Why I've Been Away

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Hey Jill! Glad to hear that it was happy news that was keeping you away! You're forgiven

"Man cave"
Every man has to have one of those! My DH is hiding out in his right now.

I'd love to see pics


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
I KNEW IT!!!! Yay for you Jill. And when you are done, you can come back to Animal Crossing and pick up that orange you put on my bridge. I never moved it "in memoriam" of you, LOL!
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  • #25


TCS Member
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May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by kluchetta

I KNEW IT!!!! Yay for you Jill. And when you are done, you can come back to Animal Crossing and pick up that orange you put on my bridge. I never moved it "in memoriam" of you, LOL!

I knew you knew it, but I didn't want o jinx it after the last time! I am so ready to be there full time, but right now we are still fighting to get our darn fridge delivered... Sears is on my last nerve!!!

Originally Posted by CoolCat

...what about the
I have to get it a little more presentable before I can put up pics... But I PROMISE I am taking tons... some before and after shots too... like we had to fix peeling paint in the kitchen ceiling... and some other stuff too... so... I am working on it.. I can't wait to get Kitters over there. We have to have the fridge and a few more things moved so we know we will be there with her most of the time... right now we have been leaving her at home overnight but she atleast knows the place... so.. I still feel bad leaving her but I can't keep driving at 4am... it's so much work right now!! But I am happy to have it!

I'll keep ya posted! Ohhh... last night we found a cute little critter.... A tiny tiny tree frog! He's so cute.. I will have to put up some pics of him... he's about the size of DH's first knuckle on his thumb... We let him go outside again, but he was a doll!!!! We also have toads, or just regular frogs in this pond thing in the front yard. They are cute too! Tree frog still wins in cuteness though!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Ooo! I'm just seeing this! Congratulations!!!! Getting a house and moving is a whole lot of emotions and stress and work all at once! But getting settled is just a wonderful feeling! And take your time getting pics....we've been in our house for almost 2 months and I've still not taken any!
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Ok, I've got a few minutes so I am going to give you a couple pics!

First of all.. (All clickable thumbnails! and thay are not flipped in the thumbnail for some STUPID reason, I so LOVE photobucket... grrrr But.. they are right when you click them!)

This is our welcome mat on the front porch.

This is our welcome mat on the back porch.

This is us on the front porch the day we signed!

This is ONE of our TWO toads.

These next three are of the cute little tree frog.


Isn't he just so cute and so little!!!

Ok, this is our backyard as we were mowing it. You can see where the grass is high in the back.. that is still our yard too. We go all the way back to the building.

This next one shows the way back part being mowed. It was SOO dry and dusty!!

Ok, the kitchen ceiling had like a layer of thick plasticy feeling paint up that was peeling down badly in one section, and to sign we had to fix it. So before we closed we were working on it and I scrapped down the part that was peeling:
And it looked like this... then, DH decided to let's do the WHOLE ceiling!!!
And he started pulling the rest!
You can also see the REALLY ugly cabinets in the back that need to be done badly, but what we did do was paint that top black part white when we did the ceiling and walls... You'll see how that looks in a few too!

We did get the whole ceiling down to plaster again and spackled and sanded to make it all pretty, primed and painted and this is what we have now!


So, those are my pictures for now. I will get more up of the other rooms as they get done. With DH being a pack rat this move is taking longer and I am STILL waiting for my freakin' fridge to be delivered so we can get Kitters over there and stay there more. We have been sleeping there most nights but I go home everyday about twice to feed and water Kitters.. I just feel so bad that she's not there yet. But I know she can handle it at home alone, I just don't want to leave her in a new place by her self much. She might get into trouble. So, we need to get a few more things there so we are going to be spending the majority of the time there with her. I think within this next week she will be there too! i am going to being a gallon of water from the current house since we have well water so she can try it and move into it slowly. I am also going to catnip her before the move. She hate's the car so much!!!! But it's not a real long ride.. Any other helpful hints for moving her????

I'll keep you all posted!



TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

This is our welcome mat on the front porch.
This is our welcome mat on the back porch.
Oh Jill all are terrific & fantastic pics my friend, I love your mats of welcomed!
for sure all furry friends of kitters will going to visit her and to clean all paws very well indeed!...

Brilliant my friend!...
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Ok... So, this weekend we were moving a lot of stuff and moved one of Kitters boxes and she wasn't able to get into her window where she normally does... so at 2am we packed up a bunch more things we were leaving to keep her happy, grabbed her food and potty and loaded her in her carrier. She started BAWLING!!!
She cried the WHOLE way there. She hates the car so much. We had her in her crate with her little box she sleeps in on a towel and with a couple toys. Daddy covered her crate so the lights wouldn't bother her as much and we kept talking to her the whole time. She was very mad at us. When we got there, we brought her in, and let her peak around from inside the carrier and then I was talking to her more and petting her and I opened the door and let her come out on her own. Daddy sat in front of her on the floor by the TV and she eventually came out, wandered a bit right by daddy and then climbed in his lap and made him pet her. So, daddy carried her through the house and showed her all the rooms, showed her where her potty and food and water was. She was very scared and kept hiding... so after her hiding under the flap on the side of the couch for a couple hours, when we went to bed, we carried her in with us, and I put her in a clothes basket with her fuzzy blankee and made her a little tent like she went to sleep and so did we. SHE NEVER LEFT THE THING ALL NIGHT. So, this morning we kept talking to her and she finally crawled out and went under the bed. So we kept taking turns laying on the floor talking to her and one of us was in the hall and one in the room, so kinda block "the bad things" that she thought might get her and she started checking the place out. She wandereding into the tiny room, wandered into the bathroom, then I had to go to work. After about an hour or two at work. DH gets me on video chat, and he shows me my little girl standing by the hallway, and he calls her and she walks through the living room and jumps on the couch! She wasn't scared at all. She has already claimed her spot on the edge of the couch and daddy said she was checking everything out and already chased an ant!
I had the BIGGEST grin on my face ever. I was so happy!
I'm so glad she isn't completely traumatized with the move. I think she's going to be very happy now!

Now, to see if she will go to her potty by herself.. (it's in the bacement!)


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
awwwwwwwwww Kitters!...

Don´t give more headaches to Meowmy than she got now!...
help to her with the move!...

...... for kitters set very fine on new home...!.-....


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
well done Kitters for settling in so quickly!
Love the "beware of the cat" mat.

Kudos to you for doing the ceiling. It looks sooo much better. OMG, I hate doing anything with ceilings. Ugh, that's hard work!
I think you guys are going to be very happy here in your new home.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by CoolCat

awwwwwwwwww Kitters!...

Don´t give more headaches to Meowmy than she got now!...
help to her with the move!...

...... for kitters set very fine on new home...!.-....
Originally Posted by pushylady

well done Kitters for settling in so quickly!
Love the "beware of the cat" mat.

Kudos to you for doing the ceiling. It looks sooo much better. OMG, I hate doing anything with ceilings. Ugh, that's hard work!
I think you guys are going to be very happy here in your new home.
Kitters is getting along quite nicely now. She even started eating again tonight!
She wouldn't play with daddy at all, but after I got home from work, I had her runnin' and playin all over. She has the two paws up approval that i brought her toy balls with us, and she has been batting them all over the place. With 300sqft she didn't have that luxury of them going as far as they do now and she is LOVIN' it!!!
She's still a little jumpy when someone comes in the other door or the floor creaks when she's not lookin' but I think within a week she will be completely back to normal.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Ok, to keep this thread related to the house I started a thread in Cat Pics, so I can keep adding pics of Kitters!!!!

Here it is!

I will keep house pics in this thread as I add them!