Wow, I'm in real bad situation


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
I strongly advise you to cut off all contact with him - I'm serious. If you love your husband, you cannot love another guy (in the same way). Too many affairs result in actions like you describe.

Whatever energy/time you are putting into this online "affair" (as its one thread away from being one), you should be putting into your marriage and husband. How would you feel if your husband was doing exactly what you are doing with another female?

Before you ruin your own marriage and the marriage of this online friend - cut off contact now.

And go see Fireproof (the movie with Kirk Cameron) - you will see how easy it is to cross the line. If you value your marriage, you'll stop what you are doing.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
Originally Posted by Yosemite

While I don't think of it as being adultery, what you are doing is not right and if the tables were turned and it was your husband doing what you are, I think you would be very, very hurt.

You are playing with fire and as Natalie_ca said, it's all romantic online but in real life he is just as human as your hubby and may even be a lot worse.

I think you already know in your heart that what you are doing isn't right or else you wouldn't have come here to even talk about it.
Nothing more to add, I just agree to cut all ties with him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
What you are feeling is beginning-of-the-relationship infatuation. And you are feeling it for someone who has been showing you only the good bits about himself. You do not really know this guy.

If you want a divorce from your husband, do it right now. Your infatuation may or may not leave his wife. But don't slowly destroy your husband and your marriage (and a part of your soul) by continuing to "see" this guy. You are on slippery ground that could lead to betrayal.

That's my advice.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 25, 2008
New Brunswick
I have been where you are years ago and I totally realize how hard it is to tear yourself away from the romantic fantasy you have in your head about this guy. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s almost like an addiction, you just cant get rid of it because it is so exciting… at least thatâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s how I felt. I went completely crazy with my situation. In the end I had to sit back, and think really hard about if it was worth it.

Instead of advice, I want to give you questions. Think long and hard about them. Is it worth losing your husband over? Is it worth hurting your husband? Can you see yourself with this guy in the future? Would you leave your husband now, even if this guy was NOT in the picture? Think in your head the reality of telling this guy how you feel. Then, think about telling your husband your in love with another guy… can you do it? Are you mentally strong enough to deal with your decision to openly state your emotions?

People can tell you to do things or not to, but in the end your probably going to do what you want even if its destructive… The one thing you can do before you decide anything is REALLY REALLY think about what you are going to do, and the consequences and if you and others can handle it.

Also remember people can get very hurt in these types of situations… so please be careful, you may have to carry the burden of guilt for a very long time if you donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t think long and hard about this.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 16, 2007
I agree with everyone else, just stop talking to this other guy. There is no way you could really love him, as you have never met him in person. I do believe you think you might love him, but it is really impossible to love someone that you have never met. You may think you know somebody you met online, but it is SO easy for people to lie & get away with it over the internet. He could have lied about everything he has told you, possibly even the fact that he is married. Its just something you will never know. If you love your husband, stop talking to this guy. It really isnt worth it, especially since you say nothing could ever happen with him since he is married. Plus, like others have said, if the situation were reversed and your husband thought he had feelings for another woman online, it would break your heart, right? I was kind of in a situation like this, only it was with a guy i worked with. I am not married and neither is he. i worked with him 1 day a week and we flirted alot, and i could imagine myself with him instead of my bf, but sooner or later my bf found out i was talking to this guy. Though i never told him that i had a huge crush on this guy, he was still very upset about it. He could sense that i had feelings for the other dude. I quit the job (it was only part time, and i had another full time job too), and completely stopped talking to him, even though i didnt want to lose him as a friend. My bf and i worked things out, and he doesnt even bring it up at all. It wasnt worth everything i went through wit my bf over someone i only saw once a week and barely knew. You are married and its different, not only because of the fact that youre married, but because you do not know his other man. Period. You may not want to lose him as a friend, but it is just not worth your marriage.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 22, 2007
Goshen, IN
Originally Posted by SwampWitch

What you are feeling is beginning-of-the-relationship infatuation. And you are feeling it for someone who has been showing you only the good bits about himself. You do not really know this guy.

If you want a divorce from your husband, do it right now. Your infatuation may or may not leave his wife. But don't slowly destroy your husband and your marriage (and a part of your soul) by continuing to "see" this guy. You are on slippery ground that could lead to betrayal.

That's my advice.
I don't want to leave my husband. This whole thing is stupid really, I just got caught off gaurd.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Originally Posted by Yosemite

what you are doing is not right and if the tables were turned and it was your husband doing what you are, I think you would be very, very hurt.

