Will My Kitten Become Distant Towards Me If I Get Her A Companion Kitty?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2019
This has been a very big concern on my end, and I really would appreciate that you could help me with this dilemma. Sorry in advance for the wordiness and grammar errors, English is not my native tongue.

My little kitten, Eve, just turned 7 months old and is a spayed female. She used to have attachment issues when she was young, so I felt like she gets lonely while I work 9-5. So I am debating on adopting another kitten buddy to accompany her. However, I don't know how she is with other cats.

Eve is shy and not the most active kitten.
I once had to foster a feral kitten for two weeks. I used the "slow introduction" method and after a week, the two kittens seemed fine and they were wrestling and chasing each other. The sad part is this: during his stay and even after he left, Eve seemed stressed and she did not interact with me at all for a month. (The foster kitty was a very energetic dude, so I guess that energy stressed Eve a bit.) Because of that incident, I don't know if she would go well with a lifelong second sibling or not. I don't want to "give it a go" and regret it later, because I care about Eve (and the cat about to become family), and the relationship I have built with her.

This is the selfish part (please deeply regard this, even though this may sound really egoistic):
Eve is an Emotional Support Animal. I adopted her due to my worsening depression, and she has helped me overcome lethargy and sustain through mood swings A LOT. Because of this, I am GREATLY attached to her. More than she relies on me, I rely on her. It would be heartbreaking if things go well and the prospective second kitty draws my little one's affection/attention (yes, I get jealous over a cat. I'm that petty, please bear with me, sorry) or if things go wrong and Eve gets bummed out like before and distances herself from me.

TL;DR: Multiple cat owners, did your first cat give you as much affection and cuddles as before getting him/her a feline buddy? Also, how do I know if my kitten wants a second cat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I would look for a very calm kitten that is smaller/younger than her (a male might work but the kitten’s personality is the main factor.) You should get an extra cat tree, maybe a few cat shelves before the new kitten arrives. Plus you will need 3 litter boand 2 places that offer food and water. That way no cat can guard all the resources. I would follow the cat introduction article on this web site.

Be careful what you wish for...... in my experience 2 cats means 2 cats demanding attention from you. I think you will end up with more kitty loving and that after s month or two Eve will be just fine.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Three litter boxes spread out in your place, in st least 2 rooms. Again just to prevent one cat from guarding the boxes or food.

I think fostering to adopt is a great idea. Tell them you are looking for a calm mellow kitten to match your calm mellow kitten’s personality.