Wintering feral in Minnesota


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
I have a lot going on and not able to research and plan. I have diabetic kitty, spouse with cancer, already took in a stray etc

I have a new stray on a rural property in Central MN. I think it is feral. It's a large cat, maybe 13 lbs? I cannot accommodate another stray in my very small home with few rooms.

I have a nice wood outbuilding that isn't heated. I have one of those outdoor cat tents with outdoor heating pad. It's the brand name one. I question is that is enough in MN, but it's sturdy and I can throw an old sleeping bag over it. It's got enough room for 2 or 3 cats.

But I worry about the heating pad failing.

I need a backup option. I don't know where to buy straw. And how will the cat know to go to the other spot if the heating pad failed? Maybe get a second tent?
Which one is best?

Easier solution is preferred. I'm overwhelmed. I'll try to get a camera in the building and a remote thermometer.

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  • #2


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
Low temp can be -35°F/-37°C in winter. I can monitor more on very cold days, but I think the cat is feral. I could imprison it for winter, but that is much more work. It's a fun old farm building that a cat would like, other than no heat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Good on you for wanting to help this cat, even with everything else that is going on with your life right now.

Having a place to shelter that is out of the wind is very helpful for feral cat. Will the cat be able to get in / out of the building on its own?

Straw should be available from a farm supply store or a garden center. Enough straw for the cat to burrow into is very good.

Get one of those silvery looking car windshield sun block things (NAPA Auto Supply will have them). Trim with scissors to fit just inside the box. Place silver side up. Cat's body heat will be reflected back at the cat.

A smaller shelter is easier for cat to maintain body heat than a large open space. Can you set up a shelter inside the building?

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Is there anyone willing to help you? Sounds as if you’ve quite a lot to do!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 14, 2022
…I have a new stray on a rural property in Central MN. I think it is feral. ..

I have a nice wood outbuilding that isn't heated. I have one of those outdoor cat tents with outdoor heating pad. It's the brand name one. I question is that is enough in MN, but it's sturdy and I can throw an old sleeping bag over it. It's got enough room for 2 or 3 cats.

.. I don't know where to buy straw.
Good for you. Having a building like that will keep them out of the wind and deep snow. I am in New Hampshire and I totally understand/share your fears for the feral kitties now as winter looms!

I don't know where to buy straw.
- I wanted clean straw, not from a farm, so I purchased some from Amzn, not knowing what to expect— I was very pleasantly at what I received for $25: 100% Wheat Straw Grass, sold as animal bedding. I got 4 lbs, way more than I needed. Local farm stores will probably also sell it. Just don’t get it used from a farm.

Insulating smaller “cat houses” (that hold 1-3 cats each):
I don’t have any outbuildings, just a large yard, so I purchased two Ecoflex houses (although they have gone up in price $20 since I bought them a couple of months ago). But they are slightly insulated, and I also taped reflective foam core insulation to the inside ($25 for a large 48@x10 foot roll, more than I needed!). I then stuffed them 1/2 full of the straw.

(Side note: little birds immediately enjoyed that because they are also making their nests right now! But they did not take much.)

2 smaller “houses” like the one mentioned above, with some insulation, are better than one large space for their bodies to retain heat. Placing the smaller “houses” inside a larger protected building is ideal; so glad you have that available.

I will try to think of other ideas as well!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
Ok, I think I will use a cardboard box and attach foam insulation inside, then put straw.

Is it a mistake to offer the heated cat tent? I wonder if the cat will figure out to go to the other shelter if the heating pad failed. I will put a remote thermometer in there, but the heating pad could fail at 1AM and I wouldn't know.

There are a couple small pieces of siding that fell off near the door, and it's a perfect cat door. If I put a litter box and food and water in the building, the cat may not venture outside much. It's 2 story withan open farm staircase, big windows with tablesto sit on and look out, a perfect house for a cat except not insulated and no heat.

I had a feral in there before, I tamed her (she's since passed away) but my prior setup was very high maintenance.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
The other nice thing is because the building is about 800 square feet, the cat can hide while I service the food, water and litter box.

Another thing is I think someone died or moved away and left many cats. I took in another cat this spring, and the one I need to help arrived soon after. I think there is a third cat, maybe more. Will they get along in winter?

Also how do I get the cat to go in the building.

Thank you so much!!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 14, 2022
The other nice thing is because the building is about 800 square feet, the cat can hide while I service the food, water and litter box.

Another thing is I think someone died or moved away and left many cats. I took in another cat this spring, and the one I need to help arrived soon after. I think there is a third cat, maybe more. Will they get along in winter?

Also how do I get the cat to go in the building.

Thank you so much!!!!
How do I get the cat to go in the building.
There’s no guarantee they will use it, especially before it gets snowy or reallllly cold. But once it gets cold enough it’s very likely. I would suggest putting a trail of catnip leading to it. I wonder if others have suggestions.

Others can chime in about where to feed them. I try to keep food and sleeping areas separate.

If they eat during the day, you could try feeding there a couple of times so they are aware of it, but don’t leave food there overnight or it will only attract predators to where you’re trying to have them sleep.

If you can keep the feeding station outside of the building that might be best. I don’t know your setup but some people feed on one side of the property and set up their sleeping quarters on the opposite. Again, it’s because food will attract predators. (Sometimes in the middle of winter it’s hard to pick up food dishes in time, especially if it’s all ice out!). I know some longtime feral caretakers do feed in the “cat house” though. Again, others might chime in.

If you don’t have many other predators in your area, it might be safe. Here, we have fox, bear, mink, coyote, large owls, you name it. (We also have raccoons, skunk, and oppossum, but they tend to snuggle with cats in winter.)