You are playing with fire and as Natalie_ca said, it's all romantic online but in real life he is just as human as your hubby and may even be a lot worse.
I agree with this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Originally Posted by luvmycat1

I don't want to leave my husband. This whole thing is stupid really, I just got caught off gaurd.
That is good to hear.
But by being in the other relationship you are beginning to start to leave your husband. Be careful if that's not what you want, and good luck!
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  • #29


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2007
Goshen, IN
Originally Posted by SwampWitch

That is good to hear.
But by being in the other relationship you are beginning to start to leave your husband. Be careful if that's not what you want, and good luck!
There is no relationship.
We are just friends and I think I got carried away. I just need to put myself in check.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
Originally Posted by luvmycat1

There is no relationship.
We are just friends and I think I got carried away. I just need to put myself in check.
This is a crush. Nothing more, nothing less. This is NOT having an affair. This is not infidelity. Once you put it back into perspective, you can have a very good friend on the other end of the cable.

I had the same type relationship with a very close friend. We started out talking, moved it to flirting as we both admitted we were crushing and infatuated with each other. We both admitted we would never leave our SO for the other person. We are now best friends who can tell each other the things we would never tell our spouses. He told me about the hot new clerk at work, and I told him about the cute new mail guy. (we're committed, not blind)

Now that you have realized it is a crush, you can deal with it easier. Don't tell your husband anything. Just ride the fun ride. Put the new feelings to work, transfer the crush to your husband. Thats what we did.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 28, 2005
Ogden, UT
Originally Posted by luvmycat1

First let me say I love my husband very much. I have a friend (guy) online that I've kinda falling in love with. (OOPS) He's happily married and there would never be anything between us. I haven't been able to tell him how I feel because I'm afraid he'll back away and I'll lose him as a friend. I feel like if I don't get this out I'll self destruct. What should I do about this?
I would not tell him nor would I talk to him anymore. It is not fair to your husband or his wife. Nor is it fair to him to put him in that position. I know how it feels to have a spouse talk to others on the internet and that is even hard to swallow even when the other person is married because of this very reason. I hate it when my boyfriend starts talking to girls on the internet. Just think of how you would feel if your husband was talking to some girl on the internet that you felt had other intentions other then just friends. Maybe Im wrong but I bet it wouldn't make you feel good.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 28, 2005
Ogden, UT
Originally Posted by fwan

I know others have said to cut him off, you should if you know he is completely happy with his wife.

But firstly look at your relationship, is this working with DH?
even if he is not happy it is still not fair. People who are having problems with their marriage don't need to make it worse. They need time to work things out or get out of it. Until they make that decision and are no longer together or living together he should be off limits no matter what. Same for your marriage. I know you are happy and not thinking of this now but you are still walking in dangerous waters right now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Originally Posted by Sweets

We started out talking, moved it to flirting as we both admitted we were crushing and infatuated with each other. We both admitted we would never leave our SO for the other person. We are now best friends who can tell each other the things we would never tell our spouses.

Now that you have realized it is a crush, you can deal with it easier. Don't tell your husband anything. Just ride the fun ride. Put the new feelings to work, transfer the crush to your husband. Thats what we did.
How much time do you spend investing telling secrets and sharing your life with that someone else on the other end of the cable in the "best friends" way when you knew you were both infatuated with each other, just from the Internet? Just seems to ME, wrong. If your husband was doing this with another woman, how would you feel? Knowing it is/was a crush and he is/was infatuated with them and now considers them a best friend where he tell secrets to them he wouldn't tell his wife? To me, this is dangerous and emotionally cheating and would make me feel not right.
Originally Posted by Sweets

Don't tell your husband anything. Just ride the fun ride. Put the new feelings to work, transfer the crush to your husband. Thats what we did.
Ride a fun ride? Sounds like the ride that leads to no place good. Who is the "we"? You and the Internet friend are now sharing those type of stories about the transfer of feelings/emotions/passions? Oh boy.......
Please be careful! For everyone who is involved sake. It isn't just you two, you two each have SO's, maybe kids involved, it is more than just you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Originally Posted by luvmycat1

I don't want to leave my husband. This whole thing is stupid really, I just got caught off gaurd.
Good reality check! Now just stop talking to the "other"


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 26, 2008
Why even put yourself there? You are married, and he is married. There is nothing right about it, not even for yourself. Step away from the computer and put that man on ignore - you have no business talking to him like that. Period. I have not read any of the other responses, I could care less about the popularity vote...

