Worried About Adopting a New Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 17, 2016
I've got a 3.5 year old kitty named Honey Pie. We do everything together, from sleeping together every night to eating at the table together to watching movies and tv shows together. I have never had such an inseperable bond with an animal.

A day or so ago, I was with my friend and her family had a litter of kittens. I tried playing with a few, but they are all still very skittish as they are not very well socialized with humans yet.

There was one particular kitten that i had my eye on from the minute I got there. I tried petting her/him (we aren't sure on the gender yet) a number of times, but she would flinch at the sight of my hand and bolt every time.

However there was something about this one kitten that caught my attention, and i eventually picked her up and set her next to me. Once she was next to me, she just stood there looking up at me in awe. I started to pet her head and before i knew it, the kitty was on my lap, sound asleep.

I want to adopt the kitten and bring her home. However, I'm utterly afraid and worried that my cat at home will feel replaced and that the bond that the two of us have will not be the same.

What should I do?

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
That's tough.  My recommedation would be NOT to bring home a kitten, and if you MUST bring hme a kitten, bring home a male.  Still, you and your female have a great bond now and females do not usually take kindly to other females entering their territory, no matter how small.  Also, you have shown tht these kittens are not very well socialized so the new kitten would probably be terrified and miserable for quite awhile.  I do recommend that people bring in TWO kittens if you have an older ct in the house, because the two will play with each other and not bother the older cat looking for a buddy.  It's just a happier situation.  So if you must have this new female, bring one of her brothers too.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I hate to say it, but I'm with red top rescue red top rescue on this one - especially if you live alone. A new kitten is a LOT of work, and it's almost inevitable that Honey-Pie would feel pushed out to some degree (her personality/demeanour will dictate just how keenly she feels this though).

If you can't resist this kitten (and they can be VERY seductive in all their cuteness), then do have a male sibling too - ideally one she's close to. I would never have a lone kitten by choice, as they really can run you (and, in all probability, Honey-Pie) ragged, which will only increase the chances of Honey-Pie feeling left out.

Also, I strongly advise you to do a scent swap with this kitten, the sibling and Honey-Pie before making a final decision to go ahead. If Honey-Pie reacts in a strongly negative way to the kittens' scent, then you will have a real problem on your hands when it comes to introductions. Far better to find that out now than a few weeks down the line.
