Won’t stop attacking me…


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 20, 2021
So my cat of almost year (he’s 15 months) has had a bad habit of attacking me. While I at the start handled it poorly (and tbh still do) he has gotten better as he has gotten older. But he still will attack even if not as frequently…sort of.

So now I can be sitting on my couch and just out of the blue he’ll jump at attack my leg (aims for knee) or onto my lap and suddenly my right arm is now being attacked. He’ll also do my hand/arm when petting. Thing is sometimes a firm no works or a pist. Other times it just makes him become more aggressive in his action. Sadly when this point happens I get mad and fustrated and grab and toss hi or toss him in his room cause otherwise my arm will get all torn up. I already have a lot of scars on my arms and legs from him. I have toys for him and at one point a kickeroo but at some point he got the inside part out and I’ve yet to find his hidding spot for it.

I’m at a loss on how to fix this behavior. Ignoring it just won’t work cause I’ll be a bloody mess. It’s also a reason why I’ve not taken him to my parents cause I don’t want him to just randomly attack them and cut them up too. Behavior treats and drops might be part of why the attacks aren’t as often but could just be age. Afraid that if it’s not fixed soonish this could also be a lifetime habit that will never go away which makes having kids around be hazardous for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I don't think putting him in a separate room was the worst thing to try, so if that is all you did when mad I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. Its not a great method since only an immediate response to the biting really gets linked up by the cat, but it could work for some, even though it didn't for you.

You could try gently but firmly holding him in place to make it not fun, but that might be difficult if he is really determined. The majority of frequent posters are very against the squirt gun, but that is something else I'd try if nothing else was working. You'd need it with you where the attacks occur, since if you have to run for it, the effectiveness goes way down.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 20, 2021
Ya, I’ve done the gun before but at one point he just endured it. And I’m afraid I do toss him when he gets aggressive which might make it a game for him…but it’s to get him away. If I try and hold him by the scruff and release him after a bit, he tries to go for the kill agai.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I don't think tossing is evil as long as you make sure the cat isn't hurt, but yeah, I can't see it working either.

Your in a tough spot I guess, with a really determined biter. Have you thought about a kitten? I don't usually recommend it for a bored older cat, but your cat is still of an age where friendship is close to guarrantied. Its not a sure thing that it will help, but the worst case is that you still have a biter and a kitten also being a bit of a PITA at times, doing what kittens do. If its something you've thought about, now is the time, since the odds of friendship will slowly decrease over time as your cat gets older.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
A couple of things to try. First, I wouldn’t let him sit near you. Better to give him a gentle push to the floor,than wait until he attacks to do it. And I would always keep a good sized and thick pillow on your so he can’t bite unless he climbs the pillow, which gives you time to push him off. Hopefully if he misses out on the fun of the attack he will give up the game.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 20, 2021
I don't think tossing is evil as long as you make sure the cat isn't hurt, but yeah, I can't see it working either.

Your in a tough spot I guess, with a really determined biter. Have you thought about a kitten? I don't usually recommend it for a bored older cat, but your cat is still of an age where friendship is close to guarrantied. Its not a sure thing that it will help, but the worst case is that you still have a biter and a kitten also being a bit of a PITA at times, doing what kittens do. If its something you've thought about, now is the time, since the odds of friendship will slowly decrease over time as your cat gets older.
I already have two cats and the elder already dislikes him lol. If she would interact with him then maybe some of this could be avoided…if I could find the kickeroo ag then it may help.