Will be giving him his next dose of "nup" shortly and then may go out to find some decent dry. He is eating Whiskas now but I don't think its the best.
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  • #31

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
It is really frustrating. He has had 10 doses of buprenorphine (pain killer) which if it works should allow him to eat. If he does we know its a tooth issue. Well he is not eating much at all except some dry. He is ultra-active which might be a result of the meds as it contains an opioid and he acts like he overdosed on cat-nip. I called the vet but she is not in and my back up vet is not there either. I have a call in to a vet tech I know but still waiting her call. The receptionist wants me to go in tomorrow for another check. I am sure they will want to do more $$$$ testing. I don't mind paying if I get satisfaction and results. Even considering going to another vet but most are booked up for weeks.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi its tom the cat .

IF you wanted to consider another Vet, there are three members of the American Association of Feline Practitioners at cat-only clinics in Victoria:

Dr. Christine Baer
Heritage Cat Clinic
955 North Park Street
Victoria BC V8T 1C4
Phone: (250) 381-7131
Fax: (250) 381-7133
Practice Type: Feline Only

Dr. Helen Bell
Pacific Cat Clinic
3555 Ravine Way
Victoria BC V8X 4Z1
Phone: (250) 727-9522
Fax: (250) 475-0117
Practice Type: Feline Only

Dr. Ellen Everson
Pacific Cat Clinic
3555 Ravine Way
Victoria BC V8X 4Z1
Phone: (250) 475-2287
Practice Type: Feline Only​

Membership in the AAFP does not necessarily guarantee expertise/feline competency......often, though, it's a good place to start looking.
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  • #33

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Thank you. I only know of Dr Baer as we used her with previous cats. We liked her. Its nice to know she is there regularly which saves agonizing waits for some vets to go to work.
The only problem I had with that clinic was any surgical work, x-rays, blood work, etc was not done on site. The cat had to go to a general 24 hour a day hospital, a place which I never liked.
My current vet clinic sees dogs, cats and pocket animals but I feel their true love are dogs.
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  • #34

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Here is the latest. As you recall my cat stopped eating moist food which he was crazy about. Started eating dry. The vet took a blood/urine panel for $400 and the results were good. The cat stopped eating and after re-examine the vet wanted to put him under and clean his teeth and check for problems. I was reluctant but felt I had no choice. The surgery was done and they extracted 2 upper teeth, one on each side. This cost me $1710.
Cat came home was a tiny bit groggy as he had a 72 hour dose of buprenorphine. But he was active and hungry.
Today is the first full day after surgery and he plays but won't eat much at all. And will still not eat moist.
The cat today acts exactly like he did before surgery. Plays, is active and very much alert except he is not eating much dry. Incidentally after he had stopped eating moist food and only dry is weight rose by 190 grams over a week. I am afraid to weigh him now because of his lack of eating.
I wonder if the dental extractions surgery were really necessary or just a money making ruse.
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  • #35

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
Took him back on Sunday and one of the better Vet techs looked at him. Told me to hold back on the moist and the oral-jel for the gums for 2 weeks. He has stopped eating most dry and is not the same cat as before the surgery. Not as active. He always used to meet me at the door but now is asleep most of the time. I put a half cup of dry out this morning and 8 hours later there is still a half cup remaining. I called the clinic and got the vet tech whom I could always rely on. I saw her Sunday and today she started yelling at me as if I was not telling her the truth. He was okay Sunday although stressed after the clinic visit. Now she can't believe me when I tell her he has regressed. I am starting to believe there was a misdiagnosis and it seemed tooth extraction was the cover up. Angry and worried.
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  • #37

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
This whole episode started when he suddenly stopped eating moist food. I tried at least 8 different brands including some special diet brands from the vet. After his dental surgery they said he should eat moist for a week but he would not so I gave him watered down kibble.
I did try his regular moist today and no luck. And he still has not had any kibble. The half cup is still there.
The vet tech who was rune/frustrated with me said she would call back tomorrow. But in the morning if he is still the same I will try to get him into another vet. But most have long waiting lists for new patients.
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  • #39

its tom the cat

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 8, 2015
Victoria BC
I should have written rude. Thanks for pointing it out.
She was my favourite tech as she also clips my bunnies nails and we have had a good rapport. I just spoke to a vet at a new clinic in the neighbourhood and made a tentative 9 am booking. He and I both hope I won't need it (providing my cat eats).