Will they get along in winter?
Cats who keep their distance from each other for the rest of the year will suddenly become “buddies” once it’s cold enough here in New England. Instincts kick in and they know that’s the best way for them to survive.

(Sorry; I didn’t see your post because I’m only allerted when somebody quotes my post, I will figure how to fix that.)
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
I will have to think on the food matter. I think I have an idea.

Yes, there are coyotes, wolves, owls, bobcats, pine martens, otters, everything. The entrance is too small for coyotes.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
A follow up question. A couple years ago, I made a feral cat box out of a foam cooler and put straw in it. But no animal ever used it.

Ideas to get cats in there?

Should I also offer the cozy heated shelter for now, it's too big for one cat, and the cats would be smart enough to move to the straw one in January?

The heated tent shelter has a 40w pad in it, and I could wrap the whole thing up in an old sleeping bag and tape Styrofoam on the bottom.

Tx for tips


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
When my feral cats were living outside, they refused to use anything with straw in it. I was stunned. Not one of them would use the shelters with straw. One year I had a covered deck space and used outdoor heat pads on a love seat. Each year I did more and more improvements. Here is a link to a few of the shelters I have made.

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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
I have the K&H multikitty heated AFrame. It was good for my stray cat in the garage who now lives in the house down to about 20F this spring, when he showed up.

I have a spare outdoor type K &H heating pad (40W, protected cord) with fleece cover. Maybe I should just set up the existing AFrame in the granary, a nice wood building. Then I can put the extra heating pad into an insulated cardboard box in case the AFrame heating pad fails?

The K&H products are very good, but I don't want to fully rely on 1 heating pad. I can try and put a remote thermometer in the cat shelter to keep track, but I worry a lot about a 1 AM failure. Also the cat may lay on the thermometer. My wifi doesn't reach very well, but my husband is working on that.

I have to set up a feeding area yet. I feed a rehabbed raccoon already, and no doubt stray cats eat some of the dog food. So I'll put it nearby, but with escape routes. Raccoons will be going to sleep soon for winter.


I'm so grateful. I get very stressed with all stray cats in winter.
Screenshot_20221103-165112_Amazon Shopping.jpg
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
PS the AFrame has no insulation. I throw a doubled fleece blanket over it. I would add a sleeping bag for winter. But it's kinda big for one cat.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
If you are your husband are handy, you can build an insulated cat house quite easily. My DH built 3 of them. We then installed a Hound Heater along with 2 of the K&H heated pads. When it was below 0 outside, the heated houses were around 40. I had multiple cats using them. I used wireless thermometers to keep tabs on the temps. I also used wireless ip cameras to keep tabs on them cats.

If you have electricity I would really recommended an insulated house with a Hound heater. Then put a wireless thermometer in there to keep tabs on the temp. I did this for many many years with my feral boys. I worried and worried, but they always survived.

I moved 5 years ago, retrapped the feral cats and they all now live inside. Outside life is hard. Yet you have a very kind heart and want to do the best. The kitty will be ok with your help.

Do you have a heated water bowl to keep fresh water during the winter? Also can you feed wet food? It is so much easier for a feral cat to digest as it takes little energy. Dry food is ok, but it takes more calories to digest.

As far as attracting the cat to the shelter space, you can try catnip. Food is not a good idea as it attracts other critters.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
The trouble is I have a lot going on. Hubby will be getting chemo soon, cat newly diagnosed with diabetes and more.

I like the hound heater. I had something homemade, similar with a light bulb in a black metal can and sometimes the bulb would burn out.

The website says not to have bedding.

I have a large wood and wire mesh cat enclosure in the outbuilding that a feral cat lived in years ago. It's about 4' long by 4'high, 2' wide with a couple shelves to jump on. It's got rigid foam insulation and old sleeping bags on it, I should ressurect that.

Do u think the hound heater will be safe if I hang it high up and have an outdoor safe heated sleeping pad and another unheated pad for when it's too hot? They can sleep on shelves too, but those are wood and not padded.

I love your setup. These cats will have an excellent wood building with wood floor, complete with mice, but I have to pull together what I have for now.

I do have a heated cat bowl, need to check it, but it's not cold enough yet
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
Actuality 2 feral cats have used that enclosure. First one was in my house before I moved to the country. That's why it's a cage and not just a little house. I tamed them, but it's time consuming.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
The hound heater is designed to use in small spaces. The wooden enclosure I used it in was about 2' high, 2' long and 20" deep. I did not use bedding instead I used a rigid K&S heat pad.

I too did the lightbulb method, but the light bulb would burn out. The hound heater is great. I had 3 of them at one time. Yet they suggest insulated houses and also not very big.

You do have so much going on. I would definitely try the rubbermaid with stuffed straw. You can find straw at many lawn and garden centers now as they are often used for fall displays. Just make sure when you get it that it is dry.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
ah! i see you have a plan to get a critter cam. That should help too. please keep us posted!
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2022
I don´t have the rigid outdoor heating pad. Do you know if it is a lot better than the large regular outdoor pad that´s got a bit of air in it (there´s room for 2 or 3 cats on this pad)? The prices went up a lot this year so I prefer to use what I have. I will set up what I have for now today and I can upgrade it as it gets colder.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
The one you have is fine. I used both at different time. The rigid ones seemed a bit warmer.

I have used many cameras to keep tabs on the cats. If wifi isn't great, you can use a trail camera. I have used Amcrest and Foscam wireless ip cams for years. Yet I know Wyze are cheaper and I think Blink too.

Use what you have and make it all as easy as possible for you. You have so much going on right now. My thoughts are with you.