I can tell you right now - It's not worth the hurt. Seriously, I could just cry for your husband and the other mans wife.
you said it... "Wow, I'm in real bad situation" - Yes, very "bad" and sad.

You can't help who you fall in love with, but once in love - It's a choice. You have a choice to be loyal and loving to that man the rest of your life. It's all choice. After that, nothing is accidental.

LOVE IS A CHOICE. Make it and walk away.

edit to add: Karma - I believe in it 10 fold. If you think a cheating man, or you... a cheating woman will get a "good" long lasting relationship that was created out of cheating - Think again.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
First of all, he is a married man. Whether or not you are married, this will seldom ever be a winning situation for you. I have heard of so many women having affairs (knowlngly) with married men for years, and still wonder why the guy does not divorce his wife for them...hello...why should he? Not to be crude, but he is getting the best of both worlds. Someone is cleanin and cooking for him; and he gets exciting sex aways from home. Also, in my opinion, a person who cheats on their spouse like that will not make a good spouse for anyone else (I realise that there may be some legitimate reasons for technical adultery--such as being in an abusive relationship with someone who won;t grant you a divorce, etc., and the abused spouse is seeking love elsewhere). I saw this happen in my family. My uncle was cheating with the neighbor;s wife; they both divorced to marry; years later, he was shocked when she cheated on him. Even if someone commits adultery, and the other spouse says they forgive them, and takes them back, you can bet the other spouse will never trust the cheating spouse ever again.

I also agree with what others have said--you don;t even really know this guy (heck, he could be a she for all you know). You say you are happy with your husband, and love him. Are you willing to throw all of that away for this????

My advice: STOP now! Do not let this go any further. The hard part: not renewing the relationship, since it is an online one. It would be sooo easy to do it again, unless everyone changes their email adresses, phone numbers, etc., so you both have absolutely no way to contact each other. This realistically is not gonna happen, so you will need to have self-control.

Also, I would not tell your huuby about it. Just stop it immediately, before it becomes *mental* adultery. If you have any evidence of this relationship, such as printed-out chats or emails, destroy them now.

Put yourself in your hubby;s shoes--imagine how hurt and angry you would be, if the tables were turned.

Also, you should do some deep soul-searching, and ponder why you wish to be involved with another man. What is missing in your marriage, and how can you work with it to make a better marriage?

I hope you don*t think I am being harsh or mean. I am just telling it the way I see it, and truly hope this does help you in some way.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 16, 2007
hmm if it was me, I would take a break, if possible get a couple days off near the weekend and take a trip by yourself, leave your computer and phone at home and just spend some time with yourself and your thoughts. I agree its very easy to fall for someone online since it is "safe" and fantasy, but it could just be pointing to a problem in your marriage, and if so, getting away to think about where the two of you are, where you were, and where you want to be might be a good idea. Besides, if nothing else you can see who you miss the guess is when it comes down to it, it will be your husband...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
Originally Posted by cococat

How much time do you spend investing telling secrets and sharing your life with that someone else on the other end of the cable in the "best friends" way when you knew you were both infatuated with each other, just from the Internet? Just seems to ME, wrong. If your husband was doing this with another woman, how would you feel? Knowing it is/was a crush and he is/was infatuated with them and now considers them a best friend where he tell secrets to them he wouldn't tell his wife? To me, this is dangerous and emotionally cheating and would make me feel not right.
Ride a fun ride? Sounds like the ride that leads to no place good. Who is the "we"? You and the Internet friend are now sharing those type of stories about the transfer of feelings/emotions/passions? Oh boy.......
Please be careful! For everyone who is involved sake. It isn't just you two, you two each have SO's, maybe kids involved, it is more than just you.
What my post was saying is that once you admit it is an infatuation, it is no longer dangerous. Once I admitted to myself that he was just an infatuation, the "Oh my goodness, he's online. I HAVE to talk to him" feelings were put into perspective. We are NOW best friends. Both spouses know about this friendship.

My SO had no problem with me having male friends because he wasn't threatened by it. He knew I loved him, and he knew our relationship was strong. Same reaction from my friend's spouse. They also knew that full and complete disclosure is not the healthiest way to have a relationship. There are things in my past I would never tell a new SO. And yes, there are things in my daily life that really doesn't have to be shared at home, because they are insignificant. If I happen to notice a gorgeous man in the store, I didn't run home and tell my SO. But I can tell my best friend and drool over the eye-candy. (Like I said, we were committed, not blind) Just like you would tell your best friend about the gorgeous pair of shoes or dress. Or how much that dress really cost that you snuck into the back of your closet.