Working from home and cats


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 9, 2015
Trying to hear some funny stories from people who work from home and have cats that do things to distract them. 

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I work as a level 3 technician at a law firm, I do 3 days onsite, and 4 days on call and working from home. I have an office, but I also have a few laptops that I like to move around my home as well on nice days or if I want to sit on the couch. 

All of my boys and girls seem to be keyboard sleepers and walkers. They also love to find any cord I have out and have it be their personal play toy, even though I have most of my cords tied up and put behind my desk, they still seem to like the other little ones I have out.  Sometimes I like it when they jump up on my lap or onto my desk, but sometimes if one of the sites I'm doing something for has a big problem and I'm in a hurry I'll get frustrated. I like having all of the doors in my house open for them besides the bathroom because of there being the holy grail for cats which is the toilet paper roll.

Also forgot to mention the mouse pointer on my screen is more interesting to them than a real live mouse.

I really don't mind it to much honestly though, because I think having them jump onto my desk once in a while makes me happy and wakes me up sometimes in the morning or in the afternoon of a long hard day.

I would love to hear stories from others that work from home and have a cat or cats that sometimes interrupt their work. Also would love to hear something that you have done to stop these behaviors.  
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2012
I work in IT for a small company, and I can do pretty much all that I need from home, so I end up working from home at least 2 days a week.

We use Skype a lot to catch up, and because it's just me in the house I normally don't bother with headsets, I just use the speakers and microphone. Which means my cat sometimes feels like he should contribute during calls by meowing in the background. It got particularly funny on the day where my coworker's cat started doing the same thing at the other end of the call.

The laptop is being left alone mostly, however Pims does love getting in the way when we use the desktop computer. He'll just swish his tail all over the monitor, chase the cursor and (my personal favourite), will just lounge on the mouse mat, all around the mouse making the device pretty much unusable.

Only thing that really bothers me is the amount of hair that gets in the keyboard, not to mention the occasional drooling on it